Chapter 6: Decadedice

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(Jaune is seen as Decade, fighting Carol Winchester due to her attempts to bully him. She draws her Executioner and swings at him, but he blocks her attack with his Ride Booker and kicks her down.)

Decade: (pulls out a card) Now you see me...


Decade: Now you don't.

Carol: Come on, afraid of a little retaliation?

Decade: How would you know? (punches her) Not everyone does what they do without regretting the day they did.

(Decade then keeps attacking her, until her aura drops red.)

Decade: Well, this is getting boring... so I guess I'm done here.

Carol: Why you...

Glynda: (comes in) That's enough!

(Decade reverts back to Jaune as Glynda speaks up again.)

Glynda: Students, as you can see, Ms. Winchester's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Carol is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match.

(As Jaune is about to leave, Glynda stops him.)

Glynda: Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your Scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now, would we?

Jaune: No, no, of course not.

Glynda: Good, now get back to your seat. (Jaune does so as Glynda looks at Carol) You too, Ms. Winchester.

(Carol pouts as she goes back to her seat, and glares at Jaune, who returns to his teammates.)

Glynda: Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!

(The bell rings, and students start leaving as Pyrrha grows worried about Jaune.)


(Nora is seen telling a story to both her teammates and Team RWBY.)

Nora: So! There we were, in the middle of the night...

Ren (off screen): It was day.

Nora: (to Blake Belladonna, paying no attention as she is lost in her book, and Yang, who is hanging on her every word with her hands cupping her face) We were surrounded by Ursai...

Ren: (holding a coffee cup) They were Beowolves.

Nora: Dozens of them! (she screams this as she stands at the table of both Team RWBY and JNPR, where Weiss is ignoring Nora and filing her nails, Ruby and Pyrrha are listening politely, and Jaune eating.)

Ren: Two of 'em.

Nora: (while Ruby and Pyrrha now look at Jaune with concern) But they were no match... And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!

Ren: (sighs) She's been having this recurring dream for nearly a month now.

Pyrrha: (looking at her leader) Jaune? Are you okay?

Jaune: I would be lying if I said I was...

Pyrrha: It's Carol again, isn't it?

Jaune: Well... yeah.

Ruby: She's a bully. That's what she is!

(Then Carol is seen tugging a rabbit girl's ears.)

Velvet: Ow! That hurts! (stops struggling and grimaces as she says:) Please, stop...

Carol: See? I told you they were real.

Russel: What a freak!

(Carol and her teammates keep laughing, but then Jaune approaches them and shoves her face in the table.)

Carol: Ow!

Dove: (stern) Hey!

Pyrrha: Serves her right. People like her are despicable.

Blake: (glarring daggers) She's not the only one!

Yang: It must be hard to be a faunus.

Carol: What is your problem, Jauney boy?

Jaune: YOU are my problem.

Carol: What?

Jaune: You are one of those who never learn from their mistakes, right?

(Carol is about to retort, but then she sees her teammates running scared.)

Carol: (angry) You cowards!

Jaune: I won't go easy on you in our next match! Got it?

Carol: I was actually demanding a rematch anyway. (stands up) See you in Combat Class!

(Carol storms off as everyone laughs at her, and then he goes to comfort the rabbit girl.)

Jaune: Are you okay?

Velvet: Yes... thank you... you're such a nice guy.

Jaune: I'm not exactly that... I'm just a passing-through Kamen Rider. Remember that.

(As he helps her up, he doesn't notice that the girl's teammates are watching them.)

Coco: He really put that bitch Carol in her place.

Foxy: Literally.

Yatsura: Yep.


(Jaune is seen preparing to fight Team CRDL.)

Glynda: Ready? Go!

(Jaune then pulls out his card.)

Jaune: Henshin!

Carol: Not this time!

(Carol charges at Jaune, who put the card in his driver.)


(He barely dodges her attack as he transforms.)


(He transforms into Decade.)

Carol: This won't scare me.

Decade: (pulls out another card) But this will.


(Decade becomes Amazon and kicks Carol down before charging at Russel, punching and kicking him. He then punches Dove in the face before dodging Sky's attacks. He then charges at him and bites his neck, making him bleed. Then he chops Russel's chest, making him bleed as well. He then blocks Dove's attack before finishing him with a vertical chop in his chest, making him bleed.)

Cardin: I'm not done yet!

(Decade (Amazon) sees Carol charging at him, and then he pulls out a card and inserts it on his Driver.)


(Decade (Amazon) is armed with the GaGa amulet, attaching to his right arm and giving him a portion of the ancient Inca artifact's energy. He then punches Carol constantly, making her cough blood.)

Carol: (coughs blood) ONORE DIKEIDO!

(Decade (Amazon) prepares to end the match as he pulls out a card and inserts it on his driver.)


(He leaps into the air and comes back down with his claws, slicing into Carol, inflicting grievous, fatal damage to her.)

Glynda: It looks like Jaune Arc won the match.

(Everyone cheers for Jaune as the latter waves at them before deciding to carry Carol.)

Pyrrha: Jaune, what are you doing?

Glynda: The damage Carol suffered was fatal. She along with her teammates are being taken to the infirmary.

(Pyrrha is about to protest, but she knows that Glynda has a point.)

(Next day, Jaune is seen at Oobleck's class.)

Oobleck: Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution--more popularly known as the Faunus War-- (zooms up to the front of the class and the map covered in papers behind his desk) --humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie. (points at the map of said-area with his stick, then zooms off to the side for a sip of his coffee before appearing in front of the desk) Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day! (zooms around the classroom more, sipping his coffee again before continuing to zoom and talk) Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?

(Some of the silhouetted students raise their hands. Velvet, after a moment, does the same.)

Oobleck: Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence! (takes another sip of his coffee) I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to White Fang! Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War? (a hand is raised) Yes?

Weiss: The battle at Fort Castle!

Oobleck: Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?

Jaune: (raises his hand) Uh... night vision?

Oobleck: Correct. Could you please explain it better?

Jaune: Many Faunus are known to have nearly-perfect sight in the dark.

Blake: General Lagune was inexperienced, and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured.

Oobleck: (zooming away) Perfect! Now, moving on!

(Some minutes later, Jaune is seen listening to Oobleck.)

Oobleck: (sips his coffee) I could notice you feel somewhat trouble during the class! Whatever it is...  (takes a longer sip of his coffee) you need to solve it as soon as possible! You've worked hard to gain entrance to this school, and we only accept the best of the best, so I expect you to act like it.

Jaune: I understand, sir.

Oobleck: You better, Jaune. History is very important! If you can't learn from it... you're destined to repeat it.

(With that, Oobleck zooms out as Jaune goes to the infirmary and checks on Carol, who suddenly wakes up and gets a little scared of Jaune.)

Carol: No, don't get close.

Jaune: Hey, calm down, I just came to visit you.

Carol: (scared) Are you sure?

Jaune: Why would I be lying?

(Carol then tries to get up, but still feels pain.)

Jaune: Well, I told you I wouldn't go easy on you.

Carol: (grunts) And I regret not having listened.

Jaune: How am I going to know if YOU are lying?

Carol: Hehe, you got me in there. But seriously, I underestimated you.

Jaune: Yeah, you did.

Carol: I admit, I never expected you to be so brutal. If it weren't for my aura, I would be already dead.

Jaune: Yeah... well, I gotta go, I need to essay an extra reading Dr. Oobleck gave me.

Carol: I see... Good luck, jauney boy.

(Jaune smiles at Carol, who grins at him, and then he walks away as the screen fades out.)

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