3: Pick a little Talk a little

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Silence. Complete silence. Nobody wanted to talk. At least at first.

The silence was broken by the tall man saying "I think dis is de time we introduce ourselves."

"So who wants to go first? Any takers?", the pink girl asked.

We all looked around at each others faces waiting for someone to speak up.

Anybody?, I thought.

"I'll go 1st!", the littlest boy exclaimed.

We all formed a circle and the boy took a big step forward.

"I'm Zachary James, I'm 2 years old, people call me smart for an ankle-biter", he spoke.

"What time are you from?", the tall man asked.

Zach shrugged.

"From the looks of the greasy hair, I'm guessing...the 1950s?", I replied.

"Ohhh, so that's why my mom and dad always mention something like that. It's 1952 to be exact."

"Cool, are there any important folks in your times? Besides your parents of course", the flapper girl questioned.

"Well, there is this chick I love, her name's Mary Ellen. She may be a year older than me but we seem meant to be", Zach replied.

"Awww!", we all said.

A 2 year old in love, eh?, I thought, so adorable!

"Also do bad guys count as important people?", Zach questioned.

"Yeah, if you see them a lot", the green boy replied as simple as he could.

"Well...there's this creepy nurse I have, her name is Poppy-"

Poppy. Poppy. Poppy.

The echoing of her name in my head drowned out everything else Zach had said. I knew a nurse named Poppy as well back in my SuperElle years. She was a dream demon who hated my guts and always looked for vengeance. Now that he mentions it, she did speak with some weird slang. She did used to be human. I guess that's in the 1950s.

"Um, you, are you ok?", Zach pointed at me, noticing my scared face.

"I know a creepy nurse named Poppy too", I muttered.

"Ain't that a bite, that sucks", Zach commented. "Anything else you wanna know?".

"Maybe...what's your favorite place to hang out or eat?", the indigo girl asked.

"I like Dairy Queen and McDonald's", he replied. "And mostly, I play outside with my pals".

I like Dairy Queen and McDonald's too, I thought.

"Anything else?", Zachary waited for someone to answer. Impatiently quickly he then replied "Alright, who wants to go next?".

"I will", the orange girl volunteered.

When Zach took a step back in the circle, the girl stepped forward.

"I'm Mimzy Addams, I'm 13 years old, and I'm known to be a wonderful flapper girl who has a...troublesome side", she explained. "By the way, I'm from the grand year of 1929!".

She happily made a pose with her arms stretched out and her left leg bent.

"Away from my mom and a nuisance of a little sister, I've performed in many places I can't even count. An important person in my life is Alastor. He's the most famous radio spokesperson in New Orleans."

New Orleans?, I thought, No fair, I bet she has a lot of stories to tell about that.

"My favorite food is the same as Al's, venison and jambalaya. Mm-mm! And I like stop by Alastor's place from time to time."

Venison?, I thought, those poor deer!

Yeah...I'm one of those weird people who would rather have deer alive than food...my belief's the same with sheep. But don't worry I love meats like beef, pork, turkey, and CHICKEN!

"Good golly, I've been talking a lot, who's next?", Mimzy asked.

"I guess I will", the baseball capped boy volunteered.

Mimzy took a step back and the boy took a step forward.

"I'm Chase Spencer, 9 years old, and I love going fast", he replied. "I'm from 1995 in West Philadelphia born and raised. My favorite places to eat are McDonald's and Taco Bell. I mostly hang at the playground most days, watch tv, play video games. An important person would have to be...", he thought for a couple of seconds. "...I can't think of one off the topic of my head. And to top it all off, I love to run."

This guy seems cool, I thought.

Chase stepped back and the green boy stepped forward.

"I guess I'm next. I'm Mikey Bean, I'm 3 years old and I live in New York City, New York. I'm an only child with my mom, my dad died during the war. I'm from 1946 and I care for people as much as plants and animals. My favorite foods are plums, cake, and meatloaf."

I can't help how adorable Zach and Mikey are, I thought. Come on, Felicia, this is important information so you can socialize.

"Mostly, I come to the woods to relax and play with my friends. And there's this man I know named Buddy who seems like a nice fellow."

He smiled and took a step back, that meant it was my turn to step forward and introduce myself. So I did. I just had to speak not too quiet or too loud, that was kinda difficult because I'm mostly quiet.

"I-I'm Felicia Idle, I'm 13 years old from 1988 in Hurricane, Utah. I'm an only child with my mom and I'm known to be shy and weird", I spoke.

Everyone nodded to show they understood or they know what it's like to be in my shoes.

Could that be possible? Anyways. Then I continued explaining. "My favorite restaurants are McDonald's, Dairy Queen, and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza".

When I mentioned Freddy Fazbear's, Chase's eyes popped like he knew that place. It was the same expression I had when Zach mentioned Poppy.

"An important person in my life right now is Mr Afton who works at Freddy Fazbear's. And a place I like to hang out at is Freddy's at night when it's closed down, that or just anywhere outside at night." Phew, glad that's over, I thought as I grew an awkward smile on my face and took a step back.

The sassy indigo girl took a step forward.

"I'm Rhonda Jennings, 13 years old and I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1975. An important person in my life would have to be...dang, I can't think of one off the top of my head!", she explained looking a bit freaked out. "Anyways, I love disco and helping people out when they need it. I like restaurants like Dairy Queen and anything that involves teriyaki, pop rocks, and pasta. And my favorite place to hang out would have to be any late disco club where I can be groovy anytime".

Interesting, I thought.

The sassy girl then took a step back and the tall man willingly took a step forward.

"I'm Harold Jackson, I'm...31 years old, from 1887 in Boston. My favorite food would have to be anythin' involved with chicken or bananas."

1887?, I thought. I had so many questions about that but I kept them and my thoughts silent until everyone was done.

He continued, "Important people would have to be my little sister, this mysterious woman I love, and a Blue Diamond."

Blue Diamond, Blue Diamond, Blue Diamond, now that name echoed in my head.

He was a great friend of mine in my SuperElle years. He's also the West leader of Mars.

I wonder if he remembers me after 30 years, I thought. Anyways, focus.

"And I like to meet the wonders of nature away from the cities every now and again", Harold spoke before he took a step back.

Lastly, the pink girl took a step forward with a determined smile.

"I'm Rosa Campbell, 12 years old, from Kansas city, Missouri in 2003. My favorite food is any baked good or any pasta or chicken. I'm known to be a very exceptional dancer in tap, jazz, hip hop, and more.", she explained as she did a little twirl for everyone. "An important person would have to be my little brother. And I like to play video games on my spare time, I'm kinda a gamer girl too."

Schweet!, I thought. More gamers to hang out with. Anyways I think that's everyone.

"Should we go more in depth or...?", Rosa asked.

"Well, we have no idea how to get out of here so, probably", Mimzy suggested.

Suddenly, Zach zoomed towards the door and his hands turned bright red. They were on fire, literally! I think he was trying to probably blast the door open. We were all shocked that this kid had powers.

Quickly, Rhonda held Zach's hand and spoke "Zack, wait! I have a pin.".

Then she grabbed a pin out of her hair and unlocked the door. It made a buzz sound and a quick cluster of clicks. Harold pushed the door and it was open. It was open not to the outside world but into another science lab looking room.

"So are we just goin' to ignore what dis boy did?", Harold asked while turning to us.

"Nope, it's certain he's got powers too", Mikey replied.

"Yep, I guess that's flame's outta the bag-wait...you have powers too?", Zack questioned.

"Mm-hmm", Mikey nodded.

Then all eight of us in sync said "We all do."

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