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Yoongi's P.O.V

He shook his head vigorously as he denied. "That's not true... I've lived my whole life as a human, how could I be a God?"

"It's unbelievable, I know.. but you are him, you just see those memories from a different perspective because you're not the same from who you used to be." I said.

I stared into his eyes and frowned. "But, I'll let this information sink in. You don't have to be the same as back then. You can be who you want to be because that is your choice." I stated, putting my thumb underneath his chin as I wiped away his dried tears.

"You can still be you. You can still be the Jungkook we met in this generation. You don't have to change anything, ok?" I assured.

"But... if what you do say is true.. don't I have responsibilities now?"

I nodded. "You do, but that will only happen once you completely remember everything from your past. And when you regain your powers back. Right now, you just have to take it easy. Don't think of it too much once we find a solution." I explained.

He nodded as he then looked down at the necklace which was now completely golden as the stone is pure blue.

I let out a smile. "We thought we lost you for good.. welcome back, Jungkookie.." I said.

He shot his head up as he stared at me with wide eyes. "You..."

I chuckled. "Well you and your past self have some similarities, do you not like it?" I asked, referring to the nickname.

He shook his head slowly as he let out a smile. "No, it's.. nice." He said.

I smiled which is probably the 5th time ever since I found out about Jungkook being the reincarnation of Kookie.

I stood up and helped Jungkook stand as well. "Classes are about to start. You should go now so you cold come a little early. I'll meet you at the front later after, ok?"

He smiled a little and nodded. "Yes hyung."

"Now go. I'll stay here for awhile." He giggled and hummed as he soon left.

I approached the railings as I leaned onto it a little.

I sighed as the doors to the rooftop opened again to reveal a red-haired Jimin.

"There you are. Did you take care of Jungkook?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, what about that kid?" I asked.

"He's suspended for a week. However, if his attitude goes on, he'll be suspended again and again until he gets expelled." He answered, going beside me.

"There's something really wrong with our generation."

I then turned to him to ask. "And why is that?"

"I see so many sad eyes through happy faces." He answered, looking up at the sky.

I stared at him for a moment before I looked up as well.

"That's just how they deal it. They wear these fake masks to hide away their sorrow." I said.

"But why would they feel so much sadness?" He asked, turning to look at me.

I turned to him as I stared into his eyes. "It's because..." I trailed off.

"They're humans. They're capable of feeling great disappointment. They are either sad that they don't get what they want, they can't save who they love, or they can't choose who they want to love."

He stared at me as I closed my eyes, telling him something that Kookie had once told me.

"Why do you keep staring at the moon?"

"Because it understands what it means to be human."

"And what does it mean to be human?"

"Uncertain, Alone, and created by imperfections. But that's why I love humanity. Their imperfections can become their strength."

"I used to ask someone why he kept staring at the moon."

"And you know what he said?" I asked him as I opened my eyes to look at him again.

He shook his head. "No... what?"

"He said that the moon understood what it felt to be human."

"And what else did he say?" He asked again.

"He said that a human could be uncertain, and alone. All of us are created by imperfections, but that's what he loved about humanity. We tend to love others more than ourselves and that's one main reason why a human feels sad."

There was a moment of silence until he finished what I explained to him.

"By getting hurt or losing someone that you love most."

I nodded.


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