31 - Dissaproval

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Haruka's POV:

"ODASAKU!" Me and Dazai yelled, as we arrived at Mimic's supposed hideout only to see Odasaku lying face down on the ground. "You okay?!" I yelled, trying to stand him up. "Let's take him to the base." Dazai said, as we both carried him.


"..." We were sitting in a hospital room, where Odasaku was sleeping. "He should've waited for us..." I said, playing with my phone. "I agree." Dazai sighed. "...whatcha doing?" He asked, peeking at my phone. "Talking to Chuuya." I said, smiling. "..." Dazai gagged. "Why you two hate each other anyways?" I said, crossing my arms. "Dunno. We just didn't really get along at all." Dazai said. "Why do you two like each other so much?" He asked. "I-ITS NOT LIKE THAT! WERE FRIENDS, AND THATS ALL!" I shouted, looking away. "But your face turned a little red." Dazai laughed. "We. Are. FRIENDS." I pouted. "Good. I won't allow anything more between you and him." Dazai said. "Just be quiet already, would you...?!" I mumbled, glaring. "...?" We both looked over at Odasaku, who woke up. "You awake, Odasaku? How do you feel?" Dazai asked. "I feel like I'm experiencing all the hangovers I'll have in the next fifty years... All at the same time." He replied, sitting up. "You're alive! I seriously thought you were dead!-- oh yeah! What's a hangover?" I asked, running over to him. "When you get really drunk, go to sleep, then wake up the next morning feeling very exhausted and tired. On top of that you also get a bad headache. That being said, give him some space." Dazai smiled. "Ooooohhhh.... Got it." I said, taking a few steps back. "I saw Ango at the place you told me about." Odasaku said. "So he was there, like I had suspected." Dazai said, arms crossed. "Yeah. He vanished into the dark with soldiers in black." Odasaku said. "Sounds like black special ops. It seems recent events can be divided into two categories." Dazai said. "Are they a separate organization from mimic?" Odasaku asked. "They're different. But we can just ignore the black special ops guys for now. Mimic is clearly the most dangerous enemy at the moment." Dazai said. "Akutagawa and other combat squad members are dealing with conflicts in the city, but we don't even know what the enemy leader's ability is. We're at a disadvantage." Dazai said, as I yawned. "That Akutagawa is one of your subordinates, isn't he? I heard his ability has high offensive capabilities." Odasaku said. "He's a naked sword without a scabbard. I'm sure he and Haruka will become the strongest gifted Port Mafia member in the near future, but right now he needs someone to teach him how to sheathe his blade. Sorry, that was a tangent." Dazai said, as I rolled my eyes. "This morning, the council of five top executives convened, and they made a decision to attack Mimic with everything the Port Mafia can muster." Dazai said. "Just now, my subordinates, including Akutagawa, were hit by a surprise attack. They're still fighting at the art museum." Dazai said again, as Odasaku got up and grabbed his guns, and his jacket. "Odasaku?" Dazai looked at him. "You're not serious about going, are you?" I asked. "We're hitting them with everything we've got, right?" He asked. "I didn't think you'd be interested in this war, since you don't kill people." Dazai said. "I'm not." He said, walking to the door. "Then why?" Dazai asked. "I've acquired a lot of debts in my life. If your subordinates are in a tough spot, they need help." He said, exiting the room. "He should really forget about his debts. No one remembers what he owes them." Dazai said.


"He what?" Chuuya asked, as we walked down one of the various hallways of the Port Mafia's headquarters. "Yep. Total disapproval." I sighed. "Well, as much as I hate him, he is your foster dad. And he does hate my guts... So it's expected." Chuuya said, crossing his arms. "I guess that's true...." I frowned. "Just ignore what he says about us being a thing. Problem solved." He smiled. "I'll make him mad though." I whined. "And he is not a tolerable guy when he's angry." I said, getting chills. "I'll kick his ass." Chuuya said. "He can nullify your ability." I said. "Then... I'll kick his ass without using my ability." He said. "He's fought alongside you before. He probably has your fighting style memorized and he could predict your moves." I said. "Then you kick his ass." He said. "He raised me for a good five-six years. There's no way." I said. Chuuya growled, as he stopped walking. "You give up?" I laughed, turning around to face him. "Shut up." He mumbled. "I honestly can't think of anything else to do about him." Chuuya said. "...?" I felt my phone vibrate. "Oh. Speak of the devil." I said, taking it out of my pocket, and opening it to see a text from Dazai.

I know I'm interrupting your treasured date with the man I despise(I'm not sorry by the way), but meet me and Odasaku at the bar ASAP.

"Dazai.....!" I growled. Chuuya looked at the message. "Seriously?!" He yelled. I started to type a reply.

It's not a date. And it's not treasured, either. Expect a slap to the face when I get there.

I hit send. "Slap him twice." Chuuya said. "Good idea." I said.

Make that two slaps.

I hit send. "Welp, I guess I'll see you later." I said. "Make sure that they hurt." He said, kissing my forehead before walking away. "Oh, they'll hurt alright..." I sighed, as I started to walk towards the entrance of the building.


I walked into the bar to see Dazai, Odasaku and... Ango? They were all sitting down. "Oh, hey Haru--", "TAKE THAT!" I slapped him twice. "What was that for?" He asked, acting as if I did it for no reason. "You know what it was for... Anyways, what's Ango doing here?" I asked, sitting down. "We figured that he was the only lead for some more info." Dazai said, as he explained to me what Odasaku had discovered about them. "Damn." I said, shocked. "Yep." Dazai nodded. "Just how did you know to find me here?" Ango asked. "Just a hunch, I suppose." Dazai said. "Mr. Bartender, Could I have a glass of water please?" I asked, as he nodded and handed me what I asked for. "Thanks!" I smiled. "I'm lucky. I didn't think I could drink here again." Ango said. "You seem oddly sentimental for a mole." Dazai said. "Even before you joined the Port Mafia, you had a different Identity. And that's as a secret agent of the state." Dazai said. "You were an agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' gifted special ops division." He continued. "Your mission was to monitor the Port Mafia. Though the division oversees all gifted within the nation, should there ever be an all-out war with the Port Mafia, the division will suffer heavy casualties." Dazai said. "The division's primary purpose is to manage, not annihilate, the gifted. That's why they had an agent infiltrate the Port Mafia and monitor their movements. Then Mimic came up at the table." Dazai said. "The gifted criminal organization had been planning to enter Japan. They were a headache for the division, so they decided to have you monitor mimic... As the Port Mafia's spy." Dazai said. "As a lowly salaried government worker, it was a job entirely above my pay grade." Ango said. "So, in other words, Ango wasn't a double agent, but a triple agent." Odasaku said. "Tell us about Mimic." Dazai said. "I heard Gide and Odasaku traded gunshots." He replied. "Gide?" I asked. "The leader of Mimic." Dazai said. "Ah." I took a sip of my water. "Did you see his ability?" Ango asked. "I did." Odasaku replied. "Gide is elusive, and his location is never known to us." Ango said. "The brass intends to let the Port Mafia handle this case." Ango said. "Well, that's very convenient for them. But even the port Mafia would have trouble dealing with his ability. Of course, that's if we don't consider a certain lowest ranking member in the organization." Dazai smiled. "Both our abilities only allow us to look a few seconds into the future. If push comes to shove, the outcome will be dependent on our skills in combat and shooting." Odasaku said. 'This is getting really boring...' I thought, starting to doze. "The unknown variables will matter a lot. There's also "The singularity of the ability" to consider." Ango said. "The singularity of the ability?" Odasaku asked. "Huh?" I woke up. "Didn't something unusual happen when you used your ability against Gide?" Ango asked. "Yeah, it did." He replied. "The government has observed that when some abilities interact, they may careen off into an entirely unexpected direction in rare cases. Though, I wasn't really supposed to tell you that. It'd become a major issue if the brass were to know that I am meeting you like this." Ango said, as I fell asleep again, resting my head on the table. "I'll have to go underground for the time being." He mumbled. "Well, well... You're talking as though you will leave this place alive." Dazai said, smirking, as he ruffled my hair. "You planning to make this a war zone?" Odasaku asked. "It's my fault. I was wrong. I selfishly thought that here, I could actually meet with you three without having to consider my position." Ango said, looking down. "Ango. Go before I change my mind." Dazai said. "I'm not sad. I knew this from the beginning. Whether you were with the gifted special operations division or not, anything I would never want to lose is always lost." Dazai said. "It's a given that everything is worth wanting will be lost the moment I obtain it. There's nothing worth pursuing at the cost of prolonging a life of suffering." He finished. "Dazai, Haruka, Odasaku... If there ever comes a time when the division and the Port Mafia don't exist and we all become freer people, let's come back here and--", "Don't say it, Ango." Odasaku interrupted. "Don't say anything more." He said. Ango then got up, placed a photo down on the table, and left the bar.

Heya guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever!

I just got stuck in one of those weird moods where I don't feel like doing anything.

Which was a total pain in the ass XD

Anyways, I'm back!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter(I certainly did hehehe! ;D) and I'll see you all in the next one!

See ya!

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