5: The Office

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It was dark again. The brightening lights and the whispering was coming back. Maybe this is a sequel to my dream last night. "Felicia, Felicia, Felicia", the voices whispered. Still, I couldn't tell one bit who those voices belonged to. Either they were to quiet or too much in sync to make out. "Felicia?", a familiar male voice asked. The lights dimmed down a bit to a more survivable brightness for me. "Felicia, it's just me", the man said as a purple shadow appeared in front of me. "I came back.", he spoke. The purple figure now looked more 3d and less like a shadow. His features and accent to his voice were so familiar. And that's the point when...
I woke up.

Just to spare you some time reading the boring things, I'll just skim through. If you're the kind of reader who thinks that I should do better, I'm not Shakespeare or Stephen King. Anyways, I did my morning routine, ate breakfast, grabbed my neon drawing bag, went outside. Bla, bla, bla, bla. I know this sounds like bad writing, but that's only because by that time, not much thoughts were coming in my mind. Then it struck me.

Will the vortex come back? What did that dream mean? When will I see flying cars in the future? Is it possible to go into the other vortexes? And is Mr Afton not busy today?

Those questions kept repeating themselves over and over again. Today felt longer than the rest of the days of my life.

What's goin' on?, I thought confused.

During the afternoon, I was walking on the sunset scenery sidewalk. Some little kids were playing catch, or tag, or hide-and-seek. The bigger kids were playing with action figures or sneaking around probably planning to prank someone. Not even looking up, I just smiled, I'm glad everyone's having fun.

Why aren't I having fun? Because my friends aren't here. Except for-

Pausing my thoughts I looked ahead. As soon as I reach the top of the hill, I'll reach Freddy Fazbear's. Passing the neighborhoods behind me, I kept on walking. If you're clueless about my mom knowing about this or not, I told my mom I was visiting a friend. I wasn't lying and if anything bad happened I know I can call her. Thank goodness Freddy's has a lot of phones. The sun was half below the Earth now as I stepped on the top of the hill. Right in front of me was none other than Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. I could tell by the words printed on the building and the picture of the four mascots on top of them. The sky was a rainbow now with the right side of Freddy's in the dark and the left side enjoying the setting sun. The right side is where me and my friend met every night when he wasn't busy.

Then my brain keeps echoing: Mr Afton, Afton, Afton, Afton, Afton, Afton, Afton, Afton...
Yep, time to meet Mr Afton again, of course if he isn't busy, I thought.

So I stepped by the dark, right side of the establishment and snuck.

Is it weird to love a place that you're afraid of?, I asked myself.

It's just at night, I kinda act a bit jumpy and jittery from the suspense and things or people that might be lurking in the night. Ever since my first real horror movie, I've grown a fear of the dark. Before you think anything, it's not the darkness itself, but what might be lurking in the dark. I kept sneaking around the place and looking all around me to make sure I'll be safe. There were many possibilities of what might happen. A ghost screams at your face, a robot could be staring at you, the boss might find out and glare at you, or-

"Feliiiiiciaaaa", quietly sang a voice.

It sent chills down my spine. It sounded like a creep, a man, maybe a clown!

"Feliiiciaaa", the voice sang again creepily quiet.

"Whadaya want?", I asked cautiously and quick.

"It's me, Felicia. Your good pal", the chilling voice replied. Then he giggled a goofy yet a bit sinister giggle.

"Come on, man, don't do this", I muttered frightened.

Then I remembered about my whole fear of clowns and the book I read one time, Stephen King's "It". I couldn't even finish that book because of my coulrophobia. But I do remember how Pennywise lured poor little Georgie. From a sewer. There was a sewer by the sidewalks to Freddy's. Quickly, I slid on my own ice below my feet and looked into the sewer. The creepy voice giggles.

"I'm not under there, silly Felicia. I'm up on the ground with you", he spoke while giggling even more crazily and higher-pitched.

I melted the ice I summoned and pushed myself up. Looking around the dark side of the building I couldn't see him. His echoing laughter though sounded closer.

"Can you please show yourself?", I asked half-politely half-freaked out.

"Happy to. Why don'tcha just look behind you?", he replied.

Looking behind myself I see...a red balloon.

Craaaap!, I thought, I'm getting total "It" vibes and I don't like it!

The red balloon just stood still, it didn't float higher or sink lower. Slowly, I took a couple of steps back. One step...two steps...three steps...four steps...five steps-

"GOTCHA!", the voice shouted.

I screamed when two hands grabbed my shoulders. They let go of me and I fell on my stomach. Quickly turning myself around I see it, looming above me. Not Pennywise, thank goodness, but...the bunny. He was laughing a wicked jokester laugh.

"You little crap!", I growled while standing up and swung my fist at Springbonnie's face.

The lucky bunny ducked his face trying to catch his breath from laughing so I missed him. His high-pitched voice impression while he was cackling gradually turned more deeper-pitched. When he took off his bunny head, his true voice was finishing his chuckle.

"I really could've knocked you out, dude!", I shouted appalled.

"Relax, at least you didn't, right?", Mr Afton spoke as he cocked his head.

"Good point, anyways, let's go inside, I don't want anymore creeps coming at me", I replied as I let him walk in front of me.

I felt more comfortable when I was behind him and not the other way around. It's just another weird fun fact about me. He opened the door, and waited for me to walk in. He shuts the door and keeps walking inside the dark building. Of course I followed him & we knew the directions by heart to where we hang out at night.
Forward, left, left, right, forward, 2nd left.
Mr Afton's office was tidy as always, he had stars on his walls and his personal favorite children's drawings hung up. On the right wall was a closet where he placed his creepy bunny suit inside. On the left wall was another closet, probably for his other less creepier Springbonnie suit. Behind his desk was his his swivel chair. In front was another swivel chair and a regular Fazbear chair like in the Dining Area. I usually sat on the Fazbear chair because Henry usually sits on the other swivel chair. The papers on his desk were more neat than last time. Besides his papers, phone, and other things, a little thing on mine sat on the front left corner. A teeny tiny robot. It was just a prototype of possible projects I might think up in the future. It was just a cute 8 inch endoskeleton waiting for another coating. Remember how I said sometimes I tinker with things here, that's what I mean. Since I find electronics so fascinating, I thought why can't I create one? I even gave it a name, Riley. To be honest, I built Riley with little parts of animatronics I've been scavenging. Mr Afton noticed that one time and let it slide. He appreciated my creativity like he did his own or Henry's. With just a push of a little button, Riley can so far just walk and speak in beeps and other robotic noises. This time, I pushed the button, it walked towards my clean piece of paper, and looked up at me. Riley tilted it's head and hung its mouth open like it was trying to smile if it could. It squeaked a cute beep as I lifted out a pencil and began to draw.

"Is it just me or does your prototype become more alive when you show up?", Mr Afton asked.

"I don't know, maybe", I replied with my eyes locked on the paper, "What if it got short circuited and became alive like in the movie-"

"'Short Circuit'?", me & Afton jinxed.

The man laughed "Wouldn't that be something, we shouldn't let the government know".

"Hehe, yeah", I muttered.

Riley then made a series of sounds as if it was laughing. Now I believe there's a 50/50 percent chance of it being alive. Scribbling like crazy, I was drawing something new. It wasn't a character this time, or at least not one I've seen. It was spirals, the background was. Then I drew floating people and creatures on the spirals. Some I left blank white, others I shaded in really dark, the remaining I lightly shaded. Lastly I added dots, scribbles, eight-pointed stars, and clocks on empty spaces of the picture.

"What's that, Felicia? Are you working on a movie or something?", Mr Afton questioned over my shoulder.

Startled, I covered the picture.

"It's crazy crap, dude, you wouldn't understand", I replied.

"Oh, come on, you know I'm intrigued in new ideas", he reassured.

"Yeah, I know, maybe it's just for craps & giggles or something in the future", I spoke.

"Either way, it looks terrific", Mr Afton commented.

"Thanks", I said as I put my drawing things away in my bag.

"You're not going to leave so soon, are you?", Mr Afton asked, "Not without a piece of chocolate cake."

"Oh, you know I can't say no to that", I said with an I-surrender smile.

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