Chapter 16.1 | Kata

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"Hey Kitty." said a smug voice, surprising Kata.

Kata had just walked out of the bathroom after getting control of her anger but of course, Hunter was leaning against the wall right next to the cafeteria door, undoubtedly trying to look cool when in reality he just looked ridiculous. However, that didn't stop Kata from freezing in her tracks and trying her best not to let her hands start shaking again, but not from anger. This time from fear. "Oh I'm sorry, it's not Kitty, it's Kata K right?"

Okay, now it was definitely anger.

Kate told Hunter about their nicknames? It was such a simple thing and yet it hurt so much. No one had ever called her that but Kate and it felt like such a breach of privacy. What else did Hunter know about her? Now she was both scared and mad, and she couldn't keep her hands from twitching just a little bit so she stuffed them in her hoodie pocket to hide it.

"Hi to you too Hunter," Kata said with much more confidence and attitude than she felt. Hunter pretended to look hurt.

"What's with the harsh tone Kata K? I thought we were friends." Hunter pouted, then gave a menacing grin.

"Whatever Hunter, I have to get back to rehearsal," Kata replied, making a beeline for the doorway, but Hunter stepped in front of her.

"To rehearsal? Or to that little girlfriend of yours?" Hunter smiled, knowing that those words hit Kata in the way he wanted.

"She's not my girlfriend," Kata said through gritted teeth, taking her hands out of her pocket.

"Really Kata K?" Hunter replied in an innocent tone.

"Don't call me that."

"Well, see I just got confused." he continued, completely ignoring her. "See you guys were holding hands, and you're just a little gender-confused bitch, so I thought your girlfriend had gotten confused as well just by being around you. You know, confused about you actually being a girl despite the fact that you just look like a really ugly guy. Ooh or maybe you roped her in by tricking her in some way? Is that it Kata K?" Hunter smiled, waiting for Kata to get riled up.

Now he was roping the transgender community into this in addition to the gay community whether he realized it or not, and Kata's anger doubled, but so did her fear and self-doubt. Being trans or gay wasn't a bad thing at all and Kata hated it when people used it as an insult, but some of Hunter's other words were cutting her deeper than she would have thought. She clenched her fists at her side, fighting back tears and staring Hunter in the eyes even though he was taller than she was, trying to appear fearless. "I said, don't call me that," was all Kata could think to say, even though she had so many other words she wanted him to hear.

"Or what?" Hunter said, smirking. "You'll beat me up with those manly muscles of yours?" Kata made a start towards him, all her sadness and insecurities being blurred out by her rage. She was no longer acting with her mind but with her emotions. Hunter, however, turned out of the way right before Kata reached him and shoved her into the wall. Kata hit her head hard and back hard. The wind was knocked out of her, and it took all she had not to start crying from the pain. Hunter had her pinned to the wall by putting his hands on her shoulders. He leaned in close to her and dropped his voice. "Listen to me Kata K, you shouldn't be allowed to walk the halls of this school. You and your girlfriend have no right to hold hands in public either." he paused and Kata could feel his breath on her face. "You are a freak. You don't mean anything to anyone and you never will." He leaned in even closer, and Kata could feel herself giving up. She couldn't fight what was true. She blinked the tears out of her eyes. She would not let Hunter see her cry, she just wouldn't. "You. Are. Nothing." And just like that, the tears that she had gotten rid of came rushing back. Kata was about to start sobbing, which she knew would end badly for her until a voice cut through everything.

"Hey, asshole! Leave Kata alone!" Alex yelled. She was standing there like a miniature Black Widow and looked like she would fight anyone who tried to get in her way. However, when Kata looked closer she could see that Alex was covered in goosebumps and just doing her best to make words come out of her mouth.

Hunter gasped sarcastically. "Speak of the devil! Look Kata K there's your little girlfriend now! She's come to save you." Hunter let go of Kata to adore the "couple." "Aw how cute," he said, his expression dropping into a smirk once he finished his words. "Well," Hunter said, going over to pat Alex on the shoulder. Alex immediately shot a glare at him that Kata swore could cut through any material on the planet. "Your job is really easy today because Kitty and I were just having a little conversation. Isn't that right Kitty?" Kata couldn't look at him or she would surely break down right then and there. All her anger had faded and Hunter's words just kept swirling around inside her head.

You are a freak. You are nothing.

Hunter looked between the two girls and smiled. "See you guys later." He started walking off. "Goodbye Kitty." he waved, not turning around.

Alex ran over to Kata. "Are you okay?" she asked, putting her hands on Kata's arms. Kata didn't have enough strength to say anything or even nod, she just sank to the floor. She started crying silently, shoulders bouncing up and down. She turned away from Alex, not wanting her to see her like this, but Alex didn't go anywhere. She didn't say anything either. Instead, she moved to the other side of Kata so she could see her face and wrapped her arms around her. Alex sat there hugging Kata for what felt like forever.

After about ten minutes Kata stopped crying. "Thank you," she spoke in a raspy voice. She moved out of Alex's grip. She couldn't look at her. How could someone like Alex help someone like her? How could anyone help someone like her?

Alex didn't say anything, but she said everything with her eyes when she forced Kata to look at her. Alex wrapped Kata in another hug and held her until Kata was breathing normally again.

"I'm going to go tell Mr. Benj that I found you. Don't worry I won't say anything about this, but he was worried about you. I'll come right back." Alex said, holding Kata at an arm's length. Kata shook her head.

"No, it's okay." I've wasted enough of your time already. "I'll join you in just a minute. I'll be fine." Alex frowned but didn't argue with her. Kata looked away from her, too ashamed to meet her gaze.

"Kata?" Kata didn't look at her. "Kata look at me." She obliged. "You are something. You're something to me and a lot of other people too. Hunter doesn't know you like I do, and he doesn't deserve to. You're too good for him." Kata nodded, biting back tears.

So Alex had heard the end of their conversation.

Alex could tell that her words weren't sinking in. "Kata, you're my friend, and I am yours. As your friend, I wouldn't lie to you when I say that you are something, and like I said Thursday, you're an awesome something." Alex offered her a small smile, and Kata could feel some of her saddening thoughts subsiding.

"Thanks, Alex. You're a good friend," she said weakly. Alex gave her another smile then walked off to tell Mr. Benj that Kata was okay, but not before glancing back at Kata with worry filling her eyes.

Kata's chest felt a little lighter from hearing Alex's words. She was Alex's friend, and Alex was hers. Surely someone as amazing as Alex wouldn't want to be her friend if she were everything Hunter said she was right? Right.

Soon enough though, all of Hunter's words came rushing back. Kata felt numb. She wasn't sad or mad anymore, she felt...nothing.

I am nothing. Kata reminded herself.


Dear Sky,
What is this?
I'm empty
Succumb to darkness
I've lost all my stars
I'm scared
Darkness has cast its shadow
The skies that once brought me calm
Now look like they could swallow me whole
I am being suffocated
Underneath the light of the moon
It seems to be growing darker
And darker
Until all the land around
Is one
I'm numb
Black has faded colors
Without the stars to guide me
I'm lost on my path
Maybe the light is still there
But I can't lift my head to see
Nightmares rule over me
Torturing me through the night
I want to cry out
But I know no one should come
So the words never make it there
When will I wake up?


Dear Sky,
The manitou incline.
Less than one mile.
2,000 feet up.
One of the hardest hikes in America.
Very few attempt it,
Runners, military, even Olympic athletes want to reach the summit.
If something goes wrong,
It can take hours for anyone to reach you.
By then it could be too late.
If you slip and fall-
Will you ever get up?
Once you make the slightest wrong footing,
You could have to start over,
Go from the bottom again.
It's demanding, hard,
And just when you think you've reached the top-
It turns out to be a false summit.
You still have to go 500 feet up.
Seems like a small number right?
But every limb in your body will feel like it's being torn apart.
You'll want to collapse.
And no amount of water in the world-
Can quench your thirst.
You're slowly tearing your muscles away,
Chipping away at your body.
A little pain is healthy,
But too much and you'll never make it.
You'll never reach the sky.
You'll never make it to the top.
Will I ever make it to the top?

How To Reach The Sky:

Go up to the mountains

Do theatre whenever I want

Make a friend that I can talk to about these things.

Figure out how to be content like this

Climb the manitou incline


A/N: I don't like hurting Kata :(

Thank you guys so much for reading, I hope you hated this chapter just as much as I do. It just makes me sad. Please consider leaving a vote/comment.

I would like to remind y'all again that my PMs are always open if you need to talk about anything at all!

-Sunny <3

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