11 - Raid Gone Wrong?

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"I can't believe you pulled this at such a busy time..." Kunikida sighed. "Are we really busy though?" I asked, curious. "You don't know?" He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "No. I haven't been busy, so..." I replied. He rolled his eyes. "I was attacked by the Mafia..." Atsushi mumbled. "Where's Junichiro and Naomi?!" He yelled with a worried tone. "They're being treated right now. They're okay." Kunikida said. "Are you sure?" He asked against "AAAAAAAH!" We heard Junichiro scream a little. "You have a bounty of seven million on your head, no wonder the Port Mafia are after you." Kunikida said. "Seven billion?" Atsushi said, a little uneasy. "THEY MIGHT ATTACK US!!!!" He shouted. "Losing your cool can cause you to get killed." Kunikida said. "You're book is upside down..." Atsushi said, as Kunikida flipped it right side up. "IM NOT LOSING MY COOL!" He shouted. Kunikida started attacking nothing with his fists. "YOU KILL THAT AIR, KUNIKIDA!" I laughed. "..." He growled. "Anyways, keep calm Atsushi!" I said, standing up, as me and Kunikida walked out of the room. "PSSST...!" I said, as we walked into the office. "What now?" He said. "Your glasses...!" I said, laughing, as he put them on his face. "So, you haven't lost your cool, huh?" I said sarcastically. "Quiet." He growled. Atsushi soon walked out of the room, dressed in his clothes. And we all heard an explosion not too far from the agency. "What the...?" Atsushi said, walking outside.


Me and Kunikida were carrying some books up the stairs, when we saw Atsushi. "Hey, brat. Come help." Kunikida said. "There's no need to worry." He said, as he walked out of the building. "Hey!" Kunikida yelled. "Hm... I wonder what his deal is..." I said, as we walked upstairs to the office. "I don't know, but it's pretty annoying." Kunikida sighed. We set the books down when we walked inside. We heard footsteps outside the door. The door flew open, and a familiar old man arrived with some gunmen. "Fire." The man spoke, as his men fired their guns. "NOPE!" I created the wall of fire, protecting Ranpo, Kunikida, Kenji, Yosano, and I. "Heh." I snickered. "You've made a bad move messing with us." Kunikida said, as we started to beat them up. "...!" Just then, Atsushi ran into the room. "Oh, there you are." Kunikida said, twisting the old man's arm. "Using machine guns for a raid was a bit over the top..." Yosano sighed, hands on her hips. "It's your turn to go around the area and apologize to the locals, Kunikida." She said again. "Heheh." I laughed, sitting on a desk, swinging my legs. "Tch. So it is the worst case scenario...." Kunikida sighed. "What should we do with them?" Kenji asked. Kunikida pointed to the window, as Kenji and I started heaving them out the window. "Have a nice day!~" I waved, as we finished tossing them out the window. "..." Atsushi started to laugh. I turned to see him, and he was crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked, running over to him. "I-I'm not crying!" He said, turning around. "But you are." Kunikida said, looking a bit amused. "I am..." He finally admitted.

Yes, I am in fact watching this anime over for the MILLIONTH time.


The next chapter will be out later today, so stay tuned! XD

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