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Nothing can be trusted.  Nothing is safe.

It feels like a cage. And it getting smaller in here.

I can't recall how long we've been here. How long I haven't seen anything other than these walls.

Vivian keeps on eating and drinking things from here. Understandable since he needs to eat and all, but it's all drugged.

Because every time he does that. It gets harder to think. It's so strong it effects me.

It's been getting worse lately. To the point I can't count how long we've been hear. All I know it's long.

Looking at the state of Vivian we might not make it. If they keep on drugging him he'll get an overdose. And he will die.

They are coming to pick him up at door #3 too often. The suited up people come and pick up his unconscious body and put him in the weird blinding white room.

He's to weak to do anything anymore. I remember very faintly when he resisted and fought back. And when he was force feed to get all drugged up.

I miss that fire in him. He's become so easy to manipulate now. He has some common sense in him. But the drugs are killing his brain.

I don't even know what they really want.

Why can't they just say it. Why do they have to hurt?

Vivian wakes up not feeling any better than before. His head won't stop hurting and it's hard to stand still. Things are a bit wobbly for him. He tries to bring up his head a little but a huge spike of pain just hit him.

Deciding  that it would be the best for him to stay at the floor.

Slight tears fall  down his face as he silently suffers. He can't do his work in this state. He can't stand. He can't think. All he can do is cry.

Cry away the pain. It's all he can do. Hoping that the pain will just stop after he cries.

Hoping that maybe if he held his head hard enough the pain will go away.

The pain just stayed. Never faltering away.

The walls look yellow now. With some cool red squiggly lines. And blue circles moving around.

He looks at the once grey carpet floor and sees a cool zebra print with multi colors. Small cool little shadowy demon beings. That look like small cat people with white eyes start to come out of the ground and walls.

All of them playing around until one spotted Vivians eyes looking at them.

It went towards him. Staring with curiosity. Lightly touching his face with its small 3 pawed like hands.

Tears still on his face as it touched him. His pain not so bad anymore. He didn't move away since this small shadow thing is helping him with his pain. He inches his head a little closer.

The small shadow creature then called its friends. All of them amazed of Vivian.  Some of them petting him. Some of them sitting on his back and playing around him.

He didn't do anything praying they will help him out. But they all scattered away in fear when his. Boss came out in full rage.

Yelling at the small shadow creatures to get away in a non heard language screech. Making his head want to pop itself.

He whimpers in pain and she immediately comes down to him holding his head on her hands. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Why are you crying?"

Yet with her questions he didn't answer any of them. Silent tears still falling down his face.

Pain is all that's felt.

Nothing but pain.

But on the bright side I see so many pretty colors. So many things. I think I see the sky on the ceiling. Oh so pretty sky's.

He reaches his hand out. Grasping to the sky. His sky. So soft. So nice.

I want to sleep on the clouds up there. Maybe with all that nice cushioning my head will feel like it's being kissed.

His boss getting annoyed that he's ignoring her. She tries to talk to him again. " what are you doing? Do you see something? Tell me what do you see."

A small smile cracks up to his face. He sees his hand and it looks like it's melting into weird cool colorful shapes.

And yet he doesn't feel any pain. Just looking at the beautiful art his hand is making.

He moves is in a way to make a smiley face with his melting hand. And enjoys what art he made.

His boss loosing it and grabs his hand and pushes him to look at her. " WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU ANSWER ME! DO NOT IGNOR ME!"

eyes closing opening slowly.

Fading in and going out

It's hard to stay awake. Even though I just woke up. I feel so tired. But I want to see all these cool things. Like the flying eyes with wings.

They look so cool I want to just look at them and maybe draw them when I feel better.

Things sort of feel better. The pain feels like drowsiness. I prefer that so much more than what o had.

All I can think about is the clouds. Maybe in my dreams I can float with them. To look down at the city, or field, or maybe just the mountains.

Doesn't really matter. All it did matter was to sleep. Maybe dream land will look as cool as what I saw.

I hear a slight muffled sound. So quiet. So small. I can't hear a thing. I wonder what it means.

I can't really remember why I was crying. I feel wetness on my cheek. Did I lose something?

Did I hurt myself? Maybe I'm crying because I'm sad. I've heard people who are sad cry.

If so what is making me sad. I don't feel sad anymore if that's the case.

I guess nothing is wrong. It's okay to sleep. The muffle sound seems to be getting a bit louder. I wonder why?

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