32 - People Exist To Save Themselves

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The next day...

This morning, we had heard news that a van exploded in the parking lot of the small diner that Odasaku visited often.

We had also heard that there were six casualties.

The owner of the shop...

And the five kids that Odasaku cared for...

"..." Me and Dazai had arrived at the scene, to see Odasaku, who was staring at the black smoke that arose from the debris of the truck. It was raining... The perfect weather for sorrowful emotions. There was also a large crowd of strangers, staring at the incident... like deer that had been entranced by a car's headlights. I stood in silence, as I closed my eyes. "Odasaku. I know what you're thinking. But don't do it." Dazai said. "Even if you do it...--", "Even if I do it, it won't bring the kids back." Odasaku interrupted. "They still have numbers. And they are at...", "I know where they are. I got an invitation, see." Odasaku interrupted again. "Listen to me. The boss just attended a secret meeting. It was with the gifted special ops division. There's something more than this going on." Dazai said. "There's nothing more going on, Dazai." Odasaku said, walking past Dazai. He stopped. "It's all over for me." Odasaku mumbled. "Odasaku. Forgive me for putting it this way, but please hear me out. You need to rely on something. It can be anything. You should wait and see what happens next, whatever that is! It will happen." Dazai said. "Hey, Odasaku. Do you know why I joined the Port Mafia? I was hoping there'd be something in it for me. If you place yourself somewhere close to raw emotions, where you're exposed to violence and death, instinct and desire, you can brush against man's true nature. I thought that way I could... I could find a reason to live somehow." Dazai said. "I wanted to become a writer." Odasaku said. "I thought I'd lose my right to do that if I killed again. That's why I stopped killing." Odasaku said. "Odasaku." Dazai said. "But all that's come to a close." He said, continuing to walk away. "Don't go, Odasaku!" Dazai yelled, attempting to grab Odasaku's shoulder, but missing as he continued to head to Mimic's base. I stayed silent, as I ran in front of him, my brown hair hiding my eyes. "Don't. Please." I said, looking up at him, trying not to cry. "..." He ignored me, and simply walked around me. "...." I stood there, tears streaming down my face. "Odasaku!" Dazai yelled, but didn't get any response.

Just then...

I could've sworn that it started to rain more than it had been.

"Haru." Dazai walked over to me. "...." I fell to my knees. "Haruka." Dazai said, grabbing my arm, and pulling me up so I was standing. "Don't cry." He said. "Why not?" I asked. "We can help him." He said, as he let go of my arm. "He's gonna die!--", "I said, we can help him." He said in a calm tone. "Let's request backup from the boss." He said, as I nodded, wiping my eyes. "Let's go." He said. "Right!" I nodded.


We entered the Boss's office, sitting in a chair that faced the window. He had a table with tea sitting on top of it next to him. "Oh? Dazai, Haruka." He said, looking over at us. "How rare of you to come visit." He said. "Boss. I'd like to request permission to organize a gifted squad to save Odasaku." Dazai said. "Very well. Permission granted. But first, why?" The boss replied. "Odasaku is currently doing reconnaissance in force by himself at Mimic headquarters. If we do nothing, he will die, and we will lose a valuable gifted agent." Dazai said. "I understand your reasoning. But I doubt Oda wants to be saved by anyone. What do you think about that?" The boss replied. "..." Me and Dazai were silent. "Dazai, The leader of an organization is at the pinnacle of that organization and, at the same time, he is its slave. The leader must be more than willing to commit any atrocity in order to ensure the organization's survival." The boss said, holding up an envelope. Dazai's eyes went wide for a second. "That envelope... I see. I get it now." He said, turning around. "Where are you two going?" The boss asked. "To Odasaku." Dazai said. The two guards who were at the door pointed their guns at us. "We have not ended the debate, Dazai." The boss said. "I've been thinking a long time about the Port Mafia, Mimic, and the black special ops group... Or, rather, in this case, the Gifted Special Operations Division... And who's the one controlling the conflict between the three groups. This bold and intricate design was your handiwork, boss." Dazai said. "That black envelope contains that much value. No matter how powerful the Port Mafia may become, we exist in constant fear of displeasing the Gifted Special Operations Division and being oppressed." Dazai said, picking up the envelope off the table. "That is why, as the price for crushing mimic, you negotiated for the issuance of this permit." Dazai said, opening the envelope. "This permit, which allows us to operate a gifted organization... The Gifted Business Permit." He said, holding up the permit. "You're the one who helped them enter the country illegally. You invited the enemy organization to Yokohama to incite the gifted special operations division into finally taking action." Dazai said. "Yes. Thanks to that, we now have the gifted business permit. The government has, for all practical purposes, ratified our illegal activities. The troublesome aggressors will be taken care of by Oda with his life." The boss said, as I looked down. "This is a glorious victory for us. And yet... Why are you so angry?" The boss asked. "You're the one who let mimic know about the orphans under Odasaku's care. You did it so you could counter Mimic's leader with Odasaku, the only gifted agent who could be his match." Dazai said, as we both turned around and started to walk away. "Dazai. Haruka." The boss said. "You two need to stay here." He said. "Or is there a logical reason why you should go to him?" The boss asked. "There are two things I wish to say to you, boss. First, you will not shoot us. Nor will you have your subordinates shoot us." Dazai said. "What makes you think that?" The boss replied. "Because you have nothing to gain from it." Dazai said. "I believe you also have nothing to gain by defying me and going to him." The boss said. "As for the second thing, boss. There may be nothing to gain by my actions, but there's still one reason why we will still go. It's because he's a friend." Dazai said.


We had arrived at Mimic's headquarters, and ran throughout the building, searching for Odasaku. We had ended our search with a giant room that we barged into. Odasaku and Gide were both lying on the floor. "ODASAKU!" We both shouted, running over to him. Dazai sat him up, and saw blood on his hands from Odasaku's wound. "You're an idiot, Odasaku!" Dazai said, clenching his fist. "You're a complete idiot..." Dazai said. "Yeah..." Odasaku mumbled. "Why did you go along with what he wanted?" Dazai asked. I couldn't do anything else but sit there and cry. "Dazai... There's something I want to say to you." Odasaku said. "No! Don't!" Dazai said. "You might still make it!" He shouted. "No, you will make it!" Dazai shouted again. "So don't talk like--", "Listen." Dazai was interrupted by Odasaku grabbing the side of Dazai's head. "You told me that you might find a reason to live if you lived in the world of violence and bloodshed." He said. "Yeah, I did. But who cares about what I said right now?!" Dazai shouted. "You won't find it. You must know that already. Whether you're on the side who kills people or the side that saves people, nothing beyond what you'd expect will appear." Odasaku said, as Dazai began to look like he'd cry. "Nothing in this world can fill that empty hole you have. You will wander the darkness for eternity." Odasaku said. "Odasaku... What should I-- no, we do?" Dazai asked. "Be on the side that saves people." He mumbled. "If both sides are the same, become a good man." He said. "Save the weak, and protect the orphans..." He said. "Neither good nor evil means much to you, I know... But that'd make you at least a little better." He said. "How do you know that for sure?" Dazai asked. "Of course I know. I know better than anyone. Because... I'm you and Haru's friend." He said. "I see. We'll do that." Dazai said. "People exist to save themselves, huh... How true..." Odasaku mumbled, as he closed his eyes, and died. His arm had pulled the bandages off of Dazai's right eye, revealing the eye that had fully healed under them. I realized that I wasn't crying anymore. Dazai gently laid Odasaku down.

Two weeks later...

"Dazai...." I whined. "What?" He asked. "I'm hungry..." I said. "I suppose we could grab a bite to eat." He smiled, as we walked into a small tea shop. "Oh? I didn't think a heavyweight in the Ministry of Internal Affairs would be drinking alone in a cheap bar like this." Dazai said, grabbing a bottle of sake off a table, and sitting down at it. "How lonesome, Chief Taneda." Dazai said happily. "You are..." He said. "Now, now, now..." Dazai said, pouring Chief Taneda a drink. "I heard rumors that you two had gone underground for a while." He said, drinking it. "We're looking for a new job. Do you know of any good positions?" Dazai smiled, as I tried some of the sake. "Grown ups are so weird..." I said, frowning at the taste. "You're 18.
So you're technically a grown up, you know." Dazai said. "Suuuuure..." I laughed. "Do you two wish to join the Gifted Special Operations Division? If so..." Taneda said. "We regretfully decline the offer." Dazai said. "We don't do well in a workplace that has a lot of regulations." Dazai said, as I nodded. "Then what are you looking for?" He replied. "Somewhere we can help people." I said. "I have a lot of questions for you, but... Your histories are too sordid." Taneda said. "You'll have to go underground for at least two years to get a blank slate." He said again. "But I suppose I may have a lead..." He smirked, as he opened his fan. "Let's hear it!" Dazai said. "There is an armed organization of gifted individuals. They take on cases that are in a legal gray zone and are untouchable by civil workers. The company's president is a man of integrity. You may find him in alignment with what you two wish." He smiled. "Can we do work that saves people?" Dazai asked.

And the story resumes, four years later!




And hugs. XD

Anyways, back into the main cast!



I'll see you all in the next chapter! BYE!~ ^U^

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