Chapter 7: Third time's the charm

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* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Darkness: ... So Issei is safe... That is a relief ! Please accept this reward.


Darkness: W... What was that noise... ?

Jojo: Oh sorry. That's just what happens whenever we receive a remotely large amount of money. Nothing to worry about, really.

Darkness: I- I see...

DIO: Now, now, my child...

Staff: DIO-Sam- Hmmmmmgh !

Jojo: Shhhhhhhh, let yourself drift in the sweet embrace of unconsciousness and be liberated at the cold hands of death~.

DIO: You must forget about that Issei chap. You are betrothed to prince Motoyasu after all ! Is that clear ? *Chomp chomp chomp*

Darkness: ... ... But father...

Jojo: ... Okay, he's gone.


Staff: Haa... Haa... Haa... Did he just say... "Prince Motoyasu" ?!

Sans: Ah ? Finally meeting one from your place ?

Staff: Really, if talk by important characters, there aren't a lot... And it had to be him...

Giratina: Who's he ?

Staff: My Issei, in short.

Giratina: Oh.

DIO: Ah, adventurers. The princess's fiancé should be on his way. Since you're here, would you mind seeing him to the castle ?

Staff: ... ... N-

Sans: Yes.

DIO: Much obliged ! The princess' fiancé is from yonder kingdom. He should be waiting at the arid frontier. Could you head for the frontier ? *Munch Munch*

Giratina: Been there, done that.

Sans: Oh come on !

Jojo: Well, at least the trip should be shorter this time... Hopefully.

Giratina: He said, a few hours ago.

Jojo: Okay, I strongly need an explanation here. We already made our way through to the frontier, how the HELL ARE WE LOST ?! Did someone let Sans with the map again ?!

Staff: You think we'd make that mistake twice ? Really ?

Giratina: Because we... Kinda did...

Sans: Don't worry guys ! I just need to find the boulder that looked like a banana, Then we're out !

Jojo: ... I'll hang your lifeless corpses as signs so no one ever gets lost after that... How did he even lost us ? Take right at the forest's entrance, then right again at the ravine, it's not that hard !

Sans: ... ... ... ... Right ? Twice ?

Staff: Apparently it is that difficult.

Jojo: ... ... ...








Sans: Haa... Haa... Almost ruined my gear.

Giratina: Yeah. Your "Oh-so-precious" pirate gear.

Sans: I can't help it if I'm attached to it, Mr.Polka dots. It fits my character, after all.

Giratina: Would you kindly shut up ?

Staff: Argh, this mountain climbing is no lark ! I think my legs have stopped working...

Sans: We both weren't meant for physical activity to begin with...

Jojo: The state of you. This is a warm-up to me, I wouldn't mind doing the climb all over again sometimes.

Sans: Are you okay... ? Both of you ?

Jojo: What, you want me to carry you or something ?

Staff: You would ?

Jojo: No. keep walking.

Staff: Filo, where are you...

Giratina: Okay... I recognize the surroundings. This is where we were earlier, because muh reading map is hard and me dumb.

Sans: That's a terrible impression

Jojo: But not inaccurate. So we should see that fiancé 'round these parts. What does he look like ?

Staff: You... You'll see when you see him... There's literally no way you can miss him... Even when you want to.

Jojo: Oh...

???: Grr... Keeping me waiting... Hmph... Huh ?

Motoyasu: You imbeciles ! Take me to the princess, this instant ! And don't dawdle !

Giratina: Huuu... Hello to you as well... We've been sent by the King to escort you to the cast-

Motoyasu: I know that !! Now quit wasting precious time and escort me at once !

Sans: ...' Is this what you had in mind... ?'

Staff: 'Somehow... This is even worse than the real one... It's princess Bitch all over again, but with Motoyasu's face on...'

Motoyasu: Why was I waiting out here alone, you ask ?

Jojo: No one asked anything...

Motoyasu: In truth, I've been fighting a monster. I made a valiant effort at vanquishing the brute, but my pathetic servants couldn't handle it. Bah ! They left me no choice but to flee from battle... YEEEEEK !!

Staff: Hm ? A- Ah ! Monster ! Battle positions !

Giratina: A... griffin.. Sure looks stronger than the rest...


Giratina: Okay... Prince, it's your turn !

Motoyasu: Hmph. Don't order me around. Looks like it's time for me to step in.

*Exuding an air of haughtiness...*

Sans: O... Kaaaaay... You...

Motoyasu: You dare challenge me, you varlet !

Jojo: Sir, we really need you to...

Motoyasu: What, you haven't had enough yet ?

Giratina: ... So that's how it is...

*Team Jojo win !*

Jojo: Phew... That sure was something... Looks like we have a pretty good combo here.

Giratina: well, as long as you can spam "proud protector" that is. I just wish I could provide enough healing.

Sans: Hey, it was enough with the sprinkles.

Motoyasu: Hmph ! The victory was hard-fought, but my expert swordsmanship pulled us through.

Staff: Ex... Cuse me ? I was the one to deal the finishing blow !

Motoyasu: ... Oh, I spy the castle ! Princess darkness ! Your beloved prince Motoyasu will soon be by your radiant side !

Staff: ... You know, placed like he is, just a little explosion, and no one will know why and how he fell down this ravine...

Jojo: No. I know you want, and frankly, I do too.

Staff: Then why ?!

Jojo: We were tasked to escort him. If he suddenly disappear, we'll be suspected, and technically considered to have failed the mission. This is not acceptable. So first we see him to the castle, and then, eventually, you put a grenade in his briefs.

Sans: Praise be to the pink wooly knight.

Jojo: Fuck off.

DIO: Well ? Where is prince Motoyasu ?

Staff: You magnificent highness DIO-sama, the mission that you so graciously entrusted us with-

Jojo: He's just following behind. Mission complete.

DIO: Ah ! You've returned safely, we see. Splendid ! Here is your reward.


Dio: Perhaps you should do something regarding that sound, it could startle those not expecting it. Om nom nom... *Munch munch*

Giratina: ... Well, I suppose our work here is done... That doesn't help us with the Dark Lord matter, though...

Staff: Maybe we should check on the princess ? After all, it's her fiancé that we escorted... huh... ?

Ren: It's a lot of work supporting the king... You've got to stay in shape. You don't want to throw your back out !

Sans: ... yeah... You gotta put your back-bone into that... Else you gonna get boned.

Jojo: ... Leave him be... leave him here forever, tie him to a chandelier and never come back...

Staff: ... that guy's from mine. Probably the most serious and reliable out of the three other heroes. And the one with the most brain.

Jojo: I see.

Gray: I have but one job. I support the king. No matter how weighty it may be.

Giratina: ... ... Gray, your clothes.

Gray: Gah ! When did it happen ?!

Jojo: ... You know what ? You guys just stay here, I'll go on ahead...

Jojo: Princess, I must inform you that...

Issei: Ehehehe, I managed to sneak in.

Darkness: Tee hee !

Jojo: ... Huuuuuh... Listen, the moment might be wrong, but you should probably not stay here any longer...

Motoyasu: Princess Darkness ! It is I, your beloved prince Motoyasu ! HAH ?!

Motoyasu: You... You DOG !!

Giratina: Oooooooooooh !!

Motoyasu: What are you doing with princess Darkness ?!

Issei: And who are you supposed to be ?!

Motoyasu: Oh, nobody special. Only the princess' FIANCE !

Issei: She's engaged to a rotter like you... I won't allow this !


Motoyasu: Say that to my face !

Issei: Grrrrr !!

Sans: the bars are being delivered hotter than ever ! Anyone got marshmallows ?!

Giratina: Go Issei ! Show'him who's boss !

Staff: Get him Motoyasu !

Jojo: I give up...

Darkness: Please stop... Stop it, you two !!

DIO: What on earth is all this commotion ?!

Jojo: Uhhhhhhhh...

Giratina/Sans/Staff: WOOOOOOOOOO !!

DIO: Those three are in a state... Maybe a calming fruit would help. Might we ask you to find one for us ?

Jojo: I mean, we have a part of responsibility in this whole situation...

DIO: It would help immensely. The fruit's somewhere deep in the forest. Take this little something first.


DIO: Ah, I see you've toned it down. Be quick about it, please. *Munch munch*

Sans: Y- Yesh, yur highnesh...

Giratina: We'll do our besht...

Staff: Awawawawaaa...

Jojo: We'll be on our way.

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