Sweet Twilight

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Indecay appears to be exceptionally gleeful this evening. The reason for their good mood is the knowledge that they are about to embark on a date with their romantic partner, Ouritar. Ouritar is a grade older than Indecay and can rightly be referred to as their "Senpai" or senior.

Indecay truly cherishes Ouritar, who constantly displays affection and concern for them. Indecay takes the time to properly bathe themself and put on a touch of make-up in order to improve their appearance. However, they find themselves facing a dilemma as to whether They should opt for a skirt or pants. Indecay considers the question, with the hope that Ouritar would prefer one over the other.

After the extensive mental deliberation, Indecay decides to stick to their usual appearance, consisting of a black jacket and their hair tied up neatly. Indecay grabs their bag and proceeds to exit their home, positioning themself in front of the park to await Ouritar's arrival.

Indecay patiently waits for Ouritar's arrival, when suddenly they feel a hand encircle their body. It's Ouritar, who kisses them on the cheek and comments on their lovely appearance. Ouritar then takes Indecay's hand and leads them over to a nearby amusement park.

Ouritar guides Indecay around the amusement park, taking them to different amenities and attractions to enjoy. However, after a while, Ouritar and Indecay take a small break due to the former over-extending themselves without giving the latter any opportunity to rest. Ouritar goes to get some beverages for both of them, leaving Indecay to idly stand by and wait until Ouritar returns with their refreshments.

Out of nowhere, an elderly man approaches Indecay and begins engaging in behavior that makes the younger individual slightly uncomfortable. The man suddenly grabs Indecay's hip and starts to caress it, causing Indecay to experience waves of revulsion.

Exactly when Indecay was about to strike the elderly man, he was suddenly pushed away by a third party. Upon looking up, they discovered that it was none other than their boyfriend, Ouritar, who had come to their defence. Even in a state of anger, Ouritar maintains his composure and addresses the matter politely, expressing his disapproval of such actions being performed towards a teenager.

As the man begins shouting and throwing a tantrum, Ouritar simply declares that he is Indecay's partner. Without the desire to further perpetuate the situation, Ouritar abruptly pulls Indecay with him, intending to avoid further trouble. He stop for a moment, turning his gaze back to Indecay, presumably to ensure that they are doing alright after experiencing the unwanted advance.

While Ouritar continues to exhibit concern for Indecay's wellbeing, the latter casually assures him that everything is fine. "I'm okay. It's really not a major issue." Indecay nonchalantly accepts the drink offering and begins to gulp it down swiftly, treating what had just transpired as an insignificant event. Ouritar continues to watch over Indecay, obviously worried for the younger one's safety.

Despite their attempts to speak with optimism to Indecay, Ouritar cannot seem to shake off his lingering concern regarding the matter. He notices that Indecay's attention appears to be focused on the cotton candy shop. Ouritar relinquishes his drink into Indecay's possession and proceeds to purchase cotton candy for them to enjoy.

Ouritar returns back to Indecay's side with the cotton candy, providing it to them with a smile. Indecay takes a bite of the sugary confection with enthusiasm, enjoying its sweet flavor. As twilight falls, Ouritar safely guides Indecay to their home, providing a soothing and endearing conclusion to their romantic date.

Ouritar returns back to Indecay's side with the cotton candy, providing it to them with a smile. Indecay takes a bite of the sugary confection with enthusiasm, enjoying its sweet flavor. As twilight falls, Ouritar safely guides Indecay to their home, providing a soothing and endearing conclusion to their romantic date.

Ouritar has a brief conversation with Indecay's mother prior to bidding them farewell and returning home. As the night falls, Indecay joyfully records down the happenings of their delightful dates into their diary and proceeds to head to sleep with a gentle smile on their face.

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