21⚡️The Lion's den

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A lion doesnot loose sleep
Over the opinions of a sheep....

The continuous vibration of the cell phone woke Taehyung up from his sleep. He squinted his eyes to adjust to the sun rays penetrating through the curtains. He checked his phone only to find it switched off. However, the vibration was heard again. He curiously glanced at Sri's one which was lying on the nightstand.

As far as he remembered, she had slept in the other room last night. Just then he heard the showers which made him realize that she was here for a bath since there was only one bathroom in the flat. The phone made a distracting sound again.

Tae wondered who was sending her so many texts early in the morning. Curiosity got over him as the doctor tried to peek into the LED screen. His blood ran cold on discovering Jungkook's name on the notification. He swiped down the taskbar and read the message. The gangster had asked her to visit the Titan mansion in the evening.

Taehyung knew she would get more trapped as time passed. He had to do something. He quickly locked her screen and walked out of the room when he heard the water stop. Sri walked out of the bathroom in her formal attire. Taehyung didn't know where she was going but he was sure that it wasn't the Titan mansion. They had eye contact for some seconds. If looks could kill, both would have been dead by now.

Taehyung waited for Sri to return. It was twilight. The clock struck seven. Jungkook's message haunted him. Did she really go there? What if she was in danger?

The door finally clicked open and his wife walked inside. She glanced at him and walked into her room. After a few minutes, she came out dressed, ready to leave again. Taehyung abruptly stood up and spoke, "Wait!"

The woman halted in her steps just before she could open the door. She emotionlessly glanced at her husband before opening the door. A hand stopped her.

"Just listen to me please." Tae pleaded which made her turn around.

"I am getting late. Make it fast."

"I- don't want us to fight. I just want you to be safe." His words surprised her. Sri's lips slightly parted. Taking advantage of her silence, he hugged her tightly. "Please forgive me. I am sorry." He whispered in her ears.

Before Sri could process this, she felt a sting on her neck and the world suddenly turned blurry. "What did you do?!" She pushed him away in bewilderment.

He dropped the syringe on the ground. "I am sorry, I can't let you go there."

"What the fuck are you saying, Kim Taehyung?!" She screamed while tightly clutching her spinning head to focus. She had to blink multiple times to fight the darkness.

Taehyung scooped her in his arms before her body could completely give in. She could hardly make out his face through her hazy vision but her eyes were throwing daggers.

However, it hardly affected him as the doctor laid her on the bed. "Remember when I had said..." He toned down his voice to a sensual whisper, "If it's to protect either of you two then I'll go as far as making S kneel infront of me." He softly kissed her forehead. The last thing she saw before closing her eyes was Taehyung loading his gun. It was not hard for him to behave like a gangster for a better future.

Taehyung had a hard time locating the Titan mansion as he was going there for the first time. He was planning to attack the lion in his den and winning was next to impossible. But he was ready to have only a one percent chance in his favor. Finally, he saw a huge building with a gigantic Titan logo at the top.

He crept to the back wall of the mansion. It was a tall wall and climbing was tough but the doctor had no choice. Either take the risk or die at the main gate. He threw a plastic bottle from the nearby trash and checked if the wires above the wall were electrified. On confirming it was not, he began climbing upon the wall.

Taehyung jumped to the other side of the Titan barrier and checked his loaded gun. He could see some men guarding at a distance. He tiptoed towards them and choked the first person till he was senseless. Then he whistled to catch the attention of the next man who attacked him with a knife.

Taehyung slid to his left to dodge the blade and held his hand before twisting it. The weapon fell off the enemy's hand. He threw a punch at the doctor which he again dodged and kicked the opponent's stomach instead. The man fell some distance away. Taehyung pounced upon him and banged his head on the ground making him unconscious.

He then walked inside the house through the back door. The living room was huge. It was more majestic that the old one. The tv was larger and the floor was shiner. He saw the red blinking LED of the CCTV at the corner. He knew Jungkook was watching him. He wanted him to come so that he could do his job.

Taehyung was well aware that Jungkook would not dare to kill him or he would have to face the wrath of Sri. He had to take advantage. He knocked out another of his men. He threw a punch at another but the man blocked him just before it could touch his face.

Taehyung's eyes slightly widened at the familiar man before him. "Nice hair colour, by the way." He complimented.

Jimin smirked at him, "Long time no see, my friend." He twisted his hand and pushed him away. Park Jimin wasn't the one to fight but he knew the basics which were more than what Taehyung was taught.

Taehyung screamed in pain but charged again. The gangster easily blocked him again. "Wrong move, Kim." He kicked his knees and the doctor fell to the ground with a groan.

Jimin towered over his lying body and chuckled in sympathy, "Do you want to die that soon that you dared to step into the Titan mansion? Does your wife know about this little stunt you have pulled?"

"Stay away from her." Taehyung gritted his teeth and tried to get up when Jimin placed his feet on his chest. The doctor was helpless.

Jimin doubled over in laughter. His slightly crooked front teeth are visible, "Do you hear yourself speaking? She is the queen of Mafias, not us." He kept on laughing.

"I don't care. I don't want her to get back into this hell hole." Taehyung answered back.

"Then trying saving your daughter without us. All the best." He retreated his feet and stepped back. He turned around to leave when he felt a change in the air. He dodged Tae's flying kick by inches. "Don't test me, doctor," Jimin growled in anger.

"Where is Jungkook?!"

"Go, find him." He blocked his path challengingly.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was busy watching the game through his monitor. He leisurely leaned on the chair and put his legs on the table. "Kim Taehyung met my expectations." He chucked and sipped his wine.

Sherly was standing just behind him without a word. She kept on staring at the pink-haired male. Jimin had been giving her a cold shoulder from the day Jungkook had given her the marriage proposal. Her eyes traveled to and fro between Jungkook and Jimin. Just when Jungkook saw Jimin was about to kill Tae, he stood up and left the room.

Taehyung's nose bled as he saw the pink-haired male with a gun pointed at him. He wasted no time in taking out his. "I won't be the only one getting shot." Jimin's smile was long gone as his eyes darkened in rage. He was about to pull the trigger without thinking of the consequences when a dominating voice stopped them.

"Back off, Jimin." Jungkook walked in between the two muzzles and faced Taehyung.

"Jungkook you are in the way." Jimin tried to warn.

"I said back off!!" He raised his voice which made Jimin lower his weapon and step aside.

Jungkook smirked at the doctor who now had his gun gripped tighter. The titan boss took out his own gun and tossed it aside. He put his hands into his pocket and spoke, "Shoot. You came here to kill me, right?"

Taehyung hesitated to pull the trigger. He had come to kill him but he couldn't. "Just stop it. Why are you doing this? Why are you playing with her?"

"Because it's fun." He evilly chuckled. "I want her to be back. Titan will become more powerful if we have S back with us. Together we Jeon siblings are inevitable." Jungkook's voice turned more venomous with every word he spoke.

"Shut up! I'll never let you have your way." Taehyung gritted his teeth. He was not looking any less fearsome.

Jungkook secretly smirked and continued ignoring his threats, "I'll also train your daughter to become one of us. Just how cool he would look holding a gun in her hands."

"Go to hell, Jungkook!" Taehyung pulled the trigger and at the same time, another shot was heard which knocked Taehyung's gun away from his hand.

Updating after long. I had lost my story flow.. needed time to replan and pen down.

But here it is now... enjoy the chapter!!

String of Fates has been completed in the mean time. MYG fans can check it out.

Pictures caught by me during my trip.

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