A fowl reunion

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15 years later, in F. O. W. L. secret headquarters, steelbeak still had Annie's bow, he looked at it and it still reminded him of his dark past.

Steelbeak: (sigh) Annie

He pressed the bow against his forehead and felt a stab in his heart.

Then get got a call from black heron on his communicator.


Black heron: steelbeak

Steelbeak: uh

He answers it.

Steelbeak: yeah

Black heron: get up here, director buzzard wants to see us right away, it's important.

She hangs up, he puts the communicator back in his pocket, looks back at the bow and puts it back in his locker next to a picture of Ann.

Underneath Funso's Fun Zone, all of  F. O. W. L, members Black Heron, John D. Rockerduck, Phantom Blot, Don Karnage, Pepper and steelbeak gathered around as director buzzard, aimed a little controller at the large screen.

Bradford: ok as you know the mcduck family

He shows a screen of the whole mcduck family

Bradford: has proven themselves worthy, over last few months, they've gotten stronger, smarter and bolder

He Hits his fist on the table

Bradford: they must be stopped, but due to lost money no thanks to black heron

Black heron: (nervous chuckles)

Bradford: we're running low on budget, but I found us a solution

He clicks the next screen to reveal a teenage willow ptarmigan, with short red hair, on a stage holding a microphone singing, wearing Demi shorts, purple sequins tank top and black high heel ankle boots, she had black eyeliner underneath her eyes.

Everyone: WHOA

everyone was impressed by her.

Bradford: everyone this is


They all turned to her in confusion.

Bradford: oh so your familiar with her pepper

Pepper: yes, she the famous teenager pop singer, I love all her songs

All the men were impressed by her body

John D. Rockerduck: hmm, I wonder does she have a boyfriend

Phantom Blot: (purrs)

Don Karnage: she can sing with me anytime (howl)

steelbeak:(wolf whistles) well I have to admit it, she's a good looker

Black heron rolled her eyes annoyingly.

Black heron: ugh, well of course you men would think her that way

She looks at her again disgustingly.

Black heron: and what kind of manager lets her dress like that

Bradford: yes, we'll she is vey rich, and goes out to club's partying at night

Black heron: what kind of teen goes out partying all night at a club, doesn't she have school

Bradford: not since she became a singer, now our Intel says that she goes to this club every night

The projectile to a 90s neon club sign called club nightshade

Bradford: steelbeak, I want you to find her, and steal some her money, she has a safe, find it, get her to tell the code and grab as much money as you can

He gets up.

Steelbeak: all right, what time should I go

Bradford: at 9

Later at 9, he arrived at the club, he walked inside and looked for her.

But what he saw, was people dancing, bright lights and an open bar.

He continued to look around until he bumped into someone.


Steelbeak/Annie: oh

He turned and saw that he found her. She wore a white leather jacket, red tank top, Demi shorts, fishnet stockings and long thigh boots.

Annie: huh, oh hey there handsome

He can tell that she's been drinking by the way she's been flirting with him.

Annie: ya looking for a good time, cause I know a really good place we can go

She placed her hands on his chest, he felt a bit uncomfortable but decided to play along and stick to the plan.

She takes him upstairs, to where she had a room made for her to rest.

When they get into her room, he saw her taking off her jacket, to reveal her bare skin to him.no he was getting uncomfortable. As she placed both hands on his chest and tries to remove his jacket.

Steelbeak: oh there young lady

He grabs her hands

Steelbeak: this is kind of appropriate thing for you to do, what will you parents say if they say you like this, with an older man

She lets go and backs away.

Annie: I don't have a family, my dad gave me away

Steelbeak: oh

He looked down in guilt, hearing what happened to her, it reminded him for what he gave away.

Steelbeak: oh, I'm so sorry

Annie: it's ok, I'm doing just fine without them, but sometimes I wonder if they ever think about me

Steelbeak: I know how you feel

He felt sorry for her when he noticed that she wore a golden heart-shaped locket that looked exactly like the one that he gave to Annie.

Steelbeak: huh?

Exactly like his locket, he got furious walked up to her and grabbed the locket.


still drunken, she wasn't threatened by him, she looked down at her locket.

Annie: oh this, it was a gift from my dad, he gave it when I was a baby

She opened it to reveal an picture of Ann and him.

Steelbeak: (gasp)

he then realized, she was Annie, his Annie. She looked at the picture and back at steelbeak.

Annie: huh, that's funny, you like just like him

Then when she compared him with her dad, then it made her realized.

Annie: huh, exactly like him

She puts the locket down as she saw him, smiling at her nervously.


She then became shocked to see him for 15 years.

Annie: dad?

Steelbeak: (nervous chuckles) hi Annie

Annie: DAD?

He walked up to her

Steelbeak: Annie


then her shocked look turned to an furious frown as he held his hands to hug her. But she felt hurt for what he's done to her, she pushes him away.

Annie: ugh

Steelbeak: ah

She was been waiting this for her entire life waiting for him.


Steelbeak: (softly) Annie


Steelbeak: Annie

Annie: Annie, Annie, Annie, Annie, Annie, IS THAT ALL YOU COULD SAY TO ME, I THINK YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME, HOW ABOUT (starts mocking his voice) I'm sorry Annie that I abandoned you, sorry I couldn't be there for you and sorry if I hurt you anyway

She starts to walk up to her as she continues to yell at him.


She was surprised to see him hugging her, she tries to punch him and get away from his grip.


As she continues to punch him, she felt him patting her back.

Steelbeak: I-I always loved you

She was stunned as tears formed underneath her eyes and she started to cry, she closed her eyes and hugged him back.

Annie: (sobs)

Steelbeak: it's okay baby, I'm here

He grabbed her shoulders pulls her to his face and places both hands on her cheeks. She looks up at him.

Steelbeak: wow look at you, your all gown up

Annie: (chuckles)

He wiped her tears off using his thumb

Steelbeak: I can't remember the last time I was holding you, the last time I had you- you were so small and innocent, you were in my hands when I-then I gave you away

He then started to to cry as they hugged again.

Steelbeak: (sobbing) I missed you so very, very much

She hugged back for a very long time, he wanted this moment to stay like this forever, but back at fowl, black heron and Bradford were waiting impatiently for Steelbeak's return.

Black heron: ugh where is he, he was supposed to be back hours ago

Bradford: patients black heron, I'm sure steelbeak has a good reason why he's 24 minutes, 13 seconds and 1 hour late

The morning, in the middle of dawn, steelbeak was laying on her sofa, his jacket wrapped over him like a blanket.

Steelbeak: mmmm

Annie: good morning dad

He got up and saw Annie staring at him, she had a pink furry jacket, a purple shirt tube skirt, a small black tank top and black ankle boots. She had her arms crossed

Steelbeak: oh hey there Annie

The song blue ain't your color

can see you over there
Staring at your drink
Watchin' that ice sink
All alone tonight

He gets back up and puts his jacket on. She put some sunglasses, They walked out of a club and went to a fast food restaurant for breakfast. She went up to the cashier a pigeon.

And chances are
You're sittin' here in this bar
'Cause he ain't gonna treat you right
Well, it's probably not my place
But I'm gonna say it anyway
'Cause you look like
You haven't felt the fire
Had a little fun
Hadn't had a smile in a little while

Pigeon: oh hey miss volatili, can I vest you your usual

Annie: yes, ugh my head, can I get two plain coffees, cheesy omelettes things, a cup of cottage with a drizzle of honey, a glass of whole milk over ice and a side of toast with as local jams that you have.


they sat in a booth on different sides facing each other, avoiding eye contact from her dad, steelbeak saw how distraught she looked when she stirred a spoon in her coffee. He just grabbed his, she continued to look down.

Blue looks good on the sky
Looks good on that neon buzzin' on the wall
But darling, it don't match your eyes
I'm tellin' you
You don't need that guy
It's so black and white
He's stealin' your thunder
Baby, blue ain't your color

Annie: I know you have questions about me

Steelbeak: yes my question would be

Annie: let me guess you're wondering how I became a pop star

Steelbeak: well yea but that's not really my question

Annie: (sigh) when I was five at the orphanage was doing a talent show to help raised money and when I was singing everyone was amazed then a vulture saw my talent, he adopted me, became my manager and made me a star and that's what makes me a star

Steelbeak: ok and now for my real question, what on earth are you doing going out at tonight partying and what are you wearing when you something like that you get boys attention and do you want that to look at you like your something to take home

Annie: it wasn't my idea, it's my stupid manager's fault (sigh) he told I have to wear stuff like this and go partying cause it's what my fans want, do you really think I like being dress like this, ugh.

She covers arms around herself when a group of boys stare at her.

Annie: so I feel violated and sometimes I just wish I was a regular teen

He looks at her worried.

Steelbeak: then why do you do it

Annie: because he says that if I don't do what he says, he'll drop my career and I'll have to live on the streets

She looks down in distressed, He takes her hands and she looks up at him.

Steelbeak: Annie, this is your voice and Career, he has no right to control you like that, you need to tell him that

She thoughts for a minute then looks back at him and nods.

Annie: your right dad

As they both get up, he looked through his phone and gets a message from black heron.

From black heron: WHERE ARE YOU

He through great now I'm in trouble, he put his phone back.

Annie: I hope you don't mind me asking you this but how did you find me

Steelbeak: oh well-um-(gasp)

He then saw her making a begging look, he decided it was best to show her.

Steelbeak: (sigh) here I'll show you

A minute later down at FOWL headquarters, everyone was still waiting for steelbeak, he popped out of the shadows.

Black heron: ah, there you are where have you been, did you get the money

Steelbeak: there something you should know

She crosses her arms.

Black heron: and what would that be

He moves to the side to reveal Annie and she was shocked.

Black heron: (GASP) you brought her here to our secret headquarters, what if she finds out about our plans

Steelbeak: I just found out she's my daughter

Black heron's face then dropped as Bradford came in.

Bradford: oh steelbeak good your back

His face dropped when he saw Annie. She turned surprised to see him.

Annie: billy?

Everyone: (gasp)

Steelbeak: huh?

Bradford: Annie

He looks back at Annie.

Steelbeak: whoa you know him

Annie: yeah he's my manager

He then glares back at Annie.

Steelbeak: what

Bradford: uhh

Bradford was now shaking nervously and started to sweat.

Annie: but what are you doing here billy

Steelbeak: is that what you call him, cause around here, he's call Bradford

Annie: huh?

He then became furious and charged at him.

Bradford: steelbeak I can explain


Bradford: ah


Steelbeak tried to attack the vulture as Bradford runs away from him.

Annie: huh, billy whats he talking about

Steelbeak: he didn't tell you, he knew about you and decided to take you away from me

Annie: WHAT

he fell back and as Steelbeak was getting ready to end him, Annie got in.

Annie: dad calm down

He stops when she got in between them. Then looks back at Bradford.

Steelbeak: how could you do that to me

Annie: dad it's ok, it's ok

When he finally calms down, it was Annie's turn to get angry at Bradford. She walks over to him and starts punching him.

Bradford: ah

Annie: how could you lie to me about my dad, how could you keep him away from me, you told me that he gave me away cause I wasn't good enough and how could you not tell me that you knew my dad

He pushes her back and she stops attacking him. He then gets back up.

Bradford: (gasp) look I know that you are angry at me and missed your daughter, but it was for your own good Steelbeak, you wouldn't listen to me do I had to force you to give her away

He continues to glare at him, when the truth came out on how he found her.

Black heron: did you get her money

Annie: huh, money

He was a flustered look as he looks back at Annie who was making a worried look.

Annie: is that why you needed to see me, you needed money

Steelbeak: no Annie we don't really need it, we'll be fine

Annie: ok

Steelbeak: huh

Annie: but on one condition, we spent today together and you have to tell me everything

She takes out her checkbook and writes them a 100,00 check, she hands it to him but he wouldn't take it.

Steelbeak: oh we don't really need it

But black hero takes it.

Steelbeak: you didn't have to

Black heron: steelbeak, the check is already in my hand, go spend time with your daughter

She pushes him to her, she walks out and he follows her. They told a ride inside her limousine, it became quite between the two when. He didn't want to take the check is because he didn't wanted to tell her the truth about Ann. They arrived on a boardwalk and they walked around. She wore a black shirt tank top, black shorts, black choker, and high tight boots. They sat down on a bench, awkward to talk to each other. Until she spoke out.

Annie: ok dad, I have some questions for you

Steelbeak: is it about my beak

Annie: yes (sigh) why did you abandon me, did you and mom fight because of me, did you and mom didn't wanted me anymore, did you hated me

He was shocked by her questions, he cupped both her cheeks. And smiled at her.

Steelbeak: oh no honey, me and your mom loved you very much, you both meant the world to me

Annie: then why did you abandon me and what happened to mom

His smile turned to a sad down as he let go and looked at the ground.

Steelbeak: I didn't wanted to abandon you, I just wanted to protect you, you see me and your mom-well we were spies.

Annie was stunned to hear that her both her parents were spies.

Annie: wait so you guys were spies

Steelbeak: yeah

Annie: whoa that's so cool, but what happened to your beak

Steelbeak: when many years ago, when I meet your mom, we became the perfect team, after we got married along came you

He pulled out a picture of Ann holding an egg.

Steelbeak: my life became perfect we were going to retire for you but then Bradford (or billy) wanted us to join fowl but we said no, so he had us go on a secret assignment, we went to an gallery, then there was trouble and this fire started, this falcon came and beat me up and broke my beak, I went to go save your mom, Bradford showed up and tried to stop me but nothing could stop me from saving your mother but when I got to her, I was already too late, after the fire accident, fowl had to replace my beak and I found out that your mother died.

Hey turned to her to see tears forming around her eyes.

Annie: so it was my fault, my fault mom died

He cupped her face again.

Steelbeak: no of course not baby, you were an angel, it was my fault, my fault for what happened to your mom but before she died she told me to protect you. And the moment you were born well that's all I wanted to do. I wanted to protect you, you were the only family I had left but I didn't wanted to lose you like I did with your mother so I took you to an orphanage where you can be safe from me, abandoning you was one of the hardest things I could ever do, I gave you to an stork, gave you the locket to remind you of how much me and your mother loved you very much and told you I'll see you again.

Annie: well that explains the weird dream I had, I had this dream where this man told me that he was gonna come back for me again soon

She looks up at him and they smiled at each other.

Steelbeak: Annie, (sobs) I'm so sorry for what happened to your mother and I'm sorry for leaving you but I was only trying to protect you like I could've did with your mom

Tears started to fall on her her face as she saw him cry.

Annie: it's ok dad, I-I

She fell on him and they hugged each other tightly, he wanted this moment to stay forever but she remembered that she had a concert to go to. This was the last chance she was ever going to see him. They finally let go.

Annie: well if this is our last chance to see each I just want to say, I loved you very much and I wish I could've spend more time with you

She heads back to the limousine, he looks up at her.

Steelbeak: Annie, If there was a way for me to go back and fix everything, I would've stop myself from making that terrible mistake

She looks back at him, he tilts his head down, she walks over to him puts her chin on his head, wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him on last time.

Annie: good bye daddy

She kisses his forehead and walks in her limousine. The song lonely tonight plays

I never thought you'd pick up the phone
It's Friday night you should be out on the town
Didn't think you'd be sitting at home all alone like me (Steelbeak sits on the bench)
Nothing on TV, nothing to do
Nothing to keep my mind off you and me
And the way it was
Are you thinking 'bout it now because
I could be there in five
One more one last time

Annie gets ready for her performance, she thinks about her dad as she changes.

We don't have to be lonely tonight
Need you, want you, I'm right here
We don't have to be lonely tonight
I know we shouldn't, but I don't care
I don't wanna be right, I don't wanna be strong
I just wanna hold you till the heart breaks stone
When the sun comes up, we can both move on
But we don't have to be lonely tonight

Steelbeak walks around the boardwalk thinking about his past

That taste, that touch, the fire I miss
Those kiss me eyes, your red wine lips, oh my
I can use to be, baby I want you, and you want me

Annie looks through her mirror to check on her make up, looks at her locket, looks at the picture of her mom and starts to cry again

We don't have to be lonely tonight
Need you, want you, I'm right here
We don't have to be lonely tonight
I know we shouldn't, but I don't care
I don't wanna be right, I don't wanna be strong
I just wanna hold you till the heart breaks stone
When the sun comes up, we can both move on
But we don't have to be lonely tonight

Steelbeak stands near a railings, pulls out her red bow.

I can be there in five
One more one last time

He falls on his knees, presses the bow against his forehead and cries on the same time Annie leans her back against the wall.

We don't have to be lonely tonight
Need you, I'm right here
We don't have to be lonely tonight
Tonight, tonight, yeah yeah

It became the time for the concert, she wore a black leather jacket, a sparkling purple turtleneck, black skirt and black high heel boots. She stared at herself In the mirror still heart broken.

Just then Bradford came in.

Bradford: Annie your on in 5 minutes, so hurry up

But before he closed the door, he noticed up distraught she was after meeting her dad for 15 years, he walked up behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders.

Bradford: Annie I know your still upset with me for lying to you about your dad but it was for your safety if I told you the truth you would've know. pushes him to the sideThe hard cold truth about Ann's death and well I just couldn't just barely to bring down the hard cold truth and wouldn't dare do that, in time you'll thank me for not telling you about your dad.

Her sadness turns into hate and she becomes furious, pushes his hands off and gets up in his face.


she pushes him to the side and marches up to the stage, he glares at her.

Bradford: Annie, you either do what I say or you can kiss your career goodbye

Annie: GO RIGHT AHEAD but then you'll have to explain to my fans why I'm not performing anymore

As she storms off to the stage, Bradford blood boils as he continues to glare at her.

Bradford: you are just like your mother

As she gets on stage, all for duckburg cheer for her.

Crowd: (screaming) (cheering)


crowd: (screaming)

Annie: how ya doing tonight

Crowd: (screaming)

She starts to sing a live version of I chose you

Annie: All of my life
I thought I was right
Looking for something new

Outside of concert, steelbeak was walking, he could hear Annie's singing

Annie: Stuck in my ways
Like old-fashioned days
But all the roads led me to you

He looks down, pulls out the red bow, reminds himself of the promise that he promised to Ann.

The house that you live in don't make it a home
But feeling lonely don't mean you're alone

He looked at the bow then back at the lights that was shining at the dark sky.

Annie: People in life, they will come and they'll leave
(Annie was doing some moves)
But if I had a choice I know where I would be
Through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side
There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light
When the sky turns to grey and there's nothing to say
At the end of the day, I choose you

(Oh, oh, oh, oh)

Annie: Now I found the strength
To make a change
And look at the magic I found
No matter the name
Or where you came from
'Cause no one has much figured out
The house that you live in don't make it a home
But feeling lonely don't mean you're alone
I finally found where I feel I belong
And I know you'll be there with wide open arms
Through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side
There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light
When the sky turns to grey and there's nothing to say
At the end of the day, I choose you
(She looks down distraught like)
I choose you

She hears someone walking behind, she turns around and was shocked to see her dad, in the flesh watching her concert

Annie: Through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side
There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light (he smiled at her)
Through the lows and the highs I will stay by your side (she smiled back)
There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light
When the sky turns to grey and there's nothing to say
At the end of the day, I choose you
Oh, I choose you
I choose you

Crowd: (cheering)

Annie: thank you everyone

She looks at him and decides to end their separation once and for all.

Annie: I like to make an important announcement to make, I like to say, over the past very years as an pop star, I had a man control the way I act and dress and that isn't fair right.

Crowd: (booing)

Bradford then realized she was talking about him, he runs to the stage.

Annie: so I decided to take control of my own life but first I like to delicate this concert to a very special man in my life

She turns to steelbeak, he walks up to her.

Annie: to my dad

When he gets up stage, everyone cheers for him.

Crowd: (cheering)

Annie: for years he was taken away from me but that he's back, I want him to stay

He smiles at her, and they hug together, the crowd cheered for them as Bradford became furious and walked up to them.

Bradford: Annie what do you think your doing

Annie: letting my dad back into my life

Bradford: I forbid it you to do this

Annie: you can't control me anymore

Bradford: Annie you do this and you'll be flushing your career down the toilet

Annie: you have no right to control, like you had no right to steal me away from my dad

Bradford: Annie I made you into star and I could take it away like that easily

Annie: actually you can't, cause your fired

Bradford: WHAT you can't fire me, I created you, I made you the star you are

Annie: this a us my voice and I'll live my life however I want

He glares at her then was out shined by the crowd, they booed at him. He turns around then looks back at Annie and Steelbeak.

Ann: so what do you say dad, would you come back, be apart of my life again

He stares at her then smiles.

Steelbeak: yes Annie

Bradford: WHAT, but what about FOWL steelbeak

Steelbeak: well guess what, I QUIT

Bradford: WHAT? You can't just quit

Steelbeak: just have and just did

The crowd cheered again and Bradford stormed off the stage.

Bradford: this isn't over Annie

Back with Annie and steelbeak, they were finally back together again.

Annie: well now there's left to do now is to find a new manager

Steelbeak: your looking at him

She turns s as me smiles at him.

Annie: really

Steelbeak: yes and this time I'll let you wear whatever you want

They hugged again and the crowd cheered louder. Later after the concert was over, they drove back to her apartment, she was sleeping on his shoulders, he loved the feeling to hold Annie again and nothing was gonna take that away.


Annie: hey dad

Steelbeak: yea baby

Annie: since you're coming back to my life life, there's something you need to know

Steelbeak: whats that

Annie: I want you to meet my boyfriend

His eyes open wide

Steelbeak: boyfriend

He was finally back in her life now he had to meet an important man in her life.

To be continued

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