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1 year ago, in the McDuck Enterprises underwater lab at the Money Bin.

Dr. Gearloose was gonna get an unexpected surprise.

Gearloose: YOU WHAT?

Scrooge: (sigh) we're going to be using the lab for a music video, a famous singer will be here any minute to start, so please be nice to her

Gearloose: mr. mcduck, this lab is a place for science and technology not a stunt show for drama divas to perform their cheesy music

Scrooge: gyro, they'll be paying us to use the lab

He just snarls at him and goes back to working.

Scrooge: look you need the money to sponsor your fundings for every contraption you make right

Gyro: I suppose that's true

Scrooge: just let her do her video for today and she'll be out of your hair before you know it

Gyro: ugh, fine but next time consult with me first before you decide to use the lab for some tacky video

Scrooge: bah, now I want you and Fenton to show her some kindness

He leaves the lab, in time for the video crew to arrive. As he watches his lab gets turned to a video. Fenton tries to keep him calm until she arrives and leaves.

Fenton: calm down dr. Gearloose, it could be worst

Gearloose: Fenton, this place is for science only not for some hot shot bratty artist to do some cheap moves and complains for how much the lab looks

Fenton: who's the artist name

Gearloose: Annie volatili

Fenton: ANNIE VOLATILI, I love her songs

Gearloose: ptt, typical

Fenton: oh come on, she's the world famous singer

Gearloose: don't care

Fenton: and she's very rich

Gearloose: and another snooty artist

Fenton: you know dr. Gearloose, maybe you could get to know her better before you judge her

Gearloose: ba, once an singer always a singer, I seen them all

He walks over a counter, drops a wrench and he bends to pick it up. A pair of black high heels walked next him.

Annie: excuse me

He turns

Gearloose: huh (gasp)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He slowly look up from the body and was stunned to see Annie. She had White and gold shorts and a high neck bikini top, her hair was in a 50s style, she looked like she back from the 50s.

She stared down at him, flashings her eyelashes, he couldn't move or say anything, all he could do was stare at her.

He was bewitched by her beauty.

Annie: hi, I'm looking for mr. mcduck

He continued to stare at her, she noticed he was looking at her outfit.

Annie: oh, if you're wondering about the outfit, i was doing this 50s style commercial for pep.

Gearloose: (blabbing)

Annie: are you ok

Just then Scrooge mcduck came in

Scrooge: ah, you must be Annie

Annie: and you must be mr. mcduck

They shook hands and looked back gearloose who was still staring at Annie.

Scrooge: ah, I see you meet dr. Gearloose, gyro meet Annie

Annie: hi, how are you

She puts her hand out in front of him, he then collapsed on the ground. And his glasses fall off his eyes.




Scrooge: gyro

she bends down to him, pulls his face closer to her chest.

Gearloose: (moaning) huh?

He opens his eyes and see his face getting closer and Mushed to her chest, he faints again.

Gearloose: (sigh)

Annie: mr. mcduck do you neglected your employees

Scrooge: heavens no

She presses her hand against his forehead

Annie: he's burning up, quick someone give me a wet towel

Fenton runs and hands her a damped towel.

Fenton: here you go

Annie: thank you

She unbuttons his shirt, takes off his hat and starts pressing the towel against his chest then on his head.

Gearloose: (moaning) oh

Annie: shh, just rest up baby

As she continues to cool down his hot heat, he looks up recovering from his dizzy headaches and was shocked to be touched by her. She smiles at him.

Gearloose: huh, (Gasp)

Annie: it's ok you just go get some rest okay

She lets go, he gets up and backs away.

Annie: so shall we get the video started

He leads away.

Everything was set of the video, dr. Gearloose was working on some test tubes.

Fenton: are you sure your fine dr. Gearloose, you seem pretty ill back there

Gearloose: I told you Fenton I'll be fine, I'm not gonna let some flu distract me

He mix's in two chemicals together, Fenton looks down to watch.

Fenton: well if you say so dr. Gearloose

He then noticed that he was over filling the tube.

Fenton: huh, dr. Gearloose, dr. Gesrloose

He noticed him staring at Annie, his mouth opened wide. She was wearing a white lab coat, a yellow cropped tank top with matching tube skirt and high heels.

As he was gawking at her, he didn't see the explosion he made.


launchpad: mind if I can have your autograph

Annie: sure big guy


Annie/launchpad: OH

it only caused a small one to blow up in his face, everyone turned to him, he dropped the glasses and ran.

Annie: he's weird but kinda cute

The scene cut to her music video, it started with her playing a female scientist, her hair was in a stylish bun with pencils in it, she was wearing glasses and was using props test tubes

Annie: Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?
Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with
You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so
Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment

(She got up on top of the counter, removes her glasses and pulls her hair down)

Annie: I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?
Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with
You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so
It's been a long time since you fell in love
You ain't coming out your shell, you really ain't been yourself
Tell me what must I do (do tell, my love)
'Cause luckily I'm good at reading
I wouldn't bug him, but he won't stop cheesin'
And we can dance all day around it
If you front then I'll be bouncing
If you want it scream and shout it, babe
Before I leave you dry

Dr. Gearloose gets out of the restroom after cleaning his face, he was seduced when she took off the lab coat and threw it in his face

Annie: Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?
Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with
You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so
Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?
Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with
You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so (yeah)

Gearloose: (shudders)

She jumps down, swings her hips

Annie: Let me check my chest, my breath right quick (ha)
He ain't never seen it in a dress like this (ah)
He ain't never even been impressed like this
Prolly why I got him quiet on the set like zip
Like it, love it, need it bad
Take it, own it, steal it, fast
Boy, stop playing, grab my ass
Why you actin' like you shy?
Shut it, save it, keep it, pushin'
Why you beating 'round the bush?
And knowing you want all this woman
Never knock it 'til you try (yeah, yeah)
All of them bitches hating I have you with me
All of my niggas saying you mad committed
Realer than anybody you had, and pretty
All of that body-ody, the ass and titties

She rolls down and jumps back up

Annie:Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?
Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with
You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so
Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?
Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with
You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so

She falls on the ground, arm to her head, leg bend.

Director: and cut

She gets up, Louie hands her a towel.

Louie: nice job

Annie: thanks Louie

Throughout the entire day, dr. Gearloose has been feeling some strange emotions whenever he was around Annie.

She looks up at dr. Gearloose staring at her, she smiles. He noticed that she was looking at him and runs.

Annie: (giggles)

Later that same evening, he went to get a drink from the vending machine.

Gearloose: Don't you start with me today

He bends down, slips his hand inside it and tries to pull it out by force.

Annie: do you need help

Gearloose: huh (shrieks)

He looks up and nearly gets his hand stuck when he saw Annie, she had a blue long sleeve shirt, Demi shorts and black boots.

Gearloose: I-uh

He quickly gets up, unwillingly to say anything to her. She pushes him gently out of the way.

Annie: here, allow me, (grunts)


She uses her beak to hit the vending machine and out came a soda pep.

Gearloose: (gasp)

He was amazed by her strong beak, she takes the can and hands it to him.

Annie: here you go

He stares at the can then back at her, takes it slowly and smiles at her nervously.

Later when he was taking the elevator


We walks in and when he presses the button to go up.

Annie: WAIT!

He saw Annie running to the elevator and she jumps in just in time for them to close.

Annie: phew, thank you

As they rode the elevator up, it came to a complete stop.


Gearloose/Annie: whoa

Annie: hmm, looks like we stuck

Gearloose: STUCK!

His eyes open wide, he looked down at her, stuck in a small elevator with her.

He was now worried, his blood racing, heart pounding and sweat pouring down a lot.

Annie:  don't worry, I'll find us a way out of here

She reaches for the emergency escape panel, he felt heat warming up through his body as he saw her shirt lift up.

Gearloose: (shudders)

Annie: hey, do you think you can give me a lift

Gearloose: HUH, WHAT, ME

he was snapped out of his reality, knowing he was now allowed to touch her but didn't wanted to offend her.

Annie: yeah, I just need you to help hold me while I open the emergency panel

Gearloose: oh-I don't know-if that is a good idea

She turns to him with a concern look.

Annie: hey, it's ok, I trust you

He looked at her, and when he was about to hesitate, he finally agreed. He walks over to her, grabs her by her but and hoist her up.

Gearloose: (grunts)

Annie: thanks

Gearloose: no problem

But there was a problem as he was holding her up, he felt embarrassed for the way he was holding her butt and his face was closer to her exposed bare stomach, he turned a bright shade of red as the tomato. He wanted to drop her but.

Annie: got it

He breaths in a sigh of relief, let's her go, she climbs up, grabs his arm and pulls him out.

They climb all the way to the top and made it to the lab. When they got out, she smiled at him.

Annie: (giggles) thanks

He (still red) smiled back and exhausted from blushing and flushing collapsed on the floor.

Annie: oh my gosh

She bends down to him, touch his head and felt him burning again, so she picked him up and carried him to the sofa.

Launchpad, the nephews and Scrooge were amazed for how strong he was.

The next minute he woke up and was surprised to find her nuzzled next to him.

Gearloose: oh, huh AH

Annie: (cooing)

He tried not to wake her up and tries to move but found her arm wrapped around his waist.

Annie: stay, I like it this way

He felt turning red again, she smiled at him, then after a few minutes of snuggling. She got up and headed back home.

As he watched her leave. The next day he puts a ice bag on his head to cool down the headaches he's been having.

Gearloose: (grunts) there's something wrong with that girl

Louie: huh, you mean Annie

Gearloose: yes, I think she's a witch

Louie/webby: WHAT

Huey: she's not a witch

Dewy: what makes you say that

Gearloose: she's put a curse on me, for the entire day, I been sweating like crazy, my heart is pounding really fast

(Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump)

Gearloose: AH, I get this warm feeling inside, she's also on my mind and I shake whenever I'm around her.

The kids looked at each other and figured out what his problem was.

Gearloose: she must be stop

Huey: uh, dr. Gearloose, she didn't put a curse on you

Webby: the only reason, you're like this because your in love with her

Gearloose: huh, in love but I never felt this before

Webby: aw then that must be, she must be the one

Louie: well, she just recently broke up with her selfish boyfriend

He looks over to the table and finds that she left her ruby crested bracelet

Louie: oh good she left her bracelet here

Dewy: then that must mean she's available

Huey: this is your chance to talk to her

Gearloose: huh, me, no I can't, I never talked to a girl before

Webby: then we'll all help

They all huddle against to him and he started to shake again.

Louie: ok here's what I know she goes to a club called nightshade, give her back the bracelet and try to talk to her.

He hands him the bracelet, he takes it and was unsure about the plan.

Gearloose: I don't know about this, I look weird

Webby: oh but you look great

He wore black shoes and long black sleeve shirt, brown pants. He looks up at the club.

Gearloose: I don't know about this

Huey: don't you think it's time to stop living in a world of machine and isolation and let someone In

Gearloose: I don't know

Boyd tugged on his shirt, he looks down to see him smiling.

Boyd: you can do it, dr. Gearloose, I believe in you

Gearloose: ok but how will I get in

Louie: don't worry, leave it to me

A minute later he was in the club, looking for her. And after searching and searching, he was about to call quits.

Gearloose: oh, well if we can't her, I guess we can try again tomorrow

Lil bulb tapped him and looks up to see her singing YOU, on the stage.

Annie: I'm good at overthinking
But I haven't even got this far
All I know is that my mind is
In the back seat of your Corvette car
You got me at my baddest (baddest)
And you got me 'round your fingertip
Should be fed up with your bullshit
But everything about you, no, I can't resist
How could you ever leave me without a chance to try?
How can I be sorry if I don't know the crime?
I should be mad that you never told me why
Still, I can't seem to say goodbye
Ooh, yeah
When I try to fall back, I fall back to you (yeah)
When I talk to my friends, I talk about you (yeah)
When the jealousy's strong, all I see is you, is you, is you, oh you (ooh)
Yeah, ooh (yeah)
No, I haven't moved on, but trust me, I've tried (yeah)
If I give you a call, don't hang up the line (yeah)
When the jealousy's strong, all I see is you, is you, is you, oh you
Is you, oh, you
Is you, is you, oh, you

Gearloose: (sigh)

He had it that deep for her, she was wearing a red strap short dress with matching high heels and black gloves.

Annie: I see your face in every stranger, everywhere I go (everywhere I go)
I hear your voice in conversations, every word you spoke (every word you spoke)
Nearly blocked you on my phone about a thousand times

(she looks and smiles when she saw gyro looking at her, he noticed her looking at him and panicked)

Annie: Yeah, I know I should say goodbye
Yeah, I know I should say goodbye

Gearloose: AH

Annie: Ooh, yeah
When I try to fall back, I fall back to you (yeah)
When I talk to my friends, I talk about you (yeah)
When the Hennessy's strong, all I see is you, is you, is you, oh you (ooh)
Yeah, ooh (yeah)
No, I haven't moved on, but trust me, I've tried (yeah)
If I give you a call, don't hang up the line (yeah)
When the Hennessy's strong, all I see is you, is you, is you, oh you

He hid behind a pole, he takes out the bracelet but drops it on a count of his sweat and trembling fingers.

Gearloose: AH

he runs to get it, he pounce and finally catches it.

Gearloose: phew

He crawls his way out, only turns to find Annie looking at him, smiling.

Annie: (giggles)

Gearloose: (nervous chuckles)

Annie: hey your that scientist from earlier right

He stares at her smiling, to terrified to say anything.

Annie; it's good that you came, did you like the show

He quickly gets up, and shoves his hand out to show her bracelet.


He said it fast and quick, he turned his face the other way to avoid her rejection.

Annie: OH

She was surprised but when she saw how eager he was to talk to her. She smiled and takes the bracelet.

Annie: ok

Eye opened his eyes in surprise, he looks back at her.

Gearloose: really?

Annie: sure and thanks for finding my bracelet

He smiles and collapsed on the floor from anxiety.


Gearloose: oh

Annie: (gasp) (giggles) come on

She helps him up and he regain conscious and they walked to the dance floor.

Annie: let's dance

Gearloose: oh, but I don't know how to dance

Annie: don't worry I'll show you

They grabbed each other's hands, and after leading him, he took the lead and was enjoying himself.

Outside the club, the kids were watching.

Dewy: YES

Huey: he did it

Louie: hopefully it will work between them

Boyd: I knew he could do it

Webby: aw, this could be the start of something beautiful

After the dance, she walked him home. Her hands wrapped around his arm.

Gearloose: are you sure you want to walk me home, I could walk you home

Annie: it's ok, I have a car waiting for me, besides I can take care of myself

They made it back to the lab.

Gearloose: well looks like this is my stop but before I go

She lets go of his arm.

Gearloose: may I ask why would you go out with someone like me

She walks up to him, places her hand on his cheek, he looks at her nervously.

Annie: because you maybe a scientist and weird but in my eyes, your cute and I'm attracted to scientist

She steps up and kisses his cheek, he smiled then turned red.

Annie: (mwah)

Gearloose: (nervous chuckles)

She lets him go, he falls and as he was about to faint, Fenton caught him and took him inside.

Fenton: (grunts) (grunts) see ya Friday

She walks to her limousine and drives off

This was a start of a beautiful relationship

To be continued.....

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