8 - The Flower Of Destruction

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8 years ago...

"Dazai?" I asked, as we walked down an alleyway. "Yes Haruka?" He replied. "What was the assignment again? I forgot." I asked. "We're taking care of some bandits." He said. "That sounds too easy. Even for a fourteen year old like this brat right here..." Chuuya growled. "Shut it. I could burn you alive." I huffed. "Hey Dazai, you never told me why you're her guardian." Chuuya said. "I haven't?" Dazai replied. "No." Chuuya said. "Alright, I suppose I could tell you. They made me be her babysitter-- OW!", "Do I look like a baby to you?" I growled, stepping on his foot. "Anyways, they made me watch her because my ability can nullify another's effects. If her ability gets out of control, I can easily stop her from demolishing everything in sight." Dazai said. "So I'm basically a safety measure." Dazai yawned. "Haru, don't let him convince you to become obsessed with suicide... Okay?" Chuuya sighed. "I won't." I said. "Now, now Haruka... Don't listen to someone who is inferior to you and I in terms of power..." Dazai said, patting my head. "What?!" Chuuya growled. "No way in hell am I inferior to a child and an idiot who acts like one!" Chuuya shouted. Dazai laughed. "...!" I got a sense of danger out of nowhere. "Stay back!" I yelled, as the two took a step or two backwards. I created a wall of fire in front of us. Once the bullets hit the wall, they disintegrated from the heat, and dissapeared. I put another wall behind us. Dazai and Chuuya took a few steps forward before I did, thanks to Dazai. More bullets were shot from behind, getting disintegrated like the ones before. "Nice!" Dazai applauded. "Heh!" I smirked. The walls disappeared soon after. "So, they were aware of our arrival is seems..." Dazai said. "Apparently so." I said. "Honestly... Try harder." I sighed, looking at the bandits. "Haruka, I'll leave this job to you." Dazai smirked. "Roger that." I said, creating a flowerbud shaped barrier around Dazai and Chuuya. "What the...? Jeez. Putting a child in charge of taking care of the enemy? Real smart move Dazai." Chuuya huffed. "Haruka may be a child, but she is incredibly intelligent for her age." Dazai said. "So smart that she's actually an executive." Dazai yawned. "Wait, so she's on our level?" He asked. "Well, yes and no. She's basically half-rookie, half-executive." Dazai said. "Because she's not fully executive, she can't be summoned to help a rookie with the silver oracle. For example, if someone got the silver oracle, he couldn't ask her for assistance." He continued. "When she's 17 she will be an official executive though." He finished, putting his hands in his pockets. "Alright. Who wants to die first?" I asked. They all shot at me. "Oh, you all want to?" I giggled, swiftly dodging the bullets with ease. "Perfect." I grinned maniacally. "Why isn't she just a rookie?" Chuuya asked again. "Because of her power, and because she has to accompany me everywhere." Dazai said. "The thing that we're currently trying to figure out is her actual ability itself. It's unknown. She calls it Hellfire, but we call it the Flower of Destruction." Dazai said. "Why's that?" Chuuya asked, crossing his arms. "Because her fire takes the shape of flowers. And because the fire is extremely deadly. If she sets something on fire, it can't be put out unless she stops it, or I cancel her ability. Plus, if you get burnt by it, the scorch marks won't ever disappear, nor will the pain ever go away. So if she sets you ablaze, it's an instant death." Dazai said. "Supposedly the flames are as hot as twenty Suns. But, that's just a rumor, haha." Dazai laughed. "Hahahahaha!" I laughed like I was insane. "She's insane." Chuuya's eyes widened as he heard my laugh. "When she's getting carried away she is. This is nothing." Dazai smiled. "Haha... Ha..." I stopped laughing, and took a deep breath. "Alright. We're done here." I said, snapping my fingers. When I snapped my fingers, the bud shaped barrier bloomed like a flower, and disappeared. "See?" Dazai said. "Nice work." He patted my head. "Damn." Chuuya whistled.

The Flower of Destruction...

Pick her petals, and you won't live to see another day...

For you will be consumed by her rage, and suffer in hell for eternity...

Hey guys! I just wanna say, I'm in love with this book! XD

I can't wait till we advance to season two...


I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Bye-bye!~ ;D

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