36 - John And Lovecraft

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Haruka's POV:

"...?" The three of us were in a car, when Kunikida's cell phone rang. "Haruka, can you take this?" He asked, handing me the cell phone. I nodded answering it, and putting it on speaker mode. "Kunikida, this is an emergency!" The president's voice shouted through the phone. "What is it?" He asked. "Two of the guild members are headed for where Naomi and Haruno are, go there and stop them from causing any harm! ASAP!" The president ordered. "Got it. We're on our way." Kunikida said, as I hung up, and handed him his phone. "The two guild members are probably John and Lovecraft..." I said. "Tch..." I growled.


"Pull over here, they're up ahead." I said, as we pulled over a block from Naomi and Haruno's location. I could tell because of the tree vines crushing a car up in the air. "Let's go." Kunikida said, as we got out of the car. "Junichiro, use your ability." Kunikida said, as he nodded and made us invisible. "Hm? Snow at this time of year?" I heard Lovecraft's voice, and the laughter of John. Kunikida pulled out his pistol, and pointed it at the back of Lovecraft's head, as he became visible. Kunikida shot him, and Lovecraft fell to the ground. I dashed(propelled by flames) at John with a flaming fist, and punched him in the face. "Run, don't look back!" Junichiro freed Haruno and Naomi as they ran off. "I thought this might happen. My sources weren't very reliable." John said. "Haruka." Kunikida said, motioning for me to come over to him. "Given his ability we saw, as soon as he connects with the woods, he can manipulate the roots at the base of the hill and stop the train that Naomi and Haruno are boarding. Don't let him touch any trees for five minutes so our staff can flee." He said quietly, as I nodded. And stood next to him, my hands still flaming. A tree branch was headed towards Kunikida, but he shot it away. Unfortunately there was another vine that got ahold of his wrist. "Kunikida!" Me and Junichiro shouted. "You just said, 'We'll win if we don't let him touch any trees while the girls run.'. Simplify your understanding of the battlefield too much, and your behavior becomes easy to read. "Indeed. I'll have to write that down in my notebook later. By the way, did you have this thought?; 'Slap away his pistol, and he'll have no means of attacking me.'." Kunikida said, looking towards me. I sent a small fireball at the vine, cutting it. Kunikida grabbed his pistol and charged at John, who he flipped onto the ground. He pointed his pistol at John's head, as the vines disappeared from where Junichiro was, causing the car to fall to the ground. "Simplify your understanding of the battlefield too much, and your behavior becomes easy to read. Write that down later." Kunikida said. "A secret organization from the superpower abducting people abroad, I see." Kunikida said. "That hurts to hear." John said. "My boss told me, though, that the guild is not an organization that does good. it's an organization that does what needs to be done." John said, as Lovecraft got up. "BEHIND YOU!" I shouted, getting in the way of Lovecraft. "He's immune to bullets...?" I mumbled. "I'll take care of him, you deal with blondie!" I said. Punching Lovecraft with my hellfire. "You're late, Lovecraft. What were you doing?" John asked, sitting up. "Sleeping." He said, cracking his neck. "Oh you..." John sighed. "Sorry." Lovecraft said, as his hands started to glow. "Junichiro! Use your light snow to hide!" Kunikida said, but it was too late, Lovecraft created tentacles that caught us, and squeezed us in midair. "Do we kill them?" Lovecraft asked John. "I dunno. Let's catch the girls first, and then ask for orders." John said. "I WONT LET YOU!" I said, as I set my body ablaze, burning the tentacles, and freeing me. "Oh, talk about reckless!" John laughed, as I put myself out. "Haruka! Don't engage!" Kunikida yelled. "Why not? I can kill them." I grinned. "We'd like to see you try." John said. "I like your enthusiasm!" I laughed, charging at them with flames coating my hands and feet, as I went to punch John. He moved away, giving him and Lovecraft an opening. "AH!" A vine wrapped around my neck. "Haruka!" Junichiro and Kunikida yelled. "This... Is nothin'!" I said, burning the vines away. "Hm... She's most definitely challenging." John said, as a vine dug into the ground, probably headed for the staff. I boosted myself into the air using my flames, then did a flip and drop kicked Lovecraft in the head. "Too slow." He said, catching me again with the tentacles, except this time, he made them compress. "AAAAH!" I screamed. "This is why you don't pick a fight with the Guild." John said. "Alright! Job's done! Let's go before the local police arrive. I'm borrowing your sister!" John said to Junichiro. "What are you doing with Naomi?" He asked. "I'm not assigned to her, so I don't know." John replied. "Confine her... Torture her, I guess." John said. "Don't think you can get away with this!" Kunikida said. "This is work, you moralists would never understand." John said, as I continued being strangled. I could feel myself weakening. "Morals?" Junichiro asked, as a big truck was driving down the road towards us. "Sure, the agency had a sense of morals. But Naomi is different to me. Justice, morals, ego... She's so much more to me than any of those things that I can't compare them." Junichiro said, as the truck headed for Lovecraft and John. "For Naomi, I'd gladly burn the world!" Junichiro said, as the truck hit the two, freeing us. My vision started to fade as I fell to the ground, just barely managing to stay conscious. "Let's go." Kunikida said, picking me up, and carrying me on his back to the car.




Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you all in the next! See ya!~

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