31⚡️Hidden feelings

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The more you hide, the more it shows...
The more you deny , the more it grows...

The dark blue color car pulled up infront of the Nova mansion. The twilight had consumed the entire sky. S stepped down from the car and tossed the key to one of the guards for him to garage the car. Such unique models were only used by the Novans. They had been specially designed for Ivan and his gang.

Sri's hair was a mess due to the wind but sweat drenched the collar of her shirt. She had been driving the whole day to clear up her mind. However, the more she wanted to swim up to the surface, the more she got pulled into the depths of guilt. She wished she had never met Taehyung that day. He never looked so aggressive. She knew she was the reason for his change. Her good boy 'Kim Taehyung' probably died the day Taesoo was killed.

She recalled the day when they were sitting on the roof of Titan mansion after their mini-attack. The night she had opened up to him about her past traumas.

"I'll try but I can't promise anything. I will end all the evil ones but I will try not to harm the innocents from now on... only for you. In return, can I get the previous good boy Taehyung back?"

"Good boy Taehyung?" He laughed.

"My arena has been set. Time for the game to begin." She announced once she stepped into the white mansion. It was not the time to dwindle on the past she had to settle the future once it for all. The Taehyung she met today seemed daring enough to mess up all her plans. Her sacrifice would entirely go in vain. She needed to act fast. This time she was determined to win, even if it costed her life.

"Well, well." Ivan chuckled, "I was waiting for this day. Tell me how may I help you, my friend?"

"I need twenty of your men whom I had personally trained for this purpose and resources for their living including food, arms, and other necessities."

"This much only?"

"Enough. If by any chance I need backup, I'll reach out. I will leave for Korea tomorrow." She hovered over the office table he was sitting at. Her shadow covered half of Ivan's body. He saw how her lips curved up to form the evilest smirk. "Song Jongki would be facing the monster they have been feeding for three years."

The small team assisting S stood in the airport infront of Ivan's private jet. The Gang leader himself was present to bid them farewell. He was in his navy blue suit and dark shades. His hair was neatly made and his shoes polished. He would look exactly like a rich businessman if the silver revolver didn't peek from his holster.

"It's a goodbye then?" He smiled at Sri. The strong breeze blew their hair.

Sri smiled back with a nod. "I'll visit you. Thank you for helping me till now. Reach me out if you ever need me."

"The feeling is mutual." He extended his hand. "I know you can win without it but still, Good Luck Sri."

For the first time, Sri smiled at him when he used her name. She eagerly took his hand. She then turned on her heels and boarded the jet. Ivan saw the plane ascent in the air until it disappeared behind the clouds. S was a huge pillar of his empire but he knew she was a temporary member. He had trained himself to uphold the power even without her.

Taehyung stepped into Jungkook's mansion and was immediately thrown to the ground, flat on his back, by something heavy above him. The doctor giggled, "Have you gained weight while I was away?"

"You were only gone for three days, Daddy. But I missed you." Taesoo pouted. She was now almost 7 years old. She got taller as well as sharper. She had inherited the brain from both of her parents.

"I missed you too." He pecked her chubby cheeks.

Taehyung vowed his life to the Almighty for giving him back his daughter. Amidst all the betrayal and sorrows, the little one was the only light in his life. His only reason to keep going. His reason to join the Titans was that he could remove the eclipse from their lives and also protect his daughter while doing so.

He still remembered the day when he knew she was alive. It was another soulless day for the doctor when Jungkook called him into his mansion. Sri was heard to have left the country by then. He said they had found Taesoo stuck in a log somewhere far from the place she was thrown. However, it had been twelve hours since her rescue and she had been unconscious even then. It was the moment he knew he had to succeed in the toughest treatment of his life. The girl was suffering from pneumonia as well as a severe lung infection. He knew his title of 'the best cardiosurgeon' would all be a myth if he failed to save his own daughter. He had to make the impossible possible.

He remembered how he cried for one whole hour holding Taesoo when she had finally called him 'daddy'. He wished he could have shared the joy with Sri but she was far gone by then. Jungkook decided not to involve her anymore. She would eventually meet her when she would return. Since then Taesoo had been living with them. Though the environment wasn't anywhere near to perfect for a child to grow up yet he knew no one could touch Taesoo's hair inside the Titan mansion, not when she was guarded by both him and Jungkook. He had to recreate a stronger version of himself to do so.

"Why did you go?" The ignorant child asked, bringing him back to the present.

"It was an important job, my dear." He replied as he stood up.

"Were you trying to find Mommie?" The felt even angrier on seeing the expectant eyes of his child. How could Sri be so selfish? She doesn't even care to know about Taesoo. She was so consumed in a battle with her darkness that she failed to grab the light of hope.

"No dear. She will come back soon..." He saw how the excitement died in her orbs.

"I hope she finishes her work fast. I miss her. It's been two years." She mumbled with teary eyes.

Taesoo was told that Sri was out for some office work. "It won't take her much time. Just wait a few more days dear." Taehyung hugged her little frame. "Did you complete the letter I told you to write for me?" He changed the topic.

Taesoo showed her two missing front teeth innocently, "Oops, I forgot."

"Then complete it fast. I can't wait to read it!" Taehyung slightly pushed her towards her room. Taesoo asking for her mother was the last thing he needed to hear then.

"You know, if she ever remembered anything, she would shoot us all?" Jungkook spoke as he descended the stairs. For the first time, Tae knew something which Jungkook didn't. The younger still thought Tae was ignorant while in reality, he had learned the entire plot the Jeon siblings had created. Both of them had played with his life.

Jungkook took a beer can from the fridge and opened it with a 'pop'. He was in his t-shirt and baggy pants. His Adam's apple bobbed in the sexiest way possible as he gulped down the beer. Some of the liquid streamed down from the corner of his mouth. The ends of his hair strands dripped in sweat and his tattooed arm looked extra shiny. It indicated he had been working out.

"I have been preparing my speech for that day." He tried to mask his irritation with the sarcasm.

Jungkook didn't reply instead ascended back the steps with the half drank beer can. Sherly and Jimin entered the house at that very moment. The boss side-eyed them before disappearing behind the walls of the corridor.

As long as the missions were accomplished, he should be okay with them. Shouldn't he?

Look who decided to show up?😃How are you all doing??

How do you feel to get our little hero back??

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