2: Who are you & WHEN are we?

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My whole body was as flat as a pancake and limp as a water puddle. Letting out a long groan, I attempted to lift myself off the ground. Slowly levitating, I was up and I lightly landed back on the ground. The setting was dark, metallic, and shiny. The only lights that brightened this room a bit was behind, left, and right of me. Portals. Vortexes. Each one with their own color. Starting from the far right there was red, orange, yellow, green, blue which was behind me, indigo, violet, and pink. They also had the same whooshing noises but no musical notes came out.
After some seconds passed by, the red portal's vortex glowed brighter. It played a C note along with a C Major chord. Then there was really faint screaming. High-pitched screaming becoming louder and louder and louder. Suddenly the red vortex spits out a little screaming person who plops onto the floor. The little one groans and quickly gets up. He looks all around him frightened and confused like I was when I arrived here. His blonde hair was greased, he had a cute, chubby baby face he had to be at least 2 or 3 years old. He had big yet contracted blue eyes, his eyebrows were high enough to reach his hair and his little mouth hung open. He had white skin with a little pink on his cheeks. He wore a striped red and white dirty shirt with a red collar, below that collar was a small, skinny piece of red fabric that held two white buttons on it. On his chest area of the shirt was a red flame. He also wore an orange-ish red pair of shorts that had a belt wrapped around it and red-ish brown dirty shoes. He stared at me in shock with his big ol' eyes.

"What's the story, mornin' glory? Who are you?", he asked quickly and panicked.

"Um...who are you?", I asked a bit freaked out.

Dammit, stupid question, I thought to myself. I should've told him my name.

"Where are we!?", the little boy asked.

"No idea, dude", I replied.

The yellow portal vortex then glowed and played an E note and an E Major Chord. From it was faint screaming from another boy. This boy sounded older than the little dude but younger than me. The boy became spat out by the yellow vortex and he landed on his right hand and both of his feet like a superhero. He stood up confused and startled. He also had white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes but his eyes were covered with glasses. He wore a yellow baseball cap sideways on his messy blonde hair. He wore a black and white jacket over his dark yellow shirt. On his shirt, clear as day, was a bright yellow bolt. He also wore a dark orange pair of pants and green sneakers.

"What the-what!?", he exclaimed as he looked left and right seeing me and the littlest boy. "Who are you two?".

"I could ask the same thing about you boys", I added.

"My gosh this is crazy", the baseball capped boy replied. "What's dis location?".

"No idea!", the small boy exclaimed.

Suddenly the green portal's vortex glowed and played an F note with a F Major chord. Another little boy's scream came out of it, it sounded surprisingly calmer than the other two. It sounded younger than the baseball capped boy but just a year older than the small boy. The green vortex spit out the boy and he landed on his hands then he front flipped and landed onto his feet. He had a cute, young face a little less chubbier than the greased boy and a little taller too. He had clean, pale white skin, big green eyes, a gaping gasping mouth. He wore a green shirt that had cream-white long sleeves and a collar the same color. His baggy pants were very dark green and his shoes were shiny and black. On top of his dark brown hair was a light brown breton hat. On his shirt was a green leaf.

"Holy!-Hi-de-ho", the brown haired boy waved at the three of us. "Does anyone know where we are?".

"Not one clue...yet", I replied.

"And who are all of you?", the brown haired boy asked.

"Just wait, I have a feelin' that-", then I was interrupted by another portal making noises.

It was the violet vortex, it glowed and played a B note and a B Major chord. The crescendoing screaming sounded like a shrieking kind of scream from a man. When the violet vortex spit him out he landed on both his hands and both his feet like a startled cat. He stood up and cautiously looked around him at the setting and down at us. He was super tall and slender like about 7 to 8 feet tall. He had black skin, horrified blue eyes, and a mouth so wide you could see all of his teeth. He was bald wearing a violet top hat that had a green ribbon around it holding a flower that was red in the outside and yellow in the middle. He wore a dark violet tuxedo and pants, under the tuxedo was a white shirt. He also wore a black, sharp bow tie and black dirty shoes. On the chest part of his white shirt there was some kind of violet twist.

"Wewe ni nani? Niko wapi? I mean-Who are you? Where am I?", he spoke with a South African accent.

"Just wait, some more might be coming", the brown haired boy replied.

Just when you'd expect it, another portal glowed. It was the pink one, it played a high C note and a high C chord. From the vortex it sounded like a girl scream this time. The pink vortex then spat out the girl and she landed on her hands. She did an amazing front flip and a shockingly perfect landing on the tips of her toes. Then she stood on her flat feet and cautiously looked around. She had long blonde hair, white skin with pink cheeks, she wore glasses over her blue eyes and pink lips. She wore a sleeveless pink dress with a magenta ribbon around her waist. Under the dress she wore light pink tights and wore dark red dress shoes. Over her dress was a violet-ish pink jacket. On the chest area of her dress there was a bright pink heart. She looked at all of us with wide open eyes.

"What is going on!?", she asked freaked out. "Where am I? Who are you?".

"Everybody just remain calm, there's still more people comin'", the baseball capped boy insisted.

He was right, we were both right. The orange portal was the next to glow. It played a D note and a D Major chord. It's orange vortex spat out a screaming girl who landed on her feet then her hands then pushed herself up on her feet. She had short red-ish brown hair that had a shine of white like it might've been died her hair white before. Wrapped around her head was a white head band that had a long white feather on the right being held by an orange gem. She had white skin with cheeks that looked like they were pinched pink. Her eyes were brown and she also had pink-ish lips. Around her neck, she wore a pearl necklace. Her flapper dress was orange-ish white and she also wore black heels. I was surprised anyone could survive walking in those foot-killing things. On the chest area of her dress was an orange sun.

"Good golly! What is this?", she exclaimed.

"We'll explain later...hopefully", the pink girl replied.

Finally the last portal, the indigo portal glowed. It played an A note and an A major chord. A new screaming girl became spat out of the indigo vortex.
She had blackish brown skin, brown eyes, and a loose wavy afro, mine was a bit rounder than hers. She wore a short-sleeved purple shirt that showed her belly button and over that was a navy blue jacket. She also wore indigo bell-bottoms and black heel boots. On her shirt was an indigo plus.

"Jeepers creepers! What kind of-who are you?", she asked with so much sass.

I think that's everybody, I thought.

"Well, first we need to know where we are then we should introduce ourselves", the tall man suggested.

Everyone confusingly nodded and agreed. We all looked around the dark room for clues.

"This sure ain't no blacklight party", the sassy girl commented.

Tell me about it, I thought. Does something or someone want the room to be this dark? I don't get it.

Everyone's heads were thinking, murmuring in confusion and I could hear it all. Now where's the lights?
Finally someone turned on the lights with a flick of a light switch. The lights flickered very bright at first then it changed to a perfect dim brightness. The room actually looked a bit bigger when it had the lights on. Right in front of all eight of us was a metal door and a metal sign on top of it. We all walked up to it and read the sign.

With no fault of our own, we read in unison "Coder Time Traveling Center. You are now in the year 2018."

Everyone gasped at the sight. Seeing the date of the year that was presented to us on the little black screen on the sign.

2018?, I thought, my gosh...I'm in the future!

"We're all in the future", we spoke in unison again.

My goodness, even though we know where we are there are still many, many, many, many questions left unanswered. Who built this place? Who are the rest of these people? Why do we sometimes speak in sync? What's the future like? Are there finally flying cars? And what do we do about this? These were only a small fraction of the questions in my head and everybody else's. As much as I kinda despise it at this state...it's time...to socialize.

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