4 - B-Bomb?!

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"Where is that idiot?!" Kunikida growled, as we walked down the street, looking for Dazai. "Maybe he's with Atsushi?" I asked. "He was supposed to bring Atsushi to the agency five minutes ago..." He mumbled. "Jeez... Can't you be a little lenient?" I sighed. "No." He said. "I'm honestly not surprised." I said, crossing my arms. "There!" Kunikida said, running ahead. "Wait up!" I ran after him. "DAZAAAAAAAIII!!!!" He shouted. "Bastard! Where were you?!" He yelled. "Kunikida... Calm yourseeeeeelf..." I said, tugging on his sleeve as he attempted to strangle Dazai again. "The most popular and well-respected member of the agency you say?" He mumbled. Kunikida pulled out his notebook. Atsushi looked at the two with a 'what even...?' Face. "Soo... How are the dorms?" I asked, attempting to start a conversation. "They're amazing." He said. 'To an orphan...' I thought. "Call in August..." Kunikida impersonated someone's complaint about Dazai, and did two other complaints after that. "SINCE WHEN WERE YOU SO GOOD AT IMITATING PEOPLES VOICES?!" Dazai shouted. "Tch..." Kunikida growled, walking back to Dazai, probably wanting to try and strangle him again. "Nope." I stepped in front of him. "You've already attempted to kill him once, no need to do it again." I said, crossing my arms. "He deserves it." Kunikida said. "Oh crap we got distracted!" I said. "Dazai, come with us to the agency ASAP!!" I said, as I grabbed his and Kunikida's arms and ran to the agency. Atsushi followed us. 'Heh! All according to plan!' I thought.


We snuck into the agency, and hid behind a decorative plant. "What's going on?" Dazai whispered. "Some guy snuck in and has a bomb that he can detonate whenever he feels like it. On top of that, he's taken a girl hostage. We should find something to cover the bomb, to negate the damage." I said quietly. "The agency is a group of assholes...!" The guy with the bomb was sitting on a decently sized desk holding a remote with a button on it. There was a girl in ropes kneeling on the floor. "Alright, who goes in first?" I asked. "..." Kunikida and Dazai were silent. "Fine... Rock Paper Scissors..." I said. "Ready... Go! Rock, Paper, Scissors!" I said. "Hehehe! I beat you two!" I whispered. "Tch..." Kunikida lost against Dazai, who was currently giggling at his victory. "Heheh... Go on!" Dazai sang in a cheery voice. "Huh? Oh, I know you... You're Kunikida..!" The orange haired guy said. "Get on all fours. And don't move, or else I'll blow this up." The guy stated. "Uh-oh... This doesn't seem to be going well..." I said. "He knows all of us, so there's only one sensible solution..." Dazai said. "At-Su-Shi...!" Me and Dazai said. "No way!" He whispered. "Here are some props!" Dazai said happily, handing poor Atsushi some newspapers. "Now go!" I said. "Don't rush me!" He said worriedly, as he took on the role of a newspaper delivery boy. "I kinda feel bad for him..." I pouted. "Relax, he'll be fine." Dazai yawned. "Besides, we've planned this out." He said. "But still... He's experiencing a lot of pressure, just look at the way he's walking...!" I whispered. "U-um... Sir, y-you shouldn't be doing this...!" Atsushi stuttered. "Huh?" The bomber said, puzzled. "W-Why are you going to risk your life to kill people and yourself?" Atsushi said again. "Forget about the bomb, WE CAN GO LOOK FOR A JOB!" Atsushi shouted nervously. "You're supposed to be a paper boy..." I mumbled, as I facepalmed. "And you can sleep under a roof, and have a fun time!" He said. "This makes no sense..." The guy said. "Kunikida, now!" Dazai shouted, as we both ran out of hiding. "I'm already a step ahead of you!" Kunikida said, tearing a piece paper from his book. "Doppo Poet; Wire gun!" He said, as the paper turned into what he wanted, a wire gun. He then snatched the remote from the bombers grasp with it. "Nice!" I said, applauding. "Kunikida... Why do you look so stressed?" Dazai asked. "You'll age quicker that way!" He continued. "Should I write that down?" Kunikida asked. "Totally!" Dazai nodded. "If you're stressed... You age.... Faster--", "Kidding!" Dazai laughed. "Damn you!" Kunikida yelled. "Uh guys...?" I said, pointing to the bomber, who retrieved the remote from Kunikida, who accidentally set it down to write fake advice in his book. They ignored me and kept arguing. "Bad news! I repeat, BAD NEEEEEWS!!!!!" I shook them. "...?" They looked to where I was pointing. "Ive had it!" The guy pressed the button on the remote, activating the bomb! "It's set for 30 seconds, HURRY AND DO SOMETHING!" I shouted. "Uh.... Uh...!" Atsushi picked up the bomb, and used his own body to cover it. "WHAT?!" Kunikida shouted. "NOOO!" I said. The seconds slowly counted down and eventually reached zero. "I'd say he has the talent to be a great suicide maniac!" Dazai said happily. "OI!" I slapped him. "W-W-w-...what?" Atsushi said, confused.

Heya guys!

Ugh I'm still sick... UGH XD

but I'm still alive! AYYY!

And I really wanted to update lol, so I hope you've enjoyed this lengthy chapter, and have an awesome day!

See ya!~

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