29⚡️Common enemy

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The person I'm trying to become is more important than the person I used to me.

"What would I have done without you, my dear?" Ivan stated his appreciation when Sri walked over him. The party was going in the background. No one was affected by the ruthless murder of their commarade. The entire gang had seen worse. Kesien tried to act smart and got his answer. Sri hoped this would have crashed all other plots made my other gangsters in her gang.

"You have saved my gang yet again."

"I am certain you could have handled this alone. What was your reason to notify me about the sniper? You could have let me die, you know?" Sri raised an eyebrow at him.

"After you removed one of my biggest threats, safeguarding your life is my priority. I wanted you to win whatever game you are playing for two years." He eyed Sri who suddenly got quiet before continuing, "Don't think I haven't seen your sudden break downs during fights or sudden disappearances for days. I am the boss, I should know how my people are doing, besides you are my favourite one." He nonchalantly shrugged.

"Ofcourse, you do." Sri scoffed. "My game hasn't even begun. I am still preparing the arena."

"I hope that doesn't involve keeping Nôva in the blacklist." He laughed.

"As I had already said, I have no intrest in taking over or destroying your gang. So you can chill, boss." She walked over to the now cleaned bar and retrieved a glass of wine.

Sri stepped into her appartment and kicked off the heels. Her eyes lingered on the photoframe of Taehyung and Taesoo hugging each other. Her eyes began burning, she knew it was that time of the day when she misses her family the most. Leaving everyone behind was tough, even for her. But she had to. She had to make sure no one ever touched the people she loved. It was a long process but the plan she was creating would ensure victory. For a bright future, she had to cut off people from her life. She had to leave her country. She had to leave Taehyung.

"It won't be long, I'll make sure they pay for touching you, Taesoo." She hovered over the sink and splashed water on her face.

The next morning Ivan stepped into his back yard only to find his son speaking with Sri. He knew she affectioned him like a second mother. She trained him in her free times.

"Aunt S, I can't shoot my rabbit. I love him." Ivan heard his son.

"Killing our lover is the worst decision one can take. A part of you dies with them. But certain situations are beyond control. And when such moment comes, I want you to choose yourself." Sri's eyes seemed lost in some unknown melancholy. Ofcourse the two year old boy understood nothing but she was trying to voice out her worry.

Ivan thought to interrupt her. He didn't want her to loose focus before the mission. "Hey champ! Mom is waiting for you in the breakfast." He piped.

S stood up from her kneeling position and ruffled the child's hair, "Go."

"Arvin loves you. You're his best company." Ivan stated once his son was out of sight.

"I enjoy playing with him too." Sri smiled without looking at him, "We will be leaving sharp at 10am."

The bar was as lively as the last night. Russians didn't cared for the timing. For gangsters, every hour of the day was spent on drinks and hoes.

The poker table was jubilant. Women wearing negligible pieces of clothing twerked their asses to allure the criminals. Smell of tobacco was intoxicating.

A handsome looking man leaned on the bar watching the entire club with his hawk eyes. He wore a colourful bandana on his forehead and an expensive black leather jacket over his t-shirt. His slim legs attracted many prostitutes in the club but he payed attention to no one. He was here for business.

"Its time."

As soon as he got the green singal from the other side of his ear piece, he abandonned his drink and walked into the hidden corrior at the far end of the club.

The long way consisted of many doors. He chewed on his chewing gum harder when he hard moans behind those doors.

He drew his Alfa Combat pistol and made sure it was completely loaded. He gently held one of the door knobs and suddenly busted in.

The gangster was hit with a choking stench of tobacco and rotten eggs. He at once knew it was Methamphetamine, a highly addicting drug. What else was he expecting in a bar full of criminals?!

The people were sitting around a table, too intoxicated to spot the intruder. The man blocked his nose with one hand and walked inside. He searched for his target.

At the far corner of the room, he spotted a man with neon blue hair. He stood up and opted for a run when he saw the gangster coming towards him. It proved he wasn't drunk.

The gangster, however was fast. He outran the target in a few seconds. "Stop hiding. Its time for you to face your pinishment." He growled as he pushed his head back with his pistol.

"Ya podchinyayus'!" (I surrender!) He screamed as he dropped on his knees. But before the gangster could get a hunch, he pressed onto something and the floor opened engulfing the target into a dark tunnel. The gangster cursed loudly and jumped into the hole. Who would have expected a hidden tunnel inside a bar? Russia was much different from his homeland.

Sri walked into the dark tunnel to catch the miscreant who had been stealing from the Nôvans for three months. He had sold drugs without Ivan's permission. He even mendled with some of the bars owned by him. The Nôvans had lost a huge sum for this man. It was either he paid back 40million rubles or die in her hands.

She wondered how the place was so dark even in the broad daylight. The tunnel was abandoned and its end was nowhere to be found. Her flashlight didn't help much.

She deliberately took this path because it was shorter and easier. However, now the latter seemed a lie to her. Walking over the heaps of garbages was anything but easy for her. She felt like vomiting at the strong rotting smell.

Suddenly she was alerted by a shuffle. Some rats squeaked loudly as they ran from one heap into the other. Someone else was present there. S pointed her gun forward as she took cautioned steps. Unexpectedly someone attacked her from the side and her flashlight slid away.

S knew how to fight in the dark. She held the person's hand and elbowed his chest. The person groaned gravely proving he was a man. She felt the shift in the air as she bent down to dodge his punch. She slid her legs below his but the later jumped up in the perfect time.

He was able to block her every hit. S was surprised to see his fighting technique. It was very familiar. The person almost knew her next move. He fought like a Titan.

He held both of her hands and turned her around. Her back hit his chest. She could hear his loud breath fanning in her ears. S froze as a wave of dejavu hit her. As if her body recognized the touch but her mind couldn't or rather refused to.

S came to her senses within a few seconds and headbutted him. The man pushed her away with a grunt. She ran to retrieve her flashlight as she heard the click of the gun.

Within a blink she directed the light on the face of the man. A gasp left her mouth as her wide eyes were fixed on the person. An immensely handsome man who was trying to prevent her every move for years. His mud covered face had a similar expression as her, except his hand pointed the gun at her direction.

"Taehyung?" The named slipped her mouth before she could think.

The next few things happened in a slow motion for her. She saw how his expression changed from a shocked to an angry one. How he flared his nose and clenched his jaw! How his eyes darkened with an unforgiving countenance! His hold around his pistol tightened as he pulled the trigger.

The gunshot echoed in the entire tunnel.

Every confusion will be cleared in the upcoming chapters. Just have patience.

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Just look at this cutie mochie. I am so proud of him. 🤧🤧

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