34⚡️Smiles and Screams

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A smiling face with a
Screaming heart.
Has become my daily
Life's part.

"No casualties were found, Sir." One of the junior officers informed the crime department head Soobin.

"Did you check the spot thoroughly? Are the drivers only dead people?" He was going through the files of the dead while interrogating his junior.

"No Sir. We checked it thoroughly. Every good was turned into ashes, the remaining ones showed the presence of heroin. They were illegally trafficking the narcotics."

Most of the bodies were burnt and he had to wait for the postmortem report. Except one, that seemed to have been shot in the head. On checking his records, Soobin discovered that the person was previously charged with illegal deals in Ilsan and had been jailed for six years. "Such huge amounts of drugs have been retailed in the market." He messaged his temples and heavily sighed, "World has become even more corrupted. Something needs to be done. I cannot sit back and watch everything."

"Excuse me, Sir." The same junior extended a picture on his desk.

Soobin had his eyes wide like saucers. "I need to speak with the commissioner. Dismissed." He ran past the man towards Hoseok's office.

Jung Hoseok was trying to connect the dots in his brain. It was not a mere accident. It was a well-planned incident. He had suspected the Titans were involved in the case but he didn't know if they were the attacker or were being attacked. His doubt was cleared when Officer Soobin showed him the picture. Titans were the ones to attack. They always left behind their logo after every successful mission.

"Their war is a never-ending saga. It's been two fucking years." Hoseok couldn't get any update on both Taehyung or Sri. The last thing he knew was Sri leaving the country and Taehyung successfully operating on the President. According to his brother, Dr. Kim Seokjin, he had taken a long break from his job to heal himself and didn't know when will he return. He was once or twice seen in public but didn't seem suspicious.

"Soobin-ah... I think we lagged while waiting for either of the gangs to win in order to make our work easier. It was my fault and I hate to admit my plan didn't work out as expected. We need to act on ourselves and take down both of the gangs with our resources." The commissioner stood up in determination. "First. Raid all the factories and godowns in this entire city. Nothing should be left. Arrest every miscreant."

"Yes sir!"

Taehyung grunted in pain as he slowly regained consciousness. His vision was hazy. He could feel the blood and sweat sticking to his eyebrows. His hands were tied above his head and his legs were also chained. His ears caught muffled noises which were difficult for him to perceive. He blinked to shake off his dizziness.

After a few seconds, his vision became focused on two men standing infront of him. They were holding iron rods. The room was dark and damp. It smelled of grease. The sounds were now clearer. The jarring of the iron blade of the exhaust fan reached his ears.

"Good morning, Uisangnim. Glad to have you here." One of the men said.

"Where am I?" he calmly asked with a hooded gaze, still trying understand the situation.

"You're the hostage of Eclipse."

"Very informative." Tae scoffed, "Tell me the location of this place!"

Three days ago

After successfully destroying the factory, Tae and Sri parted ways. He was amused to see how two different heads planned to co-incidentally help each other to achieve their common goals. He knew Sri would have escaped without his help but it would have cost her both time and energy. He simply boosted her speed. She was always a step ahead of everyone.

However, this time JK beat her to that. She didn't have enough men to support her backup plans. Jungkook was able to take down the trucks with his master plan. The Jeon siblings were one of the deadliest human weapons in the world.

He stopped at a toy store to buy a new Barbie doctor set for Taesoo. While he waited for the former customer to pay her bills at the cash counter, his eyes fell on a carton of banana milk. His lips curved up to form a smile. He wouldn't have believed the leader of Titans, Jeon Jungkook, loved to drink banana milk more than anything else on this planet even if anyone paid him a billion dollars. That was until he had seen an empty bottle on his office table. Another time he had caught him gulping down the drink after working out. Maybe banana milk was the secret behind his incredible stamina.

Taehyung, nevertheless, purchased a bottle for him. The relationship was still in hot water, but Tae knew he wasn't going anywhere without JKs help. Thus he tried not to dwel on the fact. Speaking of whom, Jungkook would be leaving for Brazil in a few hours. He had some business to settle there. Tae wondered how would he react if he gifted him that. He chuckled and walked towards his car in the parking lot.

His white SUV was parked next to a red Jeep. He buckled his seatbelt and pressed on the accelerator. The drive was silent and quiet. The Titan mansion was situated away from the city for privacy.

Everything was fine until he noticed the same red jeep behind him. At first, he brushed it off, thinking it was just a mere coincidence, but he was soon proved wrong. As he increased the speed the jeep mimicked his actions.

Before he could understand anything, there was a blast, and the next thing he knew was that he was hanging upside down in his car. His ears rang and his vision was crimson in blood.

"Where is your boldness, smartass?" he heard a masculine voice. He felt his body getting harshly pulled out of the destroyed vehicle. He saw some blurry faces infront of him. He had no strength to fight back. He passed out and woke up in the dark room.


"Sir, we are sorry for not-" Alia spoke on the cell phone while Jongki heard the conversation from the couch.

"Yes, we get it-" "I am trying to solve this-" "Sir –" Alia was getting interrupted in her sentences which depicted the man on the other side was very pissed with them.

Clients were dangerous in dirty business and this person was one of the most influential shareholders of Eclipse.

"I apologize for the inconvenience. My boss is ready to pay the fine." Alia continued. "Sir, Please-" She dejectedly sighed as her hand slipped down her side. She looked at Jongki and shook her head. "He wants the deal to be off."

The Gangleader banged the desk in fury. "Kill that son of a bitch and send his body to the Titans, in pieces! They don't know whom are they going against."

Taehyung screamed in pain when the man stuck with the iron rod on his back. "Did you have fun after destroying our goods?" He spat.

"Our boss suffered a huge loss because of you. Now let us have fun." The second man added with another blow. Taehyung bit his tongue to prevent himself from screaming.

"We will distort your body and send it back to your dear wife."

Tae was sure he had broken some ribs. He knew he was trapped and he would be dead long before anyone came to save him. He was probably kept in some unknown place. He closed his eyes tightly and imagined Taesoo's face. Would Sri, take responsibility if he died?

Death is not the solution, Taehyung! You need to get out of here! At any cost! He reminded himself and forced his eyes to open.

The eclipse duo saw the change in Taehyung's demeanor. He stiffened his body and endured the blow without screaming. His eyes were fixed on both. Suddenly his lips curved to form a smirk. They thought he had lost it until he spoke.

"S is here."

17 votes for next update.

Congratulations to Yoongi's brother. He got wedded yesterday.🥰💜💜

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