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I fell asleep soon after Anti and I left the bar, he still carried me of course.

When I woke up, I could finally open my eyes independently. We were back in Anti's home, in bed. My body was propped up with someone holding me behind it, and I could only assume it was Anti.

That's guy Death said my shoulders up would be fixed, so that includes my larynx, right?

I attempted to speak, but only a squeak came out. Possibly for not talking so long, though since I made some kind of sound, t was a start.

I cleared my throat and waited a moment before I tried again.

"An..." In a soft whisper was all I could peep out.

I decided to hum for a few minutes to possibly warm up my voice some more and damage it less next time.

"Anti..?" Came out a bit louder. I tried to move, but only wiggled my head. Guess I forgot that I was fuckin' paralyzed.

I decided to keep moving my head around. My hair might get messy, but maybe it will get me somewhere. Eventually, my head fell back off the pillow and onto Anti's chest which made him stir.

"Anti..? Anti!" I continued calling.
"Hm?" He opened his eyes slowly and noticed I was calling with my eyes open. Realizing such, he jumped up, more awake and energized.

"(Y/n)! Y-You're fixed?! B-But how?"
"No, my eyes can open and I can talk now, though. Only the shoulders up, remember?"
"Fuck... Then how'd you get down here?"
"Wiggled around till I slipped."

Anti blew up his hair in a sigh.

"What are we gonna do?" He asked hopelessly.
"I'm not sure, but I kind of have to go to the bathroom, and I have to shower, and  eat, and drink..."
"God, you humans are hard to take care of."

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