What to eggpect when eggpecting the uneggpected

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In a hospital, Fenton was standing outside gandra's hospital room, he's been worried sick all night for her, gyro was with him worried that he's not getting enough sleep
Fenton: how I could I let this happen, I should've have been faster, now she might die and it's all my fault
He looks out through her window and seeing her unconscious, wires hooked on her and the way she was breathing had him assure she is going to be alright, but it wasn't enough to let him know that she was.
Fenton: (sigh)
Usual Gyro wouldn't have no care for Fenton, he felt bad for bad... for once, he puts down the magazine he was reading, walks over to him, puts his hand on his shoulder he turns to face him
Gyro: come on Fenton, she's going to be fine
Fenton: I don't understand how this could happen
Three weeks earlier After the moon invasion, gandra works in an underwater lab at the Money Bin with her husband Fenton and dr. Gearloose
Fenton was working on a scientific breakthrough when he got distracted by gandra's glaze
Fenton: dr. Gearloose, i believe i have found a scientific breakthrough
Gyro: whatever you say Intern
He ignores him by pretending to look on a clipboard
Fenton was upset that dr. Gearloose didn't take interest in him
Gandra: don't mind him suits (she touches his shoulder) he doesn't know what a great thing he has
He smiles at her as she gives him a teasing smirk as the glaze in her eyes distract him
He was so busy looking at her, he grabbed a test-tube of sulfur
He accidentally poured sulfur with potassium nitrate
He looks down when he smelled some foul smell
Fenton: (sniff, sniff) uh oh
The whole lab exploded and it hit gandra pretty hard
Gandra/Fenton: ah!!!!!!!!
Fenton: ah
Gandra: UGH!!!
The whole explosion sent her flying into the glass wall, causing a crack in the window letting the sea in flooding
Fenton woke up quickly after from the hit to the head against the table, he was gandra unconscious and gyro was the water coming in and they both panicked
Gyro/Fenton: (gasp)
Gyro: MY LAB
Fenton: GANDRA
The two scientist ran to the accident, gyro closes the window down with a metallic wall, Fenton ran to gandra picked her up and saw a cut on forehead
Fenton: gandra
Gyro saw and walked over to him, he saw how upset and worried he was, he took a good look at her injury, her blood falling on her head
Gyro: hmm, oh no this does not look good, looks like she's going to need medical attention
Fenton: ok, you and manny take care of the mess, I'll Help gandra
He rans off, carrying gandra in his arms
After a hour of healing her wounds, he lay her on his bed, her head was wrapped around in a bandage, she woke up covered in warm sheets.
Gandra: (moans)
She opens up her eyes slowly and saw Fenton sitting on the edge of the bed
Fenton: oh good you're awake
He goes over to her and brings her in a warm embrace
Gandra: oh
She was stunned by his hug but gave in, as she returned the hug he lets her go and grabs her shoulder
Fenton: I'm so great that you're okay
Gandra: what happened
He cups on hand on her cheek
Fenton: I accidentally exploded the lab and you got hurt, I was terrified that I almost lost you
She gives him a teasing smirk
Gandra: oh suits
She pulls him by his tie and down to beak to peak
Gandra: nothing bad is going to happen to me
They shared a tender kiss and hugged again as her smile turned into a sad frown

The next morning, gandra cut Have finally healed she started to get sick
Gandra: (cough, cough)
She spent the whole morning vomiting in the bathroom
Knock, knock
Fenton: gandra are you all right
Fenton noticed as She opens the door, she began to look pale
Gandra: I'm fine suits I just need to go see a doctor appointment
Fenton: do you mean, you're going to a doctor appointment
Gandra: uh yeah that
She walks to the door
Fenton: okay but I'm going to be working late, since dr. Gearloose is still angry at me for (nervous chuckles) exploding the lab
Gandra: (giggles) okay suits but don't let him, get the best of you ok
He smiles as he walks over to her and kisses her cheeks
Gandra: good luck at the doctor appointment

While at the hospital, she sat down In The patient's room on the bed, the swan Doctor cane in back with her results but she saw how concerned he was
Sheldon: well m.s dee it doesn't look like something is wrong with you
Gandra: (sigh) well that's good to hear
Sheldon: well
Gandra: but what
Sheldon: well it's not a serious illness, but it's not that serious, but
Gandra: ugh just get to the point dr. Sheldon cause I'm not really in a good mood
Sheldon: (gulp) well, you're pregnant
She couldn't believe her ears, she didn't wanted to believe it either
Gandra: what?
He hands her back her test results and it says that she's expecting twins
Sheldon: yep, pregnant congratulations now you're going to need this
He also hands her a pamphlet with a image of two ducks holding an egg and the title say what to expect the uneggpected, she looks down in fear
Sheldon: now, this pamphlet will tell you want to do during your pregnancy and in just a few days your eggs with come, I bet whoever the father is, is probably the luckiest dick in the world
Gandra: not so sure about that

Fenton came back home late past 12
Fenton: hey gandra, I'm home ridiculously day at work today let me tell ya but enough about me how did the doctor's appointment go--
He saw her back turned away from him sitting on the other side of the bed, she arms wrapped around herself
Fenton: gandra?
Gandra: Fenton, I gotta-I need to- there's something- I-I have to tell you something
He began to worry, he drops he suitcase and rushes to her, she was terrified of telling him that she was lost for words
He bends down to her, grabs her shoulder as turns her around to face him
He then started to panic
She just stares at him and looks the other way, he then became serious
He moves his hand from her shoulder to her cupping her face and lifting her face to his eyes
And his tone turned to sincere
Fenton: you have to talk to me, gandra This isn't something to be stubborn about, I don't like it when you're like this, the strong and silent type, it isn't like you (she looks down and back up at him) so please if something is troubling you, you can tell me
She closes her eyes, puts her hands over his
Fenton: okay...okay, but you gotta promise me some things suits, don't freak out, don't start crying and don't get mad at me, just stay calm
He takes her hand and puts it in both of his hands, she looks down as he does so
Fenton (Sincere): hey, I'm here
He lifts up her chin, she then looks the other way and closes her eyes
Gandra: Fenton, I'm pregnant
Fenton: (gasp) you're what
Gandra: look don't get upset please I-- oh
She was surprised for when he hugged her and spin them around, he then threw her in the air and when he caught her, he gave her an warm tenderly kiss
Gandra: Fenton are you crazy-- (muffles)
Fenton: mmmm
She was shock by his reaction, she gently pushed him away
Gandra: wait you not mad
Fenton: mad? gandra I'm happy, I'm happy for us
He grabs her hands
Fenton: this is a miracle for us, I've always suspected that I'll have children one day
He then just thought of an idea
Fenton: (gasp) oh I can't wait to tell mama, and gyro and the McDuck family, we can plan a baby shower, not wait a gender reveal baby shower, (gasp) do you know if its a boy or girl
Gandra: it's both
Fenton: (gasp)
He's joy began to grow
Gandra: but hang on suit, wait for a moment, I know you're excited and all but I just- (sigh) I just don't know if I can do it this
Fenton: what do you mean?
Gandra: I mean I never had any experience with children before
Fenton: but what about hewey
Gandra: he doesn't count, besides I'm afraid
Fenton: afraid of what?
Fenton saw how scared she was and Tried to comfort her
Fenton: gandra it's okay
Gandra: (gasp) (gasp)
As her tears fell hard, she began to get dizzy and was having trouble breathing and soon he saw her collapse on the floor
Fenton: GANDRA
He catches her in time, and rushes her to the hospital

Fenton was still worried about her that he didn't listen to gyro
Fenton: NO (grunts) I have to stay here with her, at least wait for her to wake up
Gyro: what more could you do, this kind of things could take longer
Fenton: then if that's all it would take then do be it
Gyro: (sigh) fine
He gives him a worried look and decides to change the subject
Gyro: so!!!!! Do you have any idea on what to name the hatchlings
Fenton: yes, dee dee and fester
Gyro: nice names
Fenton: thanks, if you don't mind me asking dr. Gearloose but where are you staying with me, don't you hate me
Gyro: (sigh) no I don't hate you I just can find you annoying sometimes, and I know I can be hard on you but it's because I care about you and I like having you around (he wraps his arm around his shoulder) not as a intern or scientist but as a friend
He looks up at him and smiles
Fenton: oh thank you dr. Gearloose
He attempts to hug him but was stop by his glare
Fenton: oh sorry
Gyro: oh
He was surprised when he hugged him tight, he returns the hug

After a few days of waiting for gandra to wake up, he and gyro told everyone the news, So everyone Fenton and gandra knew would come and visit her
First it was his mom
María: oh calla Fenton, I'm so prod of you, ( she cups his face)
Fenton: uh gracias mama
He takes her hands in his
Fenton: do you think I'm going to be a great father
Maria: of course I do pollo, ay I remember when I gave birth to you (sobs)
She takes out a picture of her holding Fenton as a egg, he then saw how she was going to breakdown like gandra did
Maria: (sobbing) sometimes I wish I could go back and relive the days I had you as an egg (sobbing)
Fenton: mama it's okay--(grunts)
She buries her face in his chest, and wipes her eyes with his shirt, he hugs her and his face turns red from embarrassment
Fenton: its alright mama, you raised me well and I love you for that
She lets go of him and wipes the tears from her eyes
Mama: I know pollo Fenton and I love you too (sniff) now when will I get to meet my grandchildren
Fenton: in 5 days mamá
She gets up
Mama: oh good, that will just give me enough time to plan the baby shower and welcoming party
She rans off and he smiles
Fenton waited and waited and waited
until she finally gave birth to the eggs
Sheldon: Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
Fenton: YES
Sheldon: congratulations, you're a father
Fenton: yes,yes,yes,yes,yes very nice good, but is my fiancé alright
He gives him a sad look
Sheldon: I'm sorry but she hasn't woke up yet
Fenton: (gasp) NO!
Sheldon: I'll give her a few more days but after that she's done
Fenton: NO!!! (Whimpers)
He rushes to the room and sees her sleeping unconsciously
Fenton: ah
Sheldon: I'll leave you two alone together
Her bedroom was filled with flowers, her heart was still beating
He sits next to her, her hair in her face, he uses the back of his hand to brush it back
He wanted to kiss her again, to hear her angelic voice again, to hold her in his arms again
But he couldn't touch her cause he was afraid of hurting her again
Fenton: (whispers) I'll wait for you
He leans in and kisses her forehead, he las his head Down on her head and puts her hand in his locking them together
The next few days have been the saddest days he has been without her
One day, she finally woke up
Gandra: (moans)
She got up a little and looked around and realized she was In the hospital and saw Fenton in the doorway, he had a serious look on his face and made her realize he was upset at her
Gandra: oh Fenton, uh look I- (muffles)
He walked to her and kiss her passionately and tenderly, he slowly let go and grabbed her cheeks
Fenton: oh gandra,I'm so glad you're ok, (he brings her in a warm embrace hug) I thought I lost you, if anything happened to you I'd never forgive myself
She pulls him away and looks him in his eyes with worry
Gandra: Fenton, I'm not sure if I can do this, I mean I can't do this alone, this mother thing has me on the edge I really need you to be there for me and the kids
He smiles at her tenderly
Fenton: don't worry my love, I swear to you, I'm going to be here with you and the kids
She began to cry tears of joy as she holds him tightly and cries in his neck
He helps her tighter, they wanted this moment to last forever but they finally let go when she remembered the hatchlings
Gandra: hey were are our eggs
Fenton: their with mama and dr. Gearloose
She looks outside to see them holding the eggs
Gandra: oh (she smiles)
Fenton: come on
He helps her out of bed
Fenton: let's go meet our children
They walk out and when gyro and maria saw her, she smiled at them
This was the beginning of a new adventure

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