Louie duck, MD

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After tired of being a burden to his family, to his mom and to his brothers.

Louie decides to make something of himself, make himself useful to the family, so he takes a hobby. He reads so he figure out what would work best for him.

And after hours of reading and reading, he stumbles upon medical books and soon he finds out what he could be good at.

(Theme song plays)

After the past few days he's been studying to be a doctor, he reads every medical book there is in the mansion, he goes out to practice on people.

He fixes a guy's broken leg, helps a women giving birth and stitches some open cuts on children, he eventually ends up working at a hospital.
It wasn't long until the family started to realized that Louie wasn't joining them on their adventures.

This concern Della the most

It was a good morning and the family was getting ready to go to Egypt.

As they were packing up, they heard Louie walking downstairs.

Dewy: oh he Louie you ready for are trip to Egypt

He was running towards the door and he was wearing a green shirt with a tie, carrying a bag.

Louie: sorry I can't I got to be somewhere

Everyone: huh

Hewy: where could you be going to so important then a trip to Egypt

But before he could answer, he quickly left.

Louie: bye

He shuts the door leaving everyone speechless.

Dewy: that was weird

Webby: yeah Louie would never want to missed going to Egypt

Just then Scrooge mcduck came in, prepared.

Scrooge: alright everyone let's go

After they came back, Louie came back looking tired, anxious and stressed. He was so tired that he didn't see the mansion was filled with treasure on the floor.

Dewy: oh hey Louie your back

Huey: come at look at the treasure we got

Louie: huh no thanks, I don't really like valuables

Everyone: (gasp)

Dewy: you don't like collecting treasure anymore

This had everyone worried including Della and Ms. beakley had some concern.

Huey: ok first he leaves everyday to who knows where then he stops going on adventures with us

Dewy: and since when does Louie stops caring about valuables

Webby: yeah He would never pass up on a good opportunity like this

Della: he worries me too

Ms. Beakley: tell you what tomorrow we'll see what's going on with him

Della: yeah ever since our last counter with fowl, he's changed and not in a good way

So the next day when Scrooge, Launchpad and the kids went to the underwater lab, Ms. beakley and Della stayed to see what was wrong with Louie.

The next day was the same thing, Louie would get up, get dress, carry a big bag and head to the fort but this time, when he walked downstairs, della was in front.

Louie: whoa

Della: hey Louie

Louie: mom didn't you go with Scrooge and the others

Della: I decided to stay so here I am, say would you like to do something today, we could do something together, just you and me, come on we'll do whatever you want

Terrified to see how eager his mom was when she was smiling crazy like and was close to his face. He looked at the door then back at her and smiles.

Louie: sorry mom but I really got to go

He rushes to the door and Della's smiled drop.

Della: wher-where are you going

Louie: I got some urgent emergency to take care off

After he left, Della and Ms. beakley became more suspicious.

Ms. Beakley: ok now he's hiding something, everyday he leaves but to where and he never says

Della: hmm

They decided to come to the kid's bedroom to see what he was hiding.

Ms. Beakley searched in his dresser as Della checked his closet then she looked underneath his sheets and saw something that shattered her.

Della: (gasp) you might want to see this

Ms beakley: what (gasp)

They saw money, piles of money and blueprints called operation: scandal children

Ms. Beakley: oh my

Della: he's gonna scam the hospital

Ms. Beakley: we have to stop him

They ran to the hospital

Della: (pasting) I can't believe he's scheming again and I should've seen this coming and just when he was doing good, this is what I get for not keeping an eye on him, well this time I'm keeping him close to me, he's grounded for a month

When they finally made it, Della kicks the doers with her bionic left leg.

Della: LOUIE-huh

She and Ms. beakley were expecting something but all they saw was everyone waiting looking upset but only because they were feeling sick or wounded.

Della: huh-wha-

She then saw a dog nurse checking a clipboard, she and Ms. beakley ran towards her.

Della: excuse me have you seen a small white preteen pekin duck come by, he was wearing a green suit with a white coat and his hair brushed to the side.

Nurse: hmm oh yeah he's in the OR

Ms. Beakley and Della looked at each other then ran to the operation room when by their surprise.


Della: LOUIE (gasp)

They saw Louie performing lung surgery on a old pelican.

Old pelican: (moans in pain)

All the doctors were amazed as they surrounded him and watched him performed perfectly.

Doctor 1: oh my

Doctor 2: extraordinary

Doctor 3: incredible

Louie: Scalpel

Nurse: Scalpel

He uses the Scalpel to make several small surgical cuts over the chest.

Louie: Forceps

Nurse: forceps

He uses to keep the surgical cut open.

Louie: Retractor

Nurse: reactor

He removes the infected lung and replace it was better one when a cooler.

Louie: Surgical staple

Nurse: surgical staple

Louie: done, he's good as new

Everyone was clapping as the old pelican gets up and dances happily.


Doctor 3: excellent work dr. Louie

Nurse: lovey work dr. Louie

Old pelican: thank you dr. Louie

Louie: it was nothing

Then a female stork nures came in between Della and Ms. beakley.

Della/Ms. beakley: ohh

Nurse 3: dr. Louie, she's ready for you

He turns and smiles as he touches his beak.

Louie: ah good, tell her I'm coming

He looks up to see Della and Ms. beakley, a nurse hands him a clipboard.

Louie: oh hey mom, hey Ms. beakley

Della: Louie what's-what's going on

Louie: well you see I'm a doctor now

Both: what?

Ms. beakley: what you have to work 10 to 14 years to become a doctor, how did you become a doctor so quickly

They talk as he was moving to different rooms, helping out other sick/injured people.

Louie: well it started when I was grounded and had nothing to do but wait until you guys got back and told me what to do, I decided to read, so I read all the medical books the mansion had and so I became interested in becoming a doctor since I learned how much being a doctor can make, so I practiced helping stitch up wounds on other people then a doctor found me and had me perform diagnosing medical problems and successfully treating illness or injuries on children and it made me happy to help children I then forgot all about my doctor scheme and just started helping people out

Ms. Beakley: wow impressive

Ms. Beakley smiled as she was impressed but Della had a concern look.

Della: ok but When did you decided to become a doctor and why

He then tilt his head down and when he turns around they saw how hurt he looked.

Louie: because I'm tired of being a burden

Della: (gasp)

Della couldn't believe what she was hearing and thought is that what he thought about forever.

Louie: I'm tired of being the family's bad sheep, I just wanted to prove myself useful to the family

Ms. Beakley: Louie-

Louie: I want feel like I belong in the family

Is this what she thinks of him, a burden

Della: Louie-

Louie: I wanted you to be proud of me for something

Della: Louie-

Louie: I just wanted to have everyone to stop hating me

Della: Louie-

Louie: that's why I decided to stop scheming it was making a bad influence to the family and a bad s-

She then bends down and grabs his shoulders to say all those cruel things.

Della: LOUIE

He then stops and looks up at her, Sadly.

Della: your not a burden and I'm proud for what you done for this hospital but you just need to know when you're schemes are just too crazy that might hurt us, you just need to think and stop, you just need to be guided to the right path and I'm glad that you decided to think what you want to make of yourself and the career you choose

Louie: thanks mom

She then gets up and smiles at him as he walks back to deal with a old owl with a splinter in his index finger.

But then she then thought of something.

Della: but what if your not planning to scheme the hospital then why is there a pile of money on your bed

Ms. Beakley: and theses blueprints marked operation: scandal children

He takes the blueprints then crumples it up and throws it in the trash can.

Louie: oh that, well that was long ago before when you came back, I was planning to entertain the children at the hospital and take the donation box for them but I canceled it when officer Cabrera found out before she could catch me as for the money well

Nurse 12: dr. Louie

They all turned to see a fox nurse.

Nurse 13: she's ready for you

He then looks at his mom and smiles.

Louie: come on I'll show you

They follow him to the Pediatrician room where when all the children were playing and when they saw Louie.


Louie: hi everyone

They saw how the kids were happy to see him and he was waving at them.

Della: wow all the kids sure like you

Louie: well I am their doctor, I often come in here and try to cheer them up

They then see a long curtain, Louie then opens it to reveal a sleeping baby swan.

She was wearing a pink bow on her head and she had a stuffed swan plush toy.

Louie: the money is for her

When she opened hers eyes, they were taken by her cuteness and she smiled when she saw Louie.

Della: aw

Opal: Louie

She gets up a little and hugs him, he then hugs her back.

Louie: mom this is opal, she's my favorite patient and favorite girl, the money was for her medical bill and some stuff I was buying for her, she is very sick, she has cancer but there is a cure for her and for every money I been saving for my time as a doctor I was going to give it to her and (gulp) I WANT TO ADOPT HER

Ms. Beakley: what?

Della: Louie doesn't she have parents

Louie: no her parents abandoned her her when she was egg when the nurse found her, the doctors found out that she was sick so they kept her waiting for someone to take her in and we'll I want to take her in, she makes me feel happy and I've been taking really good care of her

Ms. Beakley and Della looked at each other then back at Louie with concern.

Della: Louie taking care of a baby is a big responsibility

Louie: I know and I'm ready to take that responsibility

Just then Scrooge McDuck came in, he was behind him.

Ms. Beakley: Scrooge

Della: Uncle Scrooge what are you doing here

He didn't noting but just made a crossed look then he walked up to Louie, he didn't look back but he looked at opal and looking distressed, he was waiting for Scrooge to scold him but instead he got was Scrooge sitting down next to him and touching his shoulders.

He looks back to see him making a concern look.

Scrooge: does this lassi really make you happy

He nods his head.

Scrooge: and do you think your ready to take care of a child

Louie: I do Uncle Scrooge

Scrooge: good cause I adopted her for you

He shows him the adoption papers of Louie being her illegal brother.

Louie: (gasp) thank you Uncle Scrooge

He, Della and Ms. beakley smiled when they saw how happy Louie was.

He looks back at opal and picks her up.

Louie: you hear that opal your finally going to come home with me

Opal: (laughing) (giggles) (coughing)

She was laughing then she started coughing that made everyone make a worried look.

Then Louie puts her down.

Louie: after the surgery

He puts on a mask and latex gloves.

Everyone: huh

Ms beakley: what surgery

Louie: I told you I had to pay for her medical expense, no one wanted to help save her so I volunteer to do the surgery on her

Scrooge: can you actually save her laddie

Louie: I've done this before Uncle Scrooge, you can ask anyone in this hospital how many times I performed surgery on a kid

He became impressed

He walks over to opal puts his hand out to her.

Louie: ready opal

She looks at his hand, looks at her doll, grabs it then looks back at Louie and takes his hand. And he puts his hand on top of hers.

Opal: ready

He helps her off the bed and they walk to the surgery room.

Louie: I'll be with you throughout the whole night

Scrooge: well at least this is good for the family, we won't need to go to the hospital

Ms. Beakley: At least Scrooge won't have to pay for the doctor

Della: and I'm proud of him and I bet the boys will be happy when they hear that their getting a baby sister.

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