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Jungkook's P.O.V

I sat down on a vacant seat in a restaurant seemingly tired as I placed the bags down with Taehyung sitting on the opposite side of mine.

"That was fun, don't you think?" Taehyung spoke with a soft smile.

I let out a little giggle as I smiled at him. "Yeah, but completely tiring... how did you have that much money anyway?"

"Well, Hoseok hyung handed it to me awhile ago since he said that him and Yoongi hyung won't make it." He answered.

A waiter soon went to our table and handed us menus as he waited for our order.

"So, what would you like to eat?" He asked.

I looked through the menu as I soon suggested. "How about Japchae?"

"Jap..chae?" He repeated curious.

I hummed. "It's some kind of noodles mixed with beef and different types of vegetables. I'm sure you'd love it!"

He chuckled and nodded. "Alright." He then turned to the waiter and ordered.

"Great choice sir! Please wait for a few minutes and your order will be done." The waiter said with a smile as he took the menus and left.

"So.. what do you think of our world?" I asked through the minute of silence.

A smile soon tugged on Taehyung's lips as he looked down at his hands. "Just like how he pictured it would be.."

"Serene, Beautiful, and simply... special." He described with fondness in his eyes.

I was taken aback by his answer as I looked down with a frown. "It's not like that.." I whispered, however he still heard.

"And how come?" He asked.

"It's a cruel world. They act selfishly and they tend to hurt others in order to get what they want. Children get abandoned and is only left to starve in the streets.. it's nothing but corruption."

"No wonder Yoongi hyung hates humans..-"

"But that doesn't mean every human is like that." He cut me off, making my eyes widen as I shot my head up towards him.

His smile was warm even his eyes shone brightly with love and hope.

'How... how is he the God of darkness? Everyone pictured him to be cold and distant just like the God of death..'

I questioned in my thoughts as I stared at the ethereal being in front of me.

I laughed bitterly. "It's ironic.. How are you the God of darkness if all you give off is optimism? Shouldn't you despise humans too? Why do you have so much faith in us? How do you keep looking at us with fond eyes if we're just monsters?"

He chuckled as he caressed my cheek lightly, giving me an answer without hesitation. "That's because it's just who I am. I don't hate humans, in fact, it's the first time I ever met one and even set foot into their world. I have faith because not all of you are cruel."

"And lastly.." he trailed off as he leaned closer to kiss my forehead sweetly.

It was nothing but blurry when suddenly, I heard two familiar voices, although I couldn't point a finger of who they belong to.

"What do you think of humans?"

"I think they're lovely."

I snapped back to reality when Taehyung once again spoke.

"I don't care of what you think of yourselves. He taught me how to love humans, and I choose to love them no matter what damage they do." He finished.

My eyes widened as I stared at him dumbfounded.

"You... really do mean it." I let out as I felt my cheeks get warm.

He smiled as he sat back on his seat. And soon enough, the food came as we began to eat.

But my mind wandered to that flashback.

'I don't recall anything like that before...'


Jin's P.O.V

I let out a sigh as I stared into the night at the balcony.

"You've been thinking quite deeply, hyung. Is there something the matter?" I heard Jimin's voice as I turned to him.

I smiled a little as I shook my head. "No, I was just in thought... what would Yoongi's condition be if Kookie is still alive."

"What does that have to do with Yoongi hyung? They were never that close.."

"Not true." I said with a small smile.


"We never entirely noticed, but... Kookie did everything just to get close to him. Then they got closer. When Kookie died, Yoongi was the most devastated. Although it didn't seem like he cared, you noticed how pitiful his reactions were whenever we talk about Kookie."

"So... he was the closest to Kookie.. than all of us? Even than Taehyung?" Jimin said.

I turned to him and nodded. "That's right."

Jimin then looked down in guilt. "Then... I was wrong to think I knew Kookie better than him. Hyung, I feel so horrible.."

I pulled him into a hug as I stroked his head softly. "Oh sweetie, it's alright. Us Gods make mistakes too, no one can be entirely perfection. Don't beat yourself because of it, both you and Yoongi will make it up somehow." I comforted.

He hugged back as he snuggled closer. "Thank you hyung.."

"The pleasure is always mine, my dear." I said with a smile as I rested my chin on his head, both of us embracing each other in the cold breeze, under the moonlight.

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