Confrontation? Hah! More like Explosions!

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Oh, how I remembered that this book was just like 2 chapters and 200 reads and 40 votes, but now 6,000 reads something votes, and it's nearing the finale 😭😭😭 I love making this book. It just pains me when the time comes when this book is finish 😢😢

Anyway enjoy this chapter ^_^

Ash's POV

We all decided to chase after Serena, but Zaldy and the others told us she already left, but that didn't mean Steve was trying to stop us, he actually wanted us to chase her and bring her back home. They managed to get a private plane, I don't know how they did it but they did and they also managed to put us in business class.

We all went inside the plane and it instantly took off without any warning. We're coming for you Serena, I won't give up on you.

Serena's POV

It's time.

There I was looking at the entrance of my parents mansion, I took a deep breathe and walked on forward, but little did I know they were waiting for me outside with guns aimed straight into my chest.

"It seems a cockroach has entered our clean house Grace" Eric glared at me which I returned, I look at my left and saw Grace looking at me with a motherly look that I have once seen. I detest that look, because it shows weakness, but why am I complaining? Atleast I can easily take her out without a care.

"It seems the owner hasn't been cleaning their house then, because this cockroach thinks this mansion of yours is garbage" I smirked, he pulled the trigger, but he knows that won't kill me, so I let it pass through me. I yawned from the pain and the lose of blood, he grits his teeth as he continued to shoot at me, but I did carry something he would least expect from me, a sword.

I sliced his right arm causing his arm to be sliced off his body, he screamed in pain, but I could care less as I look at my left and saw my mother look at me with fear. Ah yes, fear. The very definition why my mother and I don't get along, because of fear. Fear of losing the gang's reputation, fear of being weak, fear of awakening the beast inside me. I simply smiled innocently at my own mother and held out my gun and aimed at her. She begun to tremble and so was my hands, why? Why am I scared to shoot her?

"Serena please have mercy" she begged with her life as she went on her knees " What's mercy? Can you define what's mercy mother?" She continued to sobbed as I tried to pull the trigger, but couldn't. I look back at Eric who was struggling to get up from the pain, I aimed my gun at his other arm and pulled the trigger causing another scream of agony from the man.

"Serena please have mercy!" Mother begged once again, I ignored her and continued shooting Eric's right arm after all I enjoy hearing his screams of pain. "This is for injecting some kind of drug to your own daughter" I growled as I pulled the trigger one last time. Eric collapsed while Grace stood there shaking uncontrollably, I walked passed the two and took out my explosions and spreaded them around the mansion. After that I went back to my dear "lovable" parents and a wide smirk could be seen on my face.

"You should thank me, because after this this little cockroach will not be visiting this mansion ever again" After that I walked away and looked at my watch, I look back and saw mother in tears causing me to feel bad. I loon back at Eric who was moaning in pain from the bullets and the fact I sliced his arm.

I stopped walking after a far distance from their home and watched the two, Grace however looked at me with those motherly eyes once again. I felt somewhat warm when I saw it, but it was too late. Once I heard my watch ticked the mansion exploded while the two watch their house exploring into nothing.

I laughed from the satisfaction while my mother cry, Eric took out his gun and surprisingly aimed it at Grace. "This is ALL YOUR FAULT!!" He snapped, Grace stepped back a little and once again exploded into tears.

"You brought that girl into this world, and because of that I'm ending yours!" He spat, I gritted my teeth and recklessly run towards Grace and pushed her away from Eric's aim, but I was the one who got shot. I groan from the pain, but stood up and shot him one last time. He collapsed and passed out, I was loosing blood badly and mother could see it.

"Why did you protect me?" She asked "I don't know, but....I know that won't be the last time I would..." I uttered, she tackled me into a hug which caught me by surprised, like seriously? We were just in a fight like 17 seconds ago. "I thought I lost you" she sobbed "Hey, since when  did I say we were in good terms?" I asked almost a bit annoyed "I'm still your mother, Serena please forgive me" She pleaded "I don't think I could ever forgive you, but society will if you tell me why you injected drug into me" I said "It was an experiment, Eric was testing if a normal human can survive projectiles by those drugs and he decided to put it in you and the experiment succeeded" She explained.

"Then what about those gems?" I asked "They're lost treasures from God himself. If you sell it to someone you will be instantly be called the richest person on the planet" She said "So that's why..." I mumbled "Serena" She called out "What?" I asked harshly "Do you think you could ever forgive me?" She asked "I already told you I can't, but it doesn't mean the little girl in mean can't" she smiled brightly and hugged me "And I thought you didn't have a heart" she teased, I blushed "S-Shut up will you?"

Why did I save her? Who knows, but atleast I still have a parent. Besides, I could care less about Eric, I only care for my mother despite hating her guts to very core of my heart.

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