XII: I like you, Bianca

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Chapter Twelve
I like you, Bianca

3rd Person Pov

she got back to the room and she screamed into her pillow, she was mad at herself but what for? for not telling the girl of her feelings? for being mad at the girl for simply talking to someone else? she had no right to be mad or upset when she couldn't even tell the girl a simple thing. she couldn't even say that she loved her.

"serena are you okay in there?" she heard and she lifted her head from the pillow as she flattened her hair down and she sighed

"yeah I'm alright" she called hoping that the person would leave her alone and walk away but they didn't. she heard them sit down outside of the door and sigh

"are you sure?" they questioned and serena turned as she laid down and looked at the ceiling

"ill be alright, can i be alone for a little bit please?" she asked and she heard the persons sigh and stand up

"I'm here if you need me ser" was the last thing she heard before the person walked away and left her to her senses. serena stared at the ceiling again, she wanted to wait for something ,anything. but that didn't matter.

she had done her classes the next day and managed to ignore bianca, she didn't know what to say to the girl.

'im sorry for running out after i saw you with someone else' no that wouldn't work.

'im sorry that i cant tell you i love you' no that would scared bianca off and serena would lose her. there was no way out of this and she knew it. she was in the labyrinth of her emotions now, to get out of the labyrinth you had to tell the truth,you had to be honest but serena felt that wasn't in the cards for her.

be honest about what? the fact that she spent all of that time fighting with bianca over top student just so the girl would look at her for a second. the fact that all serena wanted was biancas attention. she couldn't be honest about that, being honest meant admitting defeat and she couldn't. at least not to bianca. she hated the way that she felt this way and she couldn't do anything about it. she hated it more then life.

"serena can i come in?" she heard and she opened the door to see bianca standing ther staring at her

"bianca" she said breathlessly and bianca nodded

"are you going to let me in?" she asked and serena opened the door wider for the barclay girl who walked in and looked around. she had never thought that serenas room would have so much color but she was wrong. the girl clearly needed to stare at things to get her mind off of school and the thoughts that plagued her mind. if color worked, it did and bianca could see that.

"its so colorful" bianca said and serena stared at the girl

"yeah keeps my mind off of the real world and everything happening outside of these walls" she said and bianca nodded as she sat down on the bed and serena sat down with her. in moments like this, she wished she had someone who would interrupt and ask if she needed help or anything but no one was there to save her this time. what did she need saving from? the girl she loved, why did she need to be saved if she loved the girl?

"why did you run away last night?" she asked and serena looked at the girl staring. she didn't know what to say but she knew that she didn't want to tell the truth. she didn't want to put it out there

"no reason" she said and bianca shook her head

"tell me ser, there's something bothering you" bianca retorted and serena raced her mind for anything, something, just a way to lie and not tell the truth but nothing was coming, it was now or never she had decided.

"i like you bianca" she blurted

"i like you too..." bianca said in confusion

"no i like like you. i think i might even love you. when we started this whole rival thing, i never meant for it to go so far and i never meant for anything to happen. i only wanted you to look at me, i did it to get your attention and so you would look at me. Bianca I like you more then a friend and i always have, i like how smart you are, i like how you joke, i like how you take care of your friends,i like everything about you and i always have. if I'm overstepping please tell me, please stop me" she ranted and bianca stared at the girl

"please say something" she said and bianca launched herself forward as she grabbed serenas face and she kissed her. serena was shocked and didn't kiss back for a second but when she realized what was happening, she held biancas waist and she kissed the girl back. she smiled as bianca did too. when people say that there are fireworks , they're wrong, it wasn't fireworks, it was an explosion that serena had wanted her whole time knowing bianca. she had wanted this for as long as she could remember and now that she knew the feeling she didn't want to let go. she didn't want to forget this feeling but there was no way she would forget the feeling, it was too good to forget.

"so you like me too?" serena asked as they pulled away and leaned their foreheads against each other. bianca laughed softly and nodded her head as she leaned forward and kissed the lockhart girl again

"of course i like you serena, I'm sorry i took so long to tell you" she said and serena shook her head with a smile

"its okay, i took long too" she stated and bianca nodded

"so what are we?" bianca asked and serena smiled

"my dear bianca barclay, would you do me the honor of being my lovely girlfriend?" she asked and bianca laughed and nodded with a smile

"i would love to" she exclaimed and the two girls leaned in and kissed again.

they were finally together and they were finally happy



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