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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Do you have anywhere else to go?" I asked him as we placed down the bags.

He hummed. "Yeah, I was planning to take a stroll down the park."

"Alright then." I said with a smile.

When me and Jungkook once again went out of the house after leaving the stuff we bought, he led me to this... 'park'.


I looked around in the park only to be in awe at it's beauty.

I felt myself smile when I saw children playing around in a certain area until my smile faltered when I saw some teens picking on a child who's on the floor with tears in his eyes.

"Hey Jungkook.. look." I pointed. He turned to what I was pointing at and frowned.

"Should we help?" He asked. I nodded.

We both approached the teens only to hear their insults to the child, calling him a faggot, calling him useless and other insulting things.

"I'm sorry but would you please stop insulting the child?" Jungkook spoke as the teens turned to him only to laugh.

"What's so wrong about telling a kid the truth? He's worthless. All he does is waste space in this world." One said.

I clenched my fists tightly as I smiled coldly. "Oh? Then what do you call yourselves? If I could recall, those that waste the space of this world is always the one that's worthless. But do you hear me complaining? I think not."

They turned to me. "W-who are you?" Another stuttered.

"I'm just a normal person. But if I see you kids having such an attitude, i'm not afraid to hurt you." I threatened with a dark glare, causing them to shake in fear.

"Apologise now." Jungkook ordered. "Y-yes!" They stuttered out as they bowed to the kid "we're sorry!" And ran away.

I let out a sigh as I turned back to see Jungkook kneeling to the child's level.

He hugged the boy as he caressed his head gently. "Hush now sweetie, you're ok..." he comforted.

I smiled softly as I approached them only to notice the kid is really thin, clothes ripped and all covered in dirt.

'Is this what Jungkook meant of abandoned children?'

Jungkook then pulled away from the hug. "Where are your parents?" I asked gently as I also knelt down to his level.

"I-I don't have parents anymore... I was abandoned just when I turned 6.." he answered sadly.

"Oh.. how old are you now?" Jungkook asked.

"8..." he said, looking down as tears once again filled his eyes.

Jungkook then turned to me with hopeful eyes. "Can we please keep him?" He pleaded.

I thought for a moment and soon nodded. "Well, I would agree but i'm not sure if Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung would approve of it."

"You and Yoongi hyung are close, you can get him to say yes, right?"

I sighed and smiled a little. "I'll try my best." I answered.

Jungkook then turned to the child. "Do you want to come home with us?"

The child's eyes lit up with joy as he hugged Jungkook tightly. "Yes! Thank you!"

I felt myself smile when they both hugged each other.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, what's your name?" I soon spoke.

The boy turned to me with a huge smile as he stated his name.


I blinked until I laughed wholeheartedly. "You are so adorable my dear!" I said as I picked him up and spun him around in my arms causing him to giggle.

"Oh, which reminds me, should we go to a nearby hospital to get him a check-up for his health just in case?" Jungkook soon said as he stood up.

I turned to him and just nodded even though I don't know what a hospital is.

"Sure, we should get going now so we could get home before dinner." I said as Jungkook hummed, leading the way to a nearby hospital.

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