14 - Despicable

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7 years ago...

"Alrighty... Defense..." Dazai said, as fifteen-year-old me stood in front of him and his gunmen. "What about them?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You're going to learn how to use your powers for defense, since you've probably got the attacks memorized!" He said, smiling. "My flames can defend?" I asked. "I think so." He said. "You don't know?!" I said. "Well, the boss told me that, based on his observations, you're ability is very similar to Akutagawa's." He said, as I narrowed my eyes. "That's the spirit!" He said, smirking. I hate him... Akutagawa. Why? Because he's the one who decided to try and kill me before I learned how to control my ability. Luckily I was with Dazai, who kicked his ass before he could come near me. I guess that Dazai either hates him too, or cares about me,... Or both. "Well, you need to protect yourself. Don't be despicable like him, believing that you can kill everyone before they can kill you." He said, as I nodded. "Alright." I said. 'He's gonna have them shoot me...' I thought. "Ready... Set... Fire." Dazai said, swinging his hand which caused his men to fire their machine guns at me. My eyes went wide, then I closed them tight. "H-huh...?" I said, opening my eyes to see my hand creating a wall of flames, causing every bullet to dissapear. "I knew you could do it. Now, defense is very important. It serves to protect yourself, and/or your allies from danger." Dazai said. "This is... Really tiring...!" I said, a little exhausted as the wall disappeared. "Try it again." Dazai said. "I'll try." I said, taking a deep breath, then nodding as his men fired their guns at me. "Nope!" I said, making a wall. "Very good. You're a quick learner." He said, slightly surprised. "Thanks... I try." I said, taking another deep breath. "Alright... We done? Cause... I'm tired..." I said, yawning. "I suppose." Dazai said. "Sweet..." I fell forwards, and asleep. "Honestly..." Dazai sighed, and picked me up. He carried me on his back. "Let's go home." He said.

Three Years Later...

I sat on a barstool next to Dazai, swinging my legs. Odasaku and him were drinking and chatting, as per usual. "Hey Dazai?" I asked. "Yeah Haru?" He replied, spinning around in the stool to see me. "Is that stuff good?" I asked, pointing to his drink. "Well..." He said, starting to think. "You probably wouldn't like it." Odasaku said. "Probably?" Dazai asked. "Alright. Haru, you can have a sip of mine." Dazai said, as I grabbed his glass. "Whoa... The ice cube is huge." I said, staring. I took a sip of it. "Huh." I frowned. "What?" Dazai asked. "Bleh." I said handing him the glass. "Alcohol is groooosssss..." I mumbled. "Told you." Odosaku said. I grabbed my glass(which had soda in it), and took a drink of my soda to try and get rid of the taste of whiskey that lingered in my mouth. 'Note to self... Alcohol is to be avoided at all costs...' I thought. "Heh. She really really hates it." Dazai laughed. "..." I glared. "What?" Dazai asked, raising an eyebrow. "Don't. Laugh. At. Me." I huffed, crossing my arms. "Oh, speaking of drinks... Can I please have a glass of detergent?" Dazai asked the bartender. "We don't have any." The bartender replied. "How about a detergent based cocktail?" Dazai asked again. "We don't have any." The bartender repeated. "Aw..." Dazai pouted. "You and your wacky suicide obsession..." I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Hey, don't judge." Dazai said. "It's a pretty odd obsession to have..." Odasaku said. "No, no it isn't." Dazai said. "Me and death are friends... With benefits..." Dazai said, crossing his arms. "By benefits you mean countless attempts of suicide?" Odasaku asked asked. "Yup." Dazai nodded. "I think you had a little too much to drink..." I laughed, lightly punching his arm.

You wanted it.

I drew it.

XD I'll see you guys in the next Chapter! Bye!

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