40 - Chuuya

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A Few Hours Later...

"So, this is the place where this 'Q' kid is being held...?" I asked Dazai, raising an eyebrow at the small abandoned brick cottage. "Supposedly." Dazai replied. All of a sudden bright lights shine at us out of nowhere. We both turned around to see armed men, and the two guild executives from before, Lovecraft and John. "Good evening." John said. "Our strategist is adept at reading the enemy's actions." He said. "Of course, it's a trap." Dazai said. "Hm?" Lovecraft looked up. "Holy shit!!" I said, looking up to see a glowing giant rock headed straight for them. It hit the ground, demolishing Lovecraft and most of their men. "Ooooh!" I grinned, knowing who it was. "Tch..." Dazai growled. "Let me set one thing straight. Once I'm done taking out the trash, you're next, Dazai." It was Chuuya! "I knew it... This is why I wasn't feeling up for it today." Dazai sighed. "Chuuya!" I said, waving. "I never heard anything about this surprise attack in the strategic forecasts!" John said, making vines out of his hands. "Sorry, you don't get to do that. This seriously sucks." Dazai said, negating his ability, while Chuuya kicked him and sent him flying. "Long time no see, Haru." He smiled. "Dammit... This is the worst day in years..." Dazai sighed. "Why?" I laughed. "Yo, Dazai, ever heard of Pétrus?" Chuuya asked, as we walked inside the brick house. "That flabbergastingly expensive wine?" Dazai replied. "The night you left, I opened an '89 bottle in celebration. That's how sick of you I was." Chuuya said. "Whaaaat?!" I said. "No, not because of you." He said, patting my shoulder. "I remember setting a bomb under your car that night." Dazai said. "That was you?! I can't stand you, Dazai." He shouted, as I laughed. "I hate everything about you too..." Dazai huffed. "The only thing I like about you, maybe, is your taste in shoes." Dazai said. "You think?" Chuuya replied. "Just kidding, of course.", "You..!" Chuuya growled, attempting to kick Dazai down the stairs. Dazai leapt down the stairs to dodge, landing on his feet. "Give it up. I'm familiar with your attacks, your timing..." Dazai said. "I was going easy on you. If I were serious, I would have pulverized your skull." Chuuya said. "How scary..." Dazai said, as we all walked downstairs into the basement. I lit the lantern, so we could see. "There he is. The sleeping beauty awaiting his savior." Dazai sighed. "Sleeping beauty, huh?" Chuuya asked. "W-w-what the hell even is that thiiiing?!" I shouted, hiding behind Chuuya. "What?" He asked. I pointed to the creepy doll. "Oh? You mean this thing?" Dazai appeared out of nowhere, holding the doll. "AAAAAH!" I shouted, terrified. "Hehehe.." Dazai laughed. "Why do you have to be an ass?" Chuuya said. "Meanie!" I lightly punched Dazai's arm repeatedly. "Haruka, burn him." Dazai said. "Who, Chuuya? No way in hell!" I growled. "Sadly, I'm not talking about Chuuya, I'm talking about Q." Dazai sighed, pointing to the kid. I held my flames up to Q's neck. "You aren't gonna stop me?" I asked, hesitating. "The boss ordered me to take him back alive...." But seeing that kid's face, I have flashbacks of the bodybags my people came home in, thanks to his curse." Chuuya said. "He's the one who..." I mumbled. "Yes. He was the one who mind controlled you into hurting Kunikida." Dazai said. "I want to kill him." I said, serious. "Who?" Chuuya asked. "Haruka's Boy--", "ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!?!?!" I shouted, slapping Dazai. "Slap him twice." Chuuya laughed. "HIYAH!" I slapped him again, as Chuuya gave me a high five. "..." I glared at Dazai. "Haruka. Burn the roots holding him hostage." Dazai said. "I want to kill him!" I shouted. "..." Dazai gave me a serious look. "Fine." I sighed, burning the roots and setting the kid free. "Your hypocrisy makes me retch." Chuuya sighed. "As long as Q is alive, you still need my ability as a safety measure. The port Mafia won't be able to kill me. It's a rational decision." Dazai said. "I dunno about that." Chuuya said. After we freed Q, we carried him and his doll back up the stairs. "Yo, Dazai, you asshole, hand over that doll!" Chuuya yelled. "No way. It's my insurance!" Dazai smiled. "I'm gonna kill him someday...." Chuuya growled, as he walked outside. "What the..?!" He shouted, as tentacles grabbed him by the neck, Pulling him away and his cloak fell to the floor. I picked it up. "Chuuya!" I shouted, as the tentacles slammed him into the building. "My shoulder has been stiff for some reason. Am I working too much?" We saw Lovecraft, who had his head backwards, and he turned it 180 degrees back to normal, and cracked his neck. I ran over to Chuuya, handing him his cloak. "What was that ability?" He asked. "I'd expect no less from the guild!" Dazai said, stomping on Chuuya head. "What amazing resilience!" Dazai said. "Get off me!" Chuuya shouted, as he stepped off of him. "He's coming, what should we do?--", "LET ME AT HIM!" I shouted, charging. "Just let me take care of him with the touch of a hand!--", "AH!" Dazai got slapped to the side. "TAKE THIS YOU ASS!" I said, punching Lovecraft, only for him to dodge every one of them. "Annoying." He said. "HARUKA!" Chuuya shouted. "Die." He said, as he stabbed me in the stomach with the tentacles, as I coughed blood. He then slapped me to the side as well, and tried to attack Chuuya, who demolished the tentacles and ran over to us. "A heavy fist..." Lovecraft mumbled. "You okay?" Chuuya asked me. "I'm... Fine.." I said, as he handed me his cloak. I managed to stand and walk over to Dazai. He laughed, and looked up at us. "You're hurt pretty badly..." Chuuya said. "Those tentacles can't be negated..." He said. "No way, is that even possible?" Chuuya asked, helping me stand. "There aren't any exceptions to my negating ability..." Dazai said. "You can't negate mine." I said. "Only if you've gone out of control, I can't. Because you're too demonic. Which means that there's only one possibility." Dazai said. "It's not a gift." Dazai said. "Seriously? That's hilarious." Chuuya said. "If it's not a gift, then what is it?" He asked, as he let go of me, letting me stand. "Alright. Let's do things the old way." Dazai said, as I nodded, putting on Chuuya's cloak so it wouldn't fly off in the midst of battle. "How about operation Shame and Toad?" Dazai asked. "What's this, Rain Beyond the Window? It's more like Lie of the Fake Flowers." Chuuya replied. "Huh?" I said, confused. "Chuuya. When have my tactics ever been wrong?" Dazai asked. "Never!" I said. "Dammit." Chuuya growled. "Yo!" Dazai said, standing out in the open, as we got into position. Two tentacles flew at Dazai, who ducked, revealing Chuuya. Chuuya destroyed the tentacles with one kick. I appeared, running on the broken tentacles, and punching a hole in Lovecraft's chest. "Gravity Manipulation." Chuuya said, allowing me to float in the air, and kick Lovecraft down onto the ground with extreme force. I landed flawlessly back onto the ground. "Hehe! We got him!" I grinned. "Good job!" Dazai said. Suddenly, a giant tentacle took off Dazai's broken arm, and he slammed him to the side. "Dazai!" I ran slowly to Dazai(my injury made me slow). Lovecraft had turned into an octopus monster that was huge! "Dude, what kind of joke is this?" Chuuya mumbled. "This is something unhuman..." Dazai said. "You... Your arm..." Chuuya said. "Dazai..." I said, kneeling next to him. "Chuuya, Haruka... There's something I want you to hear before I die..." Dazai mumbled. "What?" I asked, as Chuuya ran over. "BOO!" Dazai said, as his arm appeared from his sleeve. "PFFFT! HAHAHAHAHAAHAH I FELL FOR IT HAH!" I laughed. "Chuuya grabbed Dazai by the collar. "I'm going into a fight injured. Why wouldn't I do this?" Dazai grinned. "Why don't you stop wasting time on Magic tricks and start thinking about how we're gonna deal with that nightmare?" Chuuya yelled. "No way. Let's just give up and die!" Dazai smiled. "Ow... Note to self... Don't laugh hard when you're hurt.." I said, falling to my knees, and causing my wound to bleed. I burned my wound shut, stopping the bleeding. "What did I tell you about cauterizing injuries?" Chuuya huffed, walking over to me. "It helps..." I said. "Stay out of the battle for now, okay?" He asked, as I nodded. "We only have one more course of action." Dazai said. "Don't tell me... You're going to do something disgraceful..." Chuuya said. It's after we wrecked an entire enemy organization overnight that we started being called the devastating rivals. But if I'm late to support you, you'll die." Dazai said. "I'll let you choose." He said. "You'll let me choose?" Chuuya replied. "Whenever you say that, I never actually have another choice." Chuuya said, walking away from us. "Grantors of dark disgrace, you need not wake me again." Chuuya said, taking off his gloves, and red markings appeared all over his body. "Heh. You've got this, Chuuya." I mumbled, standing up.


Heya guys, it's me, WaffleCake00!






I'll see you all in the next chapter! Bye bye!~

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