35⚡️Relying Strength

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I think of you, I miss you, I need you, I love you.
But I can't tell any of it to you.

[A/N: Sorry for late update. I was caught up in personal life.]

"S is here." Taehyung smirked and huskily whispered, "Right behind you."

The enemies saw a dark shadow behind them before they spurted blood from their mouths. Tae flashed his teeth which were now covered in blood as the bodies slid down the floor. He saw S holding two sharp daggers and the blood from the blade streaming down her elbows.

"How did you find me?" He croaked as she began to cut through the thick rope.

"I have my sources." She replied without showing any emotion but her eyes said otherwise. There was the fear and worry of losing your loved one in those dark orbs.

"Are you alone- Ugh!" he gritted his teeth as the rope suddenly tore and he almost toppled due to tied feet. Sri held him before he hit the ground but it pained him even in slight movement.

However, the doctor ignored the pain as it was very minor to the whirlwind of emotions he was feeling. This was the first time he came this close to her in the span of two years. The familiar warmth and the cold yet loving touches filled him with nostalgia. His mind was shut off for the moment and he forgot whatever she had done with him. He placed his chin on her shoulders and closed his eyes to inhale his favorite scent. He wanted to live in the moment. He wanted to get the feeling of home. He refrained his hands from wrapping around her body. They were so imperfectly perfect in the abyss of sins.

The few seconds of a hug made him feel like hours. He realized he had missed her more than anything. He admitted Taesoo resembled Sri in various aspects. He began to live with the Titans so that he could prevent himself from feeling her absence. He was trapped in the web of her love. The more he tried to get free the more he got tangled.

He had always hated her the most but also loved her the most. He wished to put a bullet through her body but at the same time was ready to take a bullet for her. He wished to kill her every moment but also save her with everything he had got.

"Easy." She mumbled in his ears bringing him back to present. He could again feel the ache in the places where he was struck. She steadied him and kneeled to cut the rope on his ankle. Tae felt the sudden absence of bliss when she broke the hug but he dared not say it aloud. He saw the dark blood shining in her fingers.

He cleared his throat and messaged his wrists. "Did you come alone?"

Sri stood up and exhaled with a hum. The ropes were untied. They just need to get to their ride before the enemies got them. An armed squad was probably on their way to kill them because she had made a few hassles and killed a few men to get inside. "Can you walk?"

"I guess." He straightened himself and flexed his sore muscles. The pain was now much less compared to a few minutes ago. His eyes lingered on the dead bodies at his feet.

"Great." She tossed a shotgun and some spare bullets at him, "Use this if required."

Tae checked it was fully loaded and put the remaining bullets in his pant pocket. A Deja Vu hit him. He remembered how scared he was when he had held a gun for the first time. The first time he was acquainted with the true horror of the dark world.

"Take off your shirt."

"What?" Taehyung thought he had heard something wrong or his mind was playing pervy games with him until she repeated her words. "Why?? I mean I am not wearing anything underneath!"

"That's the least of our worries! Do it fast!" She extended her hand impatiently. The male eyed her suspiciously before turning around and unbuttoning his shirt. Surely, they had done much more than just seeing each other shirtless. But the time and place made him shy. It's not a normal scenario where your wife is asking you to take off your shirt in an old worn-out godown where you are kept a hostage.

He heard her sucking in the air when the fabric slid down his shoulders. The red artwork on his back perhaps wasn't pleasant to watch. He turned around only to see her eyes fixed on his naked chest. However, the look wasn't anything romantic or lusty. Her jaw was clenched and her knuckles turned white but she didn't comment anything. Her expression itself forbade him to look down.

"Keep taking left turns until you escape." She raised her eyes to match his once he had handed over his shirt. "My car is outside, get in and wait for me."

"I am not leaving you behind! They are dangerous, Sri." He expressed his genuine concern for her.

She was taken aback by his actions. It was the first time in two years he had pronounced her name. She missed his silky voice which rolled off her name like the red carpet at Met Gala. However, feisty as she was, she replied something sassy, "Is Dr. Kim afraid that I'll die?" She smirked.

On the other hand, Taehyung wasn't smiling. "I am serious here. They cannot be handled alone. Two is better than one."

"I am not foolish to fight them head-on. I'll back you up and try to clear the hindrances in your way. You're injured and can barely stand straight. Trust me, I know my limits." She looked right into his eyes. "Now go. Don't stop until you get to the car."

He rolled his eyes and inhaled sharply before embracing her in a quick hug. Before her brain could register his actions, Taehyung was walking through the door. "Taehyung!" he stopped and turned his head. "Just in case I don't reach there in five minutes..." She paused before continuing, "Drive away."

"I'll be waiting for you." He said before running towards the left.

"Fuck you, doctor!" She fought back her tears and clutched his shirt.

Taehyung would be lying if he said there wasn't anyone to block his path but the number of the enemies was much less than he had expected. It was the seventh man he had shot in six minutes from his start. Sri was to be thanked for his easy escape. He wondered if he would have survived the fight with his injuries. Even the recoil of the gun felt like hammering a nail in his ribs.

He finally reached the exit. The cool wind hit his bare skin the moment he stepped out. As Sri had said, he saw a black SUV. He pulled onto the reverse gear and hid behind a tall bush to camouflage himself. There weren't any enemies there for which he considered himself lucky.

He finally got the courage to check on his wounds as he anxiously waited for her. His chest was covered in ugly bruises. Some open wounds had formed nasty pusses. His hair was sticky and dirty. He dared not to see his reflection in the rear-view mirror. If it was Seokjin in his place, he would have gone into a coma just at the sight of himself. The older Kim loved his face more than anything in this world.

It had been ten minutes and Sri was nowhere to be seen. His heartbeat increased as he debated whether to go inside or not. He wasn't leaving this place without her. He wasn't in a shape to fight either.

After a few more minutes, he heard some screams and saw Sri coming from the other side of the building. She was piggybacking someone. The worse part was when he saw numerous men with naked blades behind her and Sri's speed was slowing down in each step. 

Who was the person Sri was piggybacking?

25 votes for next update.

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