Act Two: Chapter IV: Abyss

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July 10 2535

Alex along with the Resistance managed to make it to the outpost where they heard the outpost had been radio silence for the last three hours and it was not good news to begin with.

Peyton continues to haunt Alex as Alex was trying to keep his sanity but sometimes he's doubting himself at times. Alex didn't know how that crazed man knows his name and ways to destroying the marker.

Chris opened the front entrance as They looked at the hallways and it was a mess. They saw Bodies tangled up and blood all over the floor and ceiling.

Esmeray: Jeez.

Tobias: Those Poor Bastards.

Maria: Do we really have to walk in?

Michelle: The silence is bad enough but we have to see if there's any Survivors.

Chris: Right. I'll keep Ellie Posted.

Chris was reporting to Ellie as to what happened as Alex was staring at the walls covering in blood and he started to write something as Maria and Esmeray was looking at him.

Esmeray: What are you writing?

Alex snapped out of his thoughts as he wrote those strange symbols he saw on his mind as He looked back at them.

Alex: Nothing. It's just........

Tobias: You scared to move forward?

Alex: Kinda........

Alex knew there was death waiting for them on this outpost but There could be Survivors that needs saving. The Team moved forward as They were looking around the dark corners. As Daniel said before. The Necromorphs have grown increasingly smart for some reason and There Tactics kinda scared some of the Resistance members.

The Team kept moving forward as They heard crying and screaming. A Survivor was nearby but Alex didn't trusted it one bit.

Alex: Wait. Dont trust it.......

Maria: Are you out of your mind?!?!?!

Alex: Those Necromorphs are trying to lure us. We can't fall for it.

Esmeray: Wait, He's right. Whatever is crying is bait that will lead us to our death.

Tobias: But what if its-

Chris: Maybe they're playing with our minds.

Michelle: *Sigh* So What's the plan now?

Alex: This Outpost might be crawling with Necromorphs and We can't risk staying here. We need to leave.

The Team nodded as The Sounds of crying turned into Angry Growls as The Team knew it was a trap as They tried to get out but They saw a swarm of Necromorphs blocking the exit.

The Team turned back as They were running away from the slashers, Lurkers and Leapers chasing them as They kicked down the canteen door and blocked it as They stood back.

Tobias: Dammit. Looks like we're stuck here for a while.

Michelle: There's another exit in the far east but There's hostiles waiting for us there.

Esmeray: So Its death on every corner.

Maria: Not until we work together.

Chris: I guess we need to more careful if we want to get out of here.

Alex was just looking around in the canteen as They were staring at him.

Tobias: He looks.....Odd.

Esmeray: When I first met him. He didn't trusted me one bit.

Chris: He's also quiet.

Maria: Should we trust him?

Michelle: I trust him but if he turns out to be those crazy unitogist then we kill him.

Alex was walking as He saw a half eaten body and Alex walked past it as The Team decided to get out of the canteen and keep moving forward.

They kept moving forward until they saw something on the walls as they looked closer at it until the dead body on the wall started screaming and turned into something scary

Esmeray: Shit, Its a guardian!!!

Guardians are strange type of Necromorphs fused to the wall and have resembles of a human.

The Guardian shot out its tentacles as They all started shooting at it and continued shooting at it until it was dead. The Team went through a door as The Door closed by itself and started malfunctioning as Alex was separated from them.

Tobias: Shit, Alex are you okay?

Alex: I'm good, I can't get to you guys.

Maria: I'll shoot coordinates to your RIG. You can meet us there.

Chris: Be Careful Alex!!!

Esmeray: And Dont Hesitated in doing something stupid.

Michelle: Good Luck.

Alex and The Resistance went their own ways as They needed to get out of the outpost together.

The Team were in a dark hallway as They were looking around and saw more blood splattered in the walls including a writing on the wall.


The Team knew this was a technique to kill the Necromorphs faster. The Team kept moving forward until They heard a loud scream as they turned around and saw something coming out of the vents.

Chris: Exploder!!!!

Exploder is a another type of Necromorph. It carries a chemical like bomb and kills itself along with any one near it.

The Team shot the yellow bomb as it exploded. Several more exploders along Slashers and Leapers came out as Maria shot the yellow bomb and killed multiple Necromorphs but more Necromorphs were coming out as They started running.

Meanwhile Alex was navigating through another part of the outpost as He had his Plasma Cutter ready as he kept looking around. He got inside the main room as He saw the computers had static only. Alex saw a door and tried to proceed through but then......

Peyton: You can't escape from it and you'll know the truth and when you know it............I'll be waiting for you.

The Computers went back to normal as Alex was holding his head and stared at the wall until He saw a lurked jumping at him as it tried to cut his head open but Alex threw it down and shot its tentacles killing it instantly.

Alex continued walking until his head started showing him strange visions including something else.

Alex kept holding his head as Visions of the Marker were haunting him.

Alex fell down as he was holding his head again until He kept moving forward. Alex saw a door broken as he knew the only way to get to the other side is by using the vents next to him. Alex decided to get inside the vents as it was a bad idea but he needed to keep going as he kept crawling until he managed to see the light.

Alex opened the vent as he managed to get out as he turned around and then.........

Peyton: MAKE US WHOLE!!!

Alex kept fighting back as Peyton was trying to drive the syringe near his eye until.........

Alex snapped out and realized he had the syringe in his hands. Alex dropped it as he was starting to feel even more scared and terrified by what just happened. He dropped the syringe as He was holding his head until he put his helmet on and kept going.

One Hour Later

The Resistance along with Alex managed to escape the outpost as They headed back to the military base. The Team reported this to Issac and Ellie as They were now upset that they lost One Thousand men in that outpost. They needed a new plan as They were talking about their supplies so far.

Issac: Alright Listen up. Me and Ellie found out about a Necromorph Nest that needs to be destroyed.

Ellie: If One Of those Necromorph Cocoons hatches then we'll have even more trouble.

Issac: And The Rumours about Neon City Outbreak is true. There is a Marker In Neon City.

Daniel: But That's Impossible. We never even seen that Marker.

Ellie: Nobody had believed that either Daniel. Right now We need to destroy that Nest and Find That Marker.

Maria: After That?

Issac: We'll figure out our next move from there.

The Team nodded as They rest up for today while Alex was by himself until Issac and Ellie approached him.

Issac: What's the matter with you?

Ellie: Your looking odd since you came here.

Alex: I'm just.....Tired....That's all.

Issac: Something else must be bothering you. You dont need to feel scared Alex. We're here to help you.

Alex: Its just these Necromorphs kinda freak me out and I haven't been the same since I woke up from my sleep in that Mental Hospital.

Ellie: Wait What happened to you?

Crazed Man: They Tortured us!!!

Alex along with Ellie and Issac saw the crazed man walking towards him as He went to Alex.

Crazed Man: My Names Brian Storm. Alex......They Tortured us........They wiped your memories off.

Alex: Who?

Crazed Man: Those Fuckers did something to us but we have a cure.

Issac: You remind me of someone I met back then.

Brian: Look Clarke. We dont have time. Alex is slowly dying and I'm starting to lose it.

Ellie: Wait Dying from what?

Issac: Alex.......You were exposed to the Marker?

Brian: Not only that. Me and Alex made a Marker in Neon City. That's how the infection started.

Alex: Wait what?!?!

Ellie: What do you mean by this?

Brian: Look The Marker planted symbols in our minds. They gave Me and Alex a blueprint to making a Marker. Because of this. Me and Alex created a Marker in Neon City and that's how it all began.

Alex was confused as he was holding his head and had visions coming in his mind before he fell unconscious.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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