20⚡️Intimidating Gangster

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In calm, deep water of the wild,
The alpha waits...

It has been three days, and Taehyung and Sri were still angry with each other. They hardly saw each other's faces. Taehyung would give her a cold stare before leaving for work. No matter how much it stung her, Sri would perfectly mask her emotions behind her ignorant expression.

Taehyung took the help of police and other sources on the dark web to get connected with the Eclipse. He wanted to find Taesoo before the Titans could harm his wife.

Sri, on the other hand, lived with the Titans most of her time. She was proud to see her brother grow so strong and efficient. The entire Titan gang worked on his finger indications. She also got acquainted with Sherly and secretly shipped her with her brother.

Though Jungkook, hardly felt any emotions. Sherly would go all red whenever Sri teased her about the former. However, Sherly never dropped her respect as she knew the woman behind this huge organization was none other than Jeon Sri. No matter how much friendly Sri was, Sherly knew she was far superior to her in every field. She knew the underworld like the back of her hand. Even to date, the Titans obeyed her without question. They would stiffen every time she passed across. If Jungkook was the demon, Sri was the lucifer. The monster did reside in her.....

"Noona, you should go back. Taehyung must be worried. You're here since morning." Jungkook sipped his wine while working on his laptop.

Sri sat opposite him, playing with a pen in her fingers. She her eyes was focused at nothing proving she was in deep thought. After a few seconds she stood up, "I should." She left the room without a word, heels clicking on the tiled floor.

Jungkook kept on staring at her receding form. "Noona, you cannot fool my eyes..." He mumbled once she was out of sight. "I hope whatever misunderstandings you two have gets cleared."

"Boss?" A familiar feminine sound was heard from the other side of the closed door.

"Get in," Jungkook answered back.

Sherly stepped in and made her way toward the Titan boss. She stared at Jungkook's laptop as he showed her the job.

"Make sure it is done with perfection. You are excused from the gang activities for the time being."

"Yes, boss." She kept her posture erect trying hard to ignore the hot mafia beside her. She was about to take a leave when Jungkook stopped her again.

"Have a seat." She did as directed.

"You can relax, you know?" Jungkook smirked at her stoic posture. Sherly nervously laughed and relaxed her shoulders.

"I need an underboss for the gang just in case anything happens to me." He searched for any response in her slightly shocked face. Having found none he continued, "Who do you think can it be?"

"Oh Jinsuk?" She referred the man who was in charge of the drug dealing since Sherly had been engaged in a more important job.

"He is good but lacks experience." Jungkook rejected him while slipping his wine.

"How about Se Yoosang?" She was now referring to the best fighter of the gang. Jungkook chuckled and shook his head. His cheeks were a bit red due to intoxication from the liquor.


Jungkook kept aside his wine glass and walked towards her, eyes boring into her head. Sherly stood up seeing him standing infront of her, yet she felt like nothing but a little pup compared to his towering height and broad shoulders. "Why are you not taking your name? Are you not confident enough?" He gravely asked.

Sherly would be lying if she said she wasn't intimidated by him. Since the first day she saw him, she had a huge crush on Jungkook. However, her talent for keeping the professional world separated from the personal one made it easier for her to hide it. Now that she was with Jungkook in the same room, standing very close to her, she feared of her lust would take over her.

"I am waiting for an answer." Jungkook brought her back to the earth. She could smell the sweet liquor on his breath.

"I-I am a young and inexperienced girl. H-How can I take responsibility for such a huge position??" Her eyes looked wide and innocent like a confused teenager.

"No, you aren't." He leaned into her ears and seductively purred. "You are much better than you know." Sherly stood frozen like a statue under his intimidating aura. She felt tingles that she never had felt before.

Jungkook pulled up her chin with his index finger and made her look straight into his eyes for the hint of any hesitation. On confirming she was only flustered, he pressed his lips on hers. Sherly felt a shock of electricity hold down her body the moment the male's soft lips touched her, the taste of wine getting mixed up in her mouth.

He grabbed her waist and deepened the kiss. It was a clumsy feverish kiss, Jungkook was drunk but he knew what he was doing. He broke the kiss only to attack her neck. He had the sudden desire to mark her.

Sherly couldn't help but let out a soft moan. Her mind got drifted to the moment when Jimin had kissed her. Her brain reminded her of the consequences of playing with the ambers of the underworld. She decided to shut out the 'Jimin' part for the time being. It was not that she liked him in a romantic way whereas she had been liking Jungkook for three years now. It was like a dream come true for her. She thought she would enjoy this moment until the Mafia boss uttered.

"Marry me Lee Sherly and become the underboss of the Titans."

The world came to a standstill for the drug dealer of the Titans. She only focused on the intense gaze Jungkook was giving her, waiting for her response. She couldn't help but gasp out a confused 'what'.

Jungkook leaned in and gently brushed his nose against her ears. "Take time and think over my words. Good night."

Sherly didn't realize when Jungkook left the room. When she got back to the earth, it was only her in the empty office. For a moment she wondered if this was a dream but the wine glass on his table proved otherwise. His words were ringing in her ears like a sharp bell. She puffed the air out of her lungs and walked out of the room as if she wasn't ready to get laid by the Gangster a minute ago.

Sherly thought she would have a peaceful night, but her bubble busted when she discovered Jimin standing infront of the door. 

MAMA on 30th Nov!!
Cant wait for Hobi's performance!!

Dont forget to vote and comment.

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