Nightly romance fight

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Tonight was a big night.

Tonight was gyro's date with Annie.

And he was nervous, he wore a navy blue suit with brown shoes. He was shaking and sweating as he became too afraid for his date with Annie, the kids decided to help him.

Webby: ok gyro are you ready for your big date with Annie

Gyro: (gulp) no

Hewy: no? Oh come dr. Gearloose all you need to do is have dinner, show her a great time and ask her to be your girlfriend, easy

Gyro: for you maybe, but I never been on a date before

Louie: you can't just flake out on Annie

Dewy: yeah think of it as...uhh...testing out a new get on, take it out of a spin then get off

Gyro: except my inventions don't make me feel like I'm going to explode

Boyd: don't worry dr. Gearloose you can do this, I believe in you

He looks down to see boyd.

Webby: and we'll help you make this the perfect date

He gets up, faces the glass and looks at his reflection.

Gyro: I don't know, maybe I should cancel and tell I was busy

He turns around and smiles nervously and saw that the kids made a irritation look.

Then they all pushed him outside to the boardwalk.

Gyro: AH NO

Kids: (grunts)

Hewy: (grunts) come on dr. Gearloose

Webby: (grunts) don't be afraid

Dewy: you can DEWY THIS

Louie: (grunts) you can't cancel on Annie, she's special

Kids: (grunts)

As the kids continued to push gyro they heard someone singing

Annie: When I'm away from you
I'm happier than ever

Kids: huh

Gyro: huh

Annie: Wish I could explain it better
I wish it wasn't true,

They let go of him, he walks over to a bench and saw that it was Annie. She was singing happier then ever.

Gyro: (gasp)

He saw that she was wearing a black designer trench coat and had black gloves, her hair was tied up and she had red makeup.

Annie:mm-hmm Give me a day or two
To think of something clever
To write myself a letter
To tell me what to do, mm-hmm

Gyro: (sigh)

He walks towards her and She stops singing when she sees him.

Annie: Do you read my interviews? Or do you skip my avenue-oh hey

Gyro: hi

He waves at her, he couldn't help but gazed over her beauty, it became awkward and quiet, then he realized that he was overdressed.

Gyro: sorry that I'm overdressed I thought we were going somewhere nice

Annie: actually you look really dashing

Gyro: thanks

He turned Red and rubs the back of his head. Then she gets up and throws her coat off.

Annie: and besides am I overdressed

She had a red Sexy Spaghetti Strap Tank Dress Basic Backless Bodycon Club Party Mini Dress, with long black gloves and black high heel thigh boots.

Gyro: you look beautiful

She smiles tenderly at him, she then looks, he walks up closer to hers, holds his hand up to her, she takes it and moves on in closer to him and they walk.

Annie: so what do you have plan for tonight

Gyro: well I thought-you might like


He gets a message from his phone, he sees that's it's from Hewy and it says.

You're going on a date to the boardwalk.

Gyro: the boardwalk?

He was puzzled but it surprised Annie.

Annie: (gasp) I love the boardwalk

Gyro: ohh, ugh (soft chuckles) uhh lucky I thought of it

They headed to the boardwalk and inside gyro was shocked to find that the place was decorated in a romantic setting, a table set just for them.

Gyro: AH!!!

Annie: aw how sweet, how'd you get to have the place all to yourself

Gyro: uhh I know some people

Annie: ohh

They took a sit and manny came in holding two plates of pesto pasta, gyro was shocked and thought it would freaked Annie out but she seemed pretty chill about it.

Annie: ooh I love Italian food, how did you know it was my favorite

Gyro: uhh lucky guess (nervous chuckles)

Annie: (giggling)

The kids then played happier than ever

When you said you were passing through, was I even on your way?

Annie: this is really nice, it's been a while since I been on a date

Gyro: yeah

Annie: (giggles)

She looks up and was surprised to see the kids watching she then looks back at him smiling.

Annie: uh do your kids always watch you

Gyro: huh?

He looked and was embarrassed.

Gyro: oh boy, there not my kids, their my boss's kids

Annie: oh you must be great with children

Gyro: I am

His hand was down then lil bulb then noticed he hand was nearly close to her, he grabbed gyro's and tries to pull it on top of Annie's hand.

Gyro: whoa

Annie: ohh, are you ok

Gyro: yeah

He goes up and see was surprised to see lol bulb.

Annie: ooh

Gyro: (nervous chuckles) Annie this is lol bulb

He rises lil bulb to her, he takes her hand and tries to kiss it.

Annie: (flattered) oh cute, does he always go with you on your dates

I knew when I asked you to be cool about what I was telling you

Gyro: well yeah, he goes wherever I go, he is like a son to me

He looks up to see her making a playfully smirk.

Gyro: uhh I like to think of my inventions as my children

Annie: (giggling) you don't go out much do you

Gyro: well I don't get ask out a lot, you're kinda the first girl that's ever liked me

She smiles and places her hand on top of his, he smiles at her.

You'd do the opposite of what you said you'd do
And I'd end up more afraid

Huey: how's it going

Webby: well they touched hands that's good

Huey: good now they just need to see that spark in their eyes

The two were eating, when gyro saw her eyes and watch How they shine. The moonlight reflected on them.

Gyro: wow

She noticed him looking.

Annie: what?

Gyro: your eyes, they have this-wow they really beautiful

she blushed and pushes her hair back.

Annie: thanks but I think your eyes are amazing

Gyro: that would be true, if I didn't have to wear glasses

Annie teams in closer to them.

Webby: (GASP) it's happening

Don't say it isn't fair
You clearly weren't aware that you made me miserable, ooh

Annie: I bet you look great without your glasses

She then takes them off and she was amazed for how cute his eyes were.

Annie: wow

Gyro: I know, I look ridiculous without them

Annie: no, you look great without them

She cups his face and he smiles tenderly, she lets go and he puts his glasses back on.

Gyro: so (ahem) tell about yourself

Annie: you mean besides going out at parties

Gyro: yeah

Annie: well that's not really me, it's my stupid manager

Gyro: huh

Annie: (sigh) I'm so glad I could go on this date, this date is the only time I could get away from work, he says that if I don't do what he says, he'll fire me

Gyro: I know how you feel

Annie: you do

Gyro: yes and you shouldn't do what your boss tells you, this is your career, not his, I mean isn't your parents upset about this

She looks down and back with the kids, Louie slaps his face.

Louie: oh no, ugh idiot

Dewy: what?

Gyro: is everything ok

Annie: no I never knew about my parents, I'm a orphan

Gyro made a shocking look then felt sad.

Gyro: ohh I'm so sorry

Annie: no it's ok, you didn't know, when I was a hatching my parents abandoned me at the orphanage, and everyday I left hurt after seeing every child get adopted I wonder if my parents didn't wanted me

So if you really wanna know

Gyro: maybe they have a reason

Annie: huh

Gyro: maybe they were just trying to protect you, maybe a mad man was trying to hurt you so they gave you away for your own safety

Annie: you really mean that

Gyro: yes and I'm sure they would've been proud to see what you been doing

When I'm away from you (when I'm away from you)

They both smiled.

Annie: you know you're a lot better then my last boyfriend, he never cared about me, he was always so focused on work, never has time for me putting work first

Gyro: wow he sounds awful

Annie: yeah I found out that he was a cheat, so I dumped

I'm happier than ever (I'm happier than ever)

Gyro: Gyro: well it's his lost, he's letting go of such a beautiful thing

Wish I could explain it better (wish I could explain it better)
I wish it wasn't true, mm-hmm

They both then leaned in together and as they were about inches away from kissing.

Webby: (screaming) their gonna kiss

They were about to kiss when.

Mark: well, we'll, well if it isn't my old flame

Annie: ugh

Their date was interrupted by mark beaks, Annie rolled her eyes in annoyance, she crosses her arms and they both look at mark who was approaching them.

Annie: (annoyed) hello mark

You called me again, drunk in your Benz
Driving home under the influence

As Annie got up, Gyro became confused.

Gyro: you two know each other

She turns around to face him.

Annie: oh gyro this is my ex-boyfriend mark beaks, mark this is my new boyfriend gyro

Gyro/mark: (gasp)

Gyro: he's your ex

Mark: (sinister snicker) I'm surprised she didn't tell you

Annie: what do you want ant mark

You scared me to death, but I'm wasting my breath

He walks over to her and strokes her cheek.

Cause you only listen to your fucking friends

Gyro saw how disgusted Annie was.

Gyro: hey get away from her

He then walks up to gyro and scans him.

Mark: ugh you left me for a nerd

I don't relate to you

Annie: at least he cares about me

I don't relate to you, no

Mark: oh yeah well for how long

Annie: mark just leave us alone

Gyro: you heard her, you had your chance now beat- ugh

He then grabs him by his throat and hoisted him up.


'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty

mark: well should I, he'll never like you

Annie: stop it

Mark: you'll never get to have a boyfriend when I'm around

You make me hate this city

Annie then became furious as he clutches her fists.

Annie: I...said...leave...him....ALONE (siren call)

She then made a super sonic banshee scream and split the two apart.

Mark/gyro: AH

And I don't talk shit about you on the internet

Gyro got up and looked at Annie.

Gyro: Annie?

Annie saw the fear in his face and made a sorrowful look.

Never told anyone anything bad

Gyro: Annie

Annie: gyro I can explain

Mark: (evil chuckles) I'm surprised she didn't tell you she was freak

Annie looked down in disappointment, gyro then got mad at mark.

Gyro: she's not a freak just different

He tries to punch him but

'Cause that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything

But mark grabbed his hand.

Gyro: ugh

He then throws him around

Gyro: WHOA


And all that you did was make me fucking sad

The kids then fell down in front of mark.

Mark: he brings kids with him, see how can you trust a guy who has children dragging him down

Annie: at least kiss like him unlike you

She tries to hit him but he puches her back.


Annie: AH

MARK: (evil laughter)

Gyro got up, saw what he did, and ran to him.

Gyro: leave her alone

He trips him and he falls behind a crate of boxes, he hides behind it as the kids went to deal with him.

So don't waste the time I don't have

He then saw Annie and saw how upset she was, concerned about her, he scoots next to her.

Don't try to make me feel bad

Gyro: Annie

Annie: I'm sorry I didn't tell you about mark or about my voice, I know you probably don't want to date someone like me

I could talk about every time that you showed up on time

He then puts his hand on her shoulder, she looks up at him.

Gyro: Annie I like I really do and I think your voice is unique and amazing

Annie: really

Gyro: really, but I got to know how did you end up with someone like him

Annie: (sigh) I met mark at one of my concerts, he gave me everything I could ever wanted, he made me feel special but over time he started acting like my boss telling me what to do, then he stopped paying attention to me and started looking at him phone nonstop I was "when will it ever stop" then I found out he stole an ideas from a company, I then had it, so I went to his company and told him we were over, I got over the break up but every time I go on date he always finds a way to chase and scare my dates away, so you see why no guy was good enough for me because of marks

But I'd have an empty line, 'cause you never did

Gyro: if I was your boyfriend, I would treat you right

They smiled at each other and as they stared into each other's eyes, they realize the kids were in trouble.

(Kids screaming)

Kids: GYRO

Never paid any mind to my mother or friends, so I

They turn to see that marks had caught them.

Annie: we need to save those kids

Gyro then looks around then he gets an idea.

Gyro: I got an idea but I'm going to need your amazing voice

She looks back at him and smiles. Meanwhile mark tied the kids together and hold them up above the ocean.

(Kids muffles)

Mark: (evil chuckles)


he turns to see Annie very furious

Annie: leave those kids alone (siren screaming)

She then did a sonic blast at him while gyro sneaked behind to free the kids

Shut 'em all out for you 'cause I was a kid

Annie: ugh (siren call)

He then punched her and she collapsed on the ground.


Annie: ugh

Gyro: (gasp) Annie

Gyro tried to think of something then he saw mark's phone on the ground.

Annie tres to get up but mark then grabbed her by her throat and started choking her.

Annie: (coughing)

Mark: looks like this is the end Annie, you really think any guy would go out with you after this (evil chuckles)

Gyro: I would

Mark: huh

He turns to see gyro, he then holds her over the ocean.

Gyro: (gasp) let her go mark

Mark: or else what

He holds his phone up to show him.

You ruined everything good

Mark: (gasp) my phone

He looks through his pockets to find it.

Gyro: let her go, or I'll throw it in the ocean

Mark: (ptth) yeah right go ahead, I just installed a waterproof vest

Gyro: you really want to take that risk

They glares at each other.

Gyro then throws his his phone far in the ocean. His eyes open wide and he panicked.

Mark: NO!!!!

Always said you were misunderstood

He lets go of Annie and jumps in the water then as he falls, gyro ran to her.

Annie: (screaming)

Gyro: ANNIE!!!

He grabs her hand just in time and helps her up.

Annie: thanks

When he helps her up, they stared into each other's eyes, holding hands, they then looked back at mark who was treating his phone like a loved one.

Mark: I got you, your safe

Gyro: I think you dodge a terrible bullet there

Annie: he always loved his phone more then me

Made all my moments your own

They then looked at each other's eyes again, leaned in closer and kissed for a passionately a long time the moment seemed wonderful then was interrupted when the kids were watching and Boyd took a picture.


Boyd: for the perfect date

They looked back at the kids then at each other.

Gyro: Annie I was wondering if you want, would you like to go out with me

She stares blinking at him then back at mark.

Annie: you know what, I think I prefer a nerdy scientist over a millionaire jerk who only cares about his phone any time

Just fucking leave me alone

He smiles s and they kissed again, they let go and walked home, holding hands.

Gyro: come on let's go, I'll take you home

Annie: I liked that

One year later since their date, gyro was working when he saw a picture of them kissing.

Gyro: (sigh)

But now he was going to have to meet her dad.

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