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Yoongi's P.O.V

"So this is the place?" I asked Hoseok as we both went inside the university.

"Yup." He confirmed until I bumped into someone.

I took a step back and looked to see who it was.

"I'm really sorry..!" The boy apologized as he bowed deeply.

Both mine and Hoseok's eyes widened in shock. "Jimin?" We let out.

He looked at us with a confused look. "I'm sorry, but... who are you? And how do you know my name?" He asked.

Me and Hoseok looked at each other when we then turned back to him, shaking our heads.

"Sorry, we must've mistaken you for someone else." I said with a small smile.

He nodded. "This is the first time I saw you here.. are you new?" He asked.

Hoseok nodded his head. "Oh, well we were actually looking for the Principal's office, could you help us out?"

He smiled. "Sure! Follow me."

We turned to each other again before following the boy's lead.


"So, Mr. Min, you want to apply as a music teacher here?" The principal asked as he looked up from my resumé.

I nodded my head as he then examined my requirements once again.

"Hm, alright, welcome to our university. You may start tomorrow while I will have a master teacher to observe your performance."

I nodded my head and bowed as I left his office to be met with Hoseok outside.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"It went well, I'll be starting tomorrow."

"If that's the case, shall we familiarize ourselves with the school grounds?" He then suggested.

I sighed as I nodded while we began to walk around.


We stopped in front of a room once we heard music playing inside.

I slowly opened the door to see the same boy that I bumped into earlier, dance gracefully in a room with thingies on the wall that shows your reflection. I don't even know what those are called nor do I know what this room is.

The boy didn't seem to notice our presence as we watched him move through every beat of the beautiful music.

We were mesmerized by the way he motioned. I let out a soft sigh as I reminisced the time I had danced in the moonlight with my dearest God of Life.

But soon frowned when I remembered that I hadn't made amends with him before we left for the human world.

I didn't notice the music stopped until I heard a soft voice.

"Oh, it's you two. Do you need anything?"

"Oh, no. We were just familiarizing ourselves with the school since my friend here applied as a music teacher, he'll be starting tomorrow." Hoseok answered.

He smiled as he then asked. "I see, have the both of you eaten lunch yet?"

Me and Hoseok looked at each other as we then shook our heads.

He smiled. "Come and join me then."

Hoseok then chuckled as he nodded. "Alright."


Taehyung's P.O.V

I heard a door open to reveal Jungkook coming out of his room. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I was planning to go to the mall to buy things today, Hoseok hyung said he would come with me but I think he forgot." He replied.

"Then I'll come with you." I said as I stood up.

"Um... hyung? Are you sure you're coming with me, dressed like that?" He pointed.

I looked at my attire which was just a normal white shirt and black shorts.

I looked back at Jungkook in confusion. "Yes, why? Your outfit is just as similar as mine."

He let out a soft smile. "We should really get new sets of clothes."

"Is that necessary?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes hyung."

I sighed as I snapped my fingers. I looked back at my clothing which is now a little more appropriate.

I looked back up at Jungkook as I asked him again.

"Why do you even want to go to this... 'mall'?"

"Because I need to buy some stuff since Hoseok hyung allowed me to go to the university."

"Before we go, we should change your outfit as well.." I said as I snapped my fingers, changing his attire to something more practical.

I nodded. "Let's go then."

"Maybe we don't need to buy you clothes anymore?" Jungkook said unsure.

I raised an eyebrow. "What? You said awhile ago-"

"Because you just changed our attire by snapping your fingers.. I don't think it's necessary anymore unless you still want to buy clothes.." he replied.

I chuckled and shook my head. "It'll depend if something catches my interest. Let's get going."

He hummed as we both left the house, not before locking the door.


Once we arrived at the mall that Jungkook was talking about, we went inside to see many people.

"So can you tell me what this place is?" I asked, slowly turning back to him after examining our surroundings.

"It's a place where you buy your wants or needs. It has many stores where you buy them." He said as we walked further.

"You buy items by paying the employee money or simply by a card that has money in your account."

[Shh... i'm bad at explaining 😅]

This mall is quite huge if I were to be asked for an opinion.

I looked around until a certain store caught my interest.

"Hey, Jungkook can we go there?" I suggested, pointing at the store called 'Gucci'.

Jungkook turned to the store I was pointing at until he paled. "Um.. hyung, I don't think we should.."

I tilted my head. "Why?"

"Because, their products are expensive. I don't think I can afford to buy anything in there."

I grinned. "Who said i'm letting you pay for your necessities?"

"Wha-" I cut him off as I started dragging him inside the store.


'No wonder Hoseok hyung gave this card to me.'

"Take this, you might need it since me and Yoongi hyung won't be able to come with you when you go out with Jungkook later."

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