Chapter 8: *Very* naughty imp

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* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Giratina: But seriously, what a battle...

Jojo: Yeah... That Issei guy really let loose, huh ? Was he... You know, always like that ?

Giratina: Somehow... This is more accurate than I'd like to admit. You should've seen him when his crush's real fiance appeared. I mean, he got his ass whooped, but the intention was there.

Jojo: Heh. On the other hand, that Prince Motoyasu... Funny how apparently he was the tallest of the other heroes, but here he's just a manlet.

Giratina: the correct term is "Vertically-challenged folk", I think.

Jojo: I just call them "Koichis". But back to the Prince, he's a bit... You know... But if he's her betrothed, there's not much we can do...

Giratina: There's always something we can do. Staff's idea of a poorly aimed explosion is one possibility.

Jojo: Uhhhh... Given we'll need to trek through Neksdor next, maybe blowing up the prince isn't the brightest idea...

Giratina: Well at least I'm making propositions. Unlike someone I know.

Jojo: Try thinking outside the box. If we could put a slow-effect poison in his food, we could get our goal free of consequences.

Giratina: ... Y'know what, I think I preferred before you had ideas... I feel bad from princess Darkness, but not that much...

Staff: ... Okay... Are we lost ?

Sans: Not at all ! We're... Erm... Somewhere, that's... Kinda apart of the path we were supposed to be on... And...

Giratina: yeah, we're lost. What now ?

Sans: Uhhhhh...

*You found a hidden path ! Check it out ?*

Sans: ... ... ... ...

Sans: ... Listen, you gotta grab all opportunities life throws at you, you know ?

Jojo: And I'm all for that, but just NOT WHEN WE'RE COMMISSIONED BY THE KING YOU DIMWIT !!

Staff: ... I think I just lost 15 at my left ear... Why are you even mad, all we have to do is go back until we find the right path.

Giratina: You know what they say. When lost, always walk straight. You probably won't end up where you wanted, but at least you'll be somewhere.

Jojo: So chilled... O god, who gave me such a team to work with...

*My child it is of utmost importance that you understand that the choice was rather... Limited for me. In fact, you're lucky there was three.*

Sans: So you mean... There isn't any replacement for us... uhh...

Jojo: What ?

Sans: ... Guys, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Staff: I think so Sans, but I don't see how learning to play the tuba could help our current situation...

Sans: ... No, Staff...

Giratina: We try our best to mess with him ?

Sans: That's more like it.

Jojo: ... Someone will die by my hands before this adventure is over... And I can't tell whether it'll be the Dark Lord, one of you... Or even myself...

Sans: Say it.

Jojo: ... ... ...

Sans: Come on. Say it.

Jojo: ... Grrrmblll...

Sans: Listen, you know just like me that I won't stop pestering you until you finally admit it. So.

Jojo: Gah ! Fine ! That chopper sword was worth the detour !

Sans: See ? Was that so difficult ?

Giratina: Hey ! Stop dawdling already ! This is an emergency !

Jojo: This ain't so important.


Sans: He'll be fine. It'll spit him out once it realize he's not edible.


Jojo: So what ? I didn't made such a fuss about that kind of things.

Giratina: He's having a seizure !

Sans: Just shove food down his throat, it'll make things better. And even if it doesn't he'll still stop flailing around.

Giratina: GUYS !!

Jojo: So, how ya feeling ?

Staff: ... I will burn this entire forest down to the very last bit of weeds...

Sans: see ? Good as new !

Giratina: he's not !

Jojo: Let's just get that calming fruit. Then we'll shove it down his throat.

Sans: yeah, about that... I was pondering... If everyone ate the calming fruit... Wouldn't we get rid of all the fear and worry in the world ?

Jojo: Where does that even come from ?

Sans: I mean, just a little something that you can eat, and then poof, you instantly become allies. Wouldn't that be quite handy ?

Jojo: I... Suppose it would... So what ?

Sans: Now now, follow me on that one. If we do find this calming fruit... We could grow more, and get people eating it. And then... We could take over the world as its benevolent overlords !

Jojo: ... I thought you were against world domination just as much as I am...

Sans: I mean, last step is optional. I was told once that if everyone drank milk, crime would vanish from the Earth. Another proof that Blackbeard was lactose intolerant, to be honest.

Jojo: ... Who ?

Sans: ... Nevermind. let's get our hands on this fruit, shall we ? I think Staff's starting to choke on his own tongue.

Giratina: I was wondering... We don't even know what that fruit looks like, do we ? How are we gonna find it ?

Sans: Uhhhhh... That's a really good question... a question I don't have the answer to right now...

Giratina: You think we should go back to the castle and ask ?

Sans: that would be too long... I'm pretty sure I can smell the flames of their dispute from here...

Jojo: Found it !!

Giratina: Yeah, that would be nice to... Wait, found it ?!

Sans: When... I mean, how ?! How did you know it was it ?!

Staff: We've been picking every fruit of the area until we found it.

Sans: Oh... That's the giant bag you're trailing behind... Cool...

Jojo: Let's get back to the castle now, and be done with this ! Let's-


Jojo: ...Staff, for the love of all, would you mind stop getting eaten by these plants ?!

Sans: Where did that one even come from ?!

Sans: Okay, so here's the thing. If anyone asks why one of us is all sticky... Do not answer.

Jojo: Roger that.. Ohh...

Jojo: What... What on Earth happened here ? What are these things ?!

Giratina: Imps, huh... ? Guess we gotta take care of these before the rest !

Staff: Do not falter ! Your majesty ! We are... H- Here... ?

DIO: H- Heeeeeelp !!

Jojo: ... ... I'm gonna name this one imp "Pucci" for no particular reason.

Staff: Vanilla Ice would be more... Hey where are you... ?

Sans: Out of here !

Giratina: I don't want anything to do with any of this !! Never !

Staff: ... You do realize it's not really... You know ?

DIO: Th- The Dark Lord is here ! he's in the princess' chamber ! Please, help her ! I implore you !

Sans: Do not worry !

DIO: H- hey, help us too !

Staff: We were too late...

Motoyasu: G- Goodness gracious, what were those things ?! Oooooohhh... M- m- m- m- m... Mumsy ! I'm scared !! save meeeeeee !!

DIO: *Munch munch munch*

Staff: ... Kinda out of character, gotta admit.

Issei: Dark Lord Rance-Sama... he stole away my beloved's beautiful face... I saw him heading towards Nightmare Tower. i'm so scared... But I must pursue the fiend !! Wait here, Darkness !

Issei: I'll save the princess !!

DIO: *Munch munch munch* ... ... Hm...

Darkness: ... ...

Jojo: Okay, I understand this whole situation, but... Why does she... Is that blush ? And why is she breathing so heavily ?

Sans: Uhhhhhh... Lalatina ?

Darkness: *Heavy breathing*

Sans: Yeah, no mistake, she's the real deal. That's a good thing.

Giratina: How so ?

Sans: When we come across her face... Don't worry about going overboard. She'll enjoy it.

Staff: Okay... Uhhhh... Your majesty ?

DIO: The princess ! Please ! And Issei too, I suppose...

Jojo: This place makes my hair stand on end... Brings me back to Egypt, all those years ago...

Sans: It's ok if you're scared, you know.

Jojo: More anxious than scared. Unpleasant memories and all.

Sans: Yeah, I get that. let's just save princess Lalatina and-

*Distant moan*

Sans: ... okay, she's definitely here. let's save her and get out of here.

Jojo: Something we agree on, finally.

Staff: You know... the stairs were back there...

Giratina: ... Sans...

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