#80 - my crush

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i guess i've had a crush on him since the day
he did the exercise

he likes fristi


animals (especially cats)

and intelligent people

but i know he won't like me back

his hair is blonde and his eyes are blue

his long eye lashes can only be seen when i'm close to him

he has those two big incisors that look cute when he smiles

he's 13 inches taller than me if i'm not mistaken

his mindset is admirable and his way of speaking is remarkable

i love sitting there and listening to him

he's smart, more like street smart, and experienced, but not even a bit arrogant

he's perceptive

i feel like i can say anything to him and he won't judge me or dumb me down

he doesn't smoke or do any drugs

or at least not until he reaches 80

at first, when we've not worked together yet, i barely talked to him

maybe because i was afraid that i would say something stupid

i don't even make eye contact with him cus if i did, he would know immediately, by looking into my eyes, that i have a crush on him

i know my eyes sparkle when i talk to him

i can feel my face heating up, and my cheeks turn bright red when he's close to me

it's still cold and we still have the heaters on, so i hope i can blame on those

he's all i ever wanted

i want to marry this guy

with my ridiculous ego, i won't let anyone lead me

but if it's him, he can tell me whatever he wants me to do

he sees through me, and also the skit that i made up

i want this guy so bad

but i don't know

if i only want him because he won't like me back


if i have any chance with him

i would gladly take it

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