33⚡️ Ashes

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She rose from ashes, too damaged to be touched.
Yet strong enough to rebuilt kingdoms blazing like a torch.

"I want this mission to succeed at any cost." Sri walked around the table while all her Russian commarades kept their eyes low but ears sharp.

After reaching Korea, S and her men had taken shelter in various hotels in the country to avoid suspicion. They met in a well working wearhouse at night to discuss their mission plan which they executed the next day.

At present, she was referring to the narcotics factory of the Eclipse. It was one of the major sources of their income. It was probably very well guarded and after her little visit to Jongki. The ball was already on their court since she had successfully destroyed all the ships thereby making a huge loss for the Eclipse. In addition to that, Jongki's client must be pissed for not supplying enough items and keeping the gangleader on his toes. S not only wanted to destroy Song Jongki but also to erase the Eclipse gang from inside and out.

"We are going to enter the factory through the top. I am sure the guards will never suspect invasion from above. Make sure to burn down the entire place." She leaned on the table. Her body still had visible injuries from the previous encounter but eyes glinted in evil intensions. She would not stop until she had seen the end of it.

"Am I clear?!" She banged the desk.

"Yes, madam!" they spoke in union and immediately prepared themselves for the attack.

S made sure the way infront of her was clear. She pulled up her mask and tightened the jacket around her body. She loaded her guns and finally ran into the factory maze.

The way was hidden with huge tin compartments filled with illegal goods. The main building was still far from her reach. She had to distract the guards so that her men can complete the work without hindrance.

She spotted the first man some feet infront of her. She tiptoed and knocked him out with one swift blow. Then she ran inside where she faced more people. They were alerted by her presence. The fight was tiring. She received some minor injuries but managed to defeat them all. Her gun was still fully loaded.

As if on cue, another group attacked her after taking a few more steps. This time she had to use one her bullets. S noticed that the factory was too well guarded. Jongki probably knew she was coming.

S escaped death by inches as she ducked down a few seconds before the bullet passed over her head. She vaulted to the other side and took shelter behind the tin sheath as bullets showered towards her. She gathered her energy and fired back killing all five men in a single shot each.

Alia hastily walked into the factory premises along with Eclipse men to guard her. She wasn't expecting all the guards to go down at once. She made the huge iron door of the main building open. She wanted to make sure that all their items were safe. She saw her reflection on the puddle of water accumulated below her feet. Neatly dressed in black with her face covered in a black shawl. A leather jacket hung around her body. Her hazel irises reflected the light. "Boys!", she addressed her men, "Check if our goods are fine. Eliminate all the intruders."

The men ran inside though two of them remained behind to guard her. A faint clicking caught her attention. She followed the sound and spotted a silhouette sitting above the heap of boxes. The person played with a lighter that resonated faint 'ting' throughout the metallic surroundings. Alia's eyes twitched when she saw the face behind the flames.

S's razor like gaze was fixed on the people below her. Her lips were curved up in a smirk. "What are you doing?!" She ignored Alia's question and continued to play with the lighter.

"I said get down! Or-"

"Or?" she cut her off with much more authority.

"Or, I'll chop off your head right here."

"I like your style. I wonder if you would have liked me ten years ago, when I had chopped thirty heads in a single night. Such eventful night it was." She chuckled.

Alia gulped when she noticed S slowly turning more evil by each passing second. That's when she realized that the water below her feet wasn't actually water, it was kerosene. She failed to recognize its smell because her face was masked. She knew she had to escape. But S beat her to it.

"Looking for a way out? " She mockingly tilted her head. "The door behind you is open."

"You are not going to get away with this! Allah will punish you!" Alia was now clearly nervous. She could have ran back but that would simply trap her more. The moment S kindled the fire, the door would be the first thing to catch fire. The building would become so toxic that a person might die in a few minutes.

"God, Allah...or whoever the almighty is. I wish he was there to punish when you killed an innocent child. I wish he was there to throw you inside the hell fire himself!" Sri stood up without loosing her balance. "But don't worry, I'll bring the hell up here." She threw the lighter into the oil and the building erupted into raging flames.

Alia reconciled in reflex as the heat of flame brushed her arm. Everything was burning. All the drugs and other items would be reduced to ashes in a few minutes. The smoke was dense. She knew she had to escape. Her bodyguards tried to find a way though the only opening that was burning at present. "Inshallah, I'll make you pay for this , S."  She gritted her teeth.

The flames reflected in the dark icicles of Sri. She saw the empire of the eclipse burning in that flame. She saw her daughter getting one step ahead to her justice. Slowly, she would burn the entire gang into ashes. A drop of tear rolled down her eyes. She wasn't sure it was due to grief or due to staring at bright light for so long.

She climbed on the asile and exited from the roof. Her men had left as per her instructions. She wanted to return all of Ivan's men alive. She felt responsible for the group. Now she had to fool the Eclipse guards (which had doubled in number by now.) and escape through the back gate.

The easiest way was guarded most powerfully. She could spot her car from the roof of the building. She took a deep breath and slowly climbed down the tin shed. She ran to the other direction.

S took a sharp left turn when she saw five men coming towards her. She could hear the footsteps behind her. She hid behind a huge compartment and the enemies ran past her. She began running in the opposite direction. She knocked off two men on her way but had to change the course when she encountered many more men ready to attack her. She didn't have any backup or arms. It would be wisest to just escape.

Sri kept on running in the maze. Every time she got near the exit she had to retreat in order to avoid fighting. She was determined not to get caught or seriously injured. Some how the eclipse men knew exactly where she was going. She knew she had been tracked. But she had no time to search for the tracker in her body. She once again heard footsteps behind her.

"Give me your jacket!" Sri stopped at the familiar voice and turned around faster than light. Taehyung removed his hood and extended his hand. There was no emotion in his eyes. She wondered why was he helping her until he spoke again, "Open the jacket. The tracker is somewhere in there."

She nodded and slid the jacket of her arms. She handed it to Tae. She felt a constrict in her heart when their fingers brushed against each other. They were now standing infront of the blazing building, back to where she had started.

He glanced at the furious fire before speaking, "Leave the premises as soon as possible."

"What about you?" She immediately asked.

"I can defend myself."

S saw the confidence in his eyes and slowly nodded, "Be safe." Then the doctor and the gangster took to running in opposite directions.

After knocking out a few more men, Sri found herself standing infront of her black Range Rover. She could have easily escaped but she waited for Taehyung. She unconsciously released the breath she was holding when she saw him approaching from the other end. Her jacket was nowhere to be seen. He had probably gotten rid of it on his way. Overall he looked unhurt.

"Thank you." She said with a straight face, but her eyes were soft. Tae simply nodded and was about to board his car when a voice stopped him.

"Looks like you have succeeded in your little plan, Sri." Jongki smirked.

"Its fun to see your empire slowly burning into ashes." Sri retorted with equal sarcasm.

"Do you really consider me so foolish?" He raised one of his eyebrows.

Sri was taken aback but his casuality. Something was not right. He shouldn't be so okay with the loss. Maybe her gut feelings were right. If he was expecting her then he had probably removed maximum of his goods somewhere safe. It also meant her arrow didn't hit the bull's eye. "Fuck." She mumbled.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk..." Taehyung shook his head. "The question is, do you consider us so foolish?" Sri's wide eyes were fixed on her husband just when Alia came running to them.

"Boss! The Titans have abducted our trucks!"

Sherly stood with her men, aiming her machine gun at the truck wheels. The speeding vehicles lost its balance and toppled on the road. It would have been a disastrous accident if the road was busy. However, it was almost empty at the moment. One bypasser was cycling along the footpath. He had escaped death by inches. Thanks to his god level instincts.

Three huge six-wheeler trucks were lying in the cloud of smoke and dust. "Destroy everything." Sherly ordered and walked over to one of the vehicle whose driver was trying to get out.

She pulled him out of the seat and made him kneel before her gun. "Call your boss."

The blood-covered driver immediately dialled his boss's number. After a few more forwards the call finally connected to Alia. "Boss-" Sherly harshly pulled the phone.

"Tell Song Jongki that his plan had miserably failed." She hanged up the call without listening to the other side. Then she smashed the cell on the road. The goods were left burning as the Titans walked away from the scene leaving behind their iconic logo. 

The war had begun.

15 votes for an immediate update.

Finally LOMLs digital single. He was so excited to give TMIs. 🤧🤧

14th July! We need to break some records Armys!

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