Chapter 6: I said RIGHT !!

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* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Giratina: Okay, so... We've got to save that king's face now ?

Jojo: ... Do we have to ?

Staff: We must !

Sans: Who is this guy anyways ? To you guys, I mean ?

Jojo: ... Biggest prick in the entire fucking universe.

Staff: DIO-Sama...

Sans: ... O... Kay... I think it was somewhere in that forest...

Giratina: What are we waiting for then ? let's go.

Jojo: Okay... I was pretty sure we were supposed to go in a forest, right ?

Sans: yeah, so ?

Jojo: Kinda barren, don't you think ?

Sans: Listen, I'm not the one making that dumb map, okay ?

Giratina: How could they misplace a forest for a desert ?

Sans: The hell if I know...

???: Adventurers !!

Giratina: Hm ? Oh, Elfman.

Elfman: Huff... Huff... I'm sorry, but... You're about to enter the territory of the Neksdor Kingdom. Due to the menace of the Dark Lord, they have closed their frontiers, so I must ask you to not go any further.

Giratina: ... The hell are you using to read that damn map ?

Sans: Hey, don't blame me ! They couldn't even put things right ! Why is the red arrow on the compass pointing down anyways ?!

Staff: ... ... And like that ?

Sans: ... Oh... Right. Like that...

Giratina: We went on a trek through an entire mountain range, just because you're too dumb to read a map correctly ?! Please tell me I'm dreaming !!

Sans: Hey, I'm no navigator ! If you're not happy with how I do, how about you try yourself ?!

Giratina: I'd gladly, but that doesn't change the fact you fucked up real time this one !!

*That was the last straw !*

Staff: Do we step in or...

Jojo: Nah. Let them settle this one themselves. Besides, I wanted to know something...

Staff: yeah ?

Jojo: About these MP sweets, why the hell are they so big ? It's hard enough to fit one in my mouth.

Staff: Oh, I just swallow them whole. It's just way faster.

Jojo: Maybe I should try it too... Okay, drag these two behind, we're leaving.

Jojo: ... ... ... Say...

Staff: ... ... ... Yeah... ?

Jojo: You... Wouldn't happen to know a spell to erase memories ?

Staff: Not anymore... We've got to go with that vision for the rest of the trip.

Jojo: Shit.

Giratina: Good... So, now that we turned left and went to our actual destination, we can finally get our job done and save the king.

Jojo: You really are still mad about that ?

Giratina: Give me a good reason why I shouldn't.

Jojo: In any case, we would've had to trek through it to progress further. Now or later, it doesn't change much.

Giratina: I suppose... Where are these two anyways ?

Staff: Wow ! Get a lungful of this fresh air !

Sans: Sure is a nice change from gunpowder or Iodine ! Might even go for two lungfuls here ! Thanks, trees. Not only you make beautiful ships, you also give us clean air.

Staff: Yeah ! Thank you, trees ! Except that mutated plant back there that one was a bitch.

Giratina: Fighting a plant... How stupid is that ?

Jojo: I once fought a pedophile orangutan.

Giratina: ... You know what ? I'm not even gonna question that.

Jojo: yeah, there's a god reason "Bizarre" is a word that comes up a lot around me... is that a group of moths attacking them ?

Giratina: Looks like it. Maybe we should...



Jojo: ... Nah, they got it.

DIO: Help the royal face !


Jojo: Well... if anything, this is kinda fitting. He still got a heart of stone...

Staff: And rock-hard abs.

Jojo: No. Don't. I killed that guy twice, I hate him enough already to have you fanboying all over him.


DIO: Are we alive ?

Sans: Well, with quite the help from our trusty horse, Speedwagon, we were victorious over that golem !

Staff: DIO the pillar men... Now this is something I haven't though of...

Jojo: And I'd be very grateful if you didn't.


DIO: My beloved face... Oh, thank goodness...

DIO: The royal countenance is restored ! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU !! ACCEPT OUR ROYAL GRATITUUUUDE !!

Jojo: 'Money !'

Giratina: 'Cash !'

Sans: 'Dough !'

Staff: 'STANDO POWAH !!'

DIO: Sigh... Now we must replenish ourselves. Munch munch munch... But you know, that Dark Lord Rance-Sama is certainly no joke ! We're all in a lot of trouble with that scoundrel around... Go and warn the princess while we take care of this... Om nom nom...

Jojo: Um, okay... hey, guys... Since DIO's the king, who do you think will be the princess ?

Giratina: Wanna bet ? We could gamble on who's universe she's gonna be from.

Princess: ... Hm ?

Darkness: And who might you be ?

Sans: ... Okay, so all three of you owe me about...

Jojo: Goddammit. Well, your highness, you see... ... ...

Darkness: The dark Lord went to Greenhorne ? Oh dear... Is Issei OK ?!

Giratina: ... Issei... ?

Darkness: Oh. I'm sorry... I'm worried about my friend in town... Would you check on Issei for me ?

Jojo: Sure, why not ?

Darkness: Oh, thank you, thank you ! Please tell him that... Darkness is worried about him.

Giratina: ... ... ...

Jojo: What's happening to you now ? You've been awfully quiet.

Giratina: remember your reaction when the king turned out to be DIO ?

Jojo: Yeah, so ?

Giratina: the name Issei brings back memories of unpleasant nature to me.

Jojo: Oh, is that so ? How come ?

Giratina: Well, not like you and Dio, you were mortal enemies... And, to be honest, he isn't even that bad of a guy, it's just... He's probably the biggest pervert I ever encountered... or maybe second right behind Ichiya... In any case, he's kind of an annoying guy.

Jojo: well we'll see when we meet him.

Unohana: Ah ! Adventurers !

Jojo: Oh, you are... Let me guess, Kenpachi...

Unohana: Y- Yes... Kenpachi's gone missing ! I can't find him anywhere ! Would you help me look for him ? Please ?

Jojo: Well, we're kind off looking for someone already... Someone with an attitude of noble...

Unohana: Ah, I met someone like that ! I asked them to look for Kenpachi not too long ago... Maybe this is a bit rude, but... I don't think they're up to it. So it's a relief that you're here !

Giratina: Yep. That's Issei alright. They couldn't have gone too far, let's patrol near town for them.

???: H- Here goes... KENPACHI ! WHERE ARE YOUUU ?!

Kenpachi: No ! Stay away !

???: That voice !

Kenpachi: S- Somebody help me !

???: I- I've got to do something... You ! You get away from him !!

???: Ouuughhh...

Sans: Hey, is that him ? On the ground ?

Giratina: let me just take a look... yeah, I've got that urge to whack him over. that's who we're looking for.

???: There's nothing I can do... Please, save the boy !

Staff: That was just goblins... How was that even close to a challenge ? Annd, ham.

Kenpachi: Waaaaa ! Mommy !

Jojo: ... You know, that was a little embarrassing...

Issei: I... I know... Thank you so much for your help. My name is Issei.

Giratina: well, we were just looking for you. Princess Darkness is worried about you, you know ?

Issei: the princess... Is worried about me... ? Oh ! Never mind that, what on earth were those monsters ?

Jojo: ... What kind of rock have you been living under lately ? These have been everywhere for... Weeks, I think ? How long has it been ?

Giratina: Yeah, just Issei... Better bring the lad to speed, or we'll have a lot more to explain to the princess.

Issei: ... I turned my back and all this happened... And the way you handled those monsters... You were incredible ! And I was as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Jojo: Weird analogy, but why not ?

Issei: I- I think I'll be leaving now !

Sans: ... He looked like he really, really wanted to use the bathroom.

Giratina: That's him. Useless and annoying most of the time, but with a big heart and reliable when you need him.

Sans: I think I've got a female version. Just remove the big heart, she's petty AF.

Giratina: Let's get back and announce to the princess he's okay.

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