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The Boss lady is getting angry.  Sees been mad a lot lately. She's sad and feels like she's nothing most likely. Feeling as in she's not important. Being left out. Not needed and is being so annoying.

Boss lady doesn't look happy anymore.

Vivian isn't as lively anymore. Since Vivian doesn't feel good. He won't talk to boss lady anymore.

Making her angry and sad. She destroyed her office.

Vivian just lays on the ground and stares at the ceiling most of the time. Being immobile from pain.

Seeing cool things sometimes helps his pain. But to much pain makes him shut down.

I can't talk to him anymore. He has no energy to even speak.

The boss lady keeps on staring at him.

Door #3 people come in every day now.

Vivians heart is not as strong as it used to be.

I wonder when will the cute animals will come out.

It's getting hard to breath. But I can still breath.

Boss lady's eyes are all over Vivian.

What will she do?

Vivians body on the ground not moving. Except his stomach moving up and down slightly. Showing that he's still alive.

It's been hard on his boss lately. She has to feed him through a tube since he won't eat in his own.

If he opens his mouth to wide he'll cry in pain. Making animalistic cries for her to stop hurting him.

She misses his voice. She misses his shyness. She misses his softness. She misses his drawings. She's scared that she's killing him. She's scared that he's fading away. She's scared other things want to steal him.

She won't leave him. She'll try her very best to make him strong again. But not too strong for her to handle...

Strong enough so he can talk and walk again. He won't move anymore.

Sometimes he'd bring his hands out reaching for something she can't see.
Hearing him mumbling very softly to himself.

Why won't he mumble to her? Why won't he try to talk to her? Why won't he want to look at her?

His eyes no longer have a glow to them. They are darker and slightly empty in them.

Making her scared of his health. Maybe if she gives him some normal food that isn't drugged will he be okay?

And why now? He was fine before?

How come it's effecting hm all now. Him fainting every month turned to every other day to now every day.

Door #3 people aren't fixing him. And that angers her. She told them to fix him not make him worse. She has to make so many appointments in her office and calling them to pick him up. But it's not doing anything.

She's feeling stressed to the point the whole room looks like it's a mess. She tarred and ripped everything apart. Keeping a safe distance away from Vivian so he won't get hurt any more.

Vivian sees blue grass coming out of the rug now. I think that's the color of grass and the very pretty field of flowers with cute faces skaters everywhere. He feels at peace.

He's so happy he gets to be outside. Feeling an nice cool breeze next to him. He's probably next to a beach. Oh how badly he wants to swim in the cool water.

Probably would get sand everywhere but that's the fun with it. Making his body feel smooth after he takes a nice warm bath.

He doesn't mind the beautiful field he's in. He enjoys it. Also he sees som green birds with 3 heads flying by.

So  beautiful. So perfect. So pleasant.

Makes him just want to sleep again. But he doesn't want to since it's to beautiful to sleep on.

Maybe he'll enjoy it for some more then he'll sleep in this nice scenery.

Now I think about it I don't know what boss lady's name is.

I don't remember ever calling her by her name.

Does she have a name? Is it just boss lady?

That will be pretty cool to change your name as boss lady.

Sounds like you have authority.

Pretty cool but pretty sad. Wouldn't you want to be called by your name.

All I see is black. With small colorful faded shapes. Deformed shapes.

I can't have a clear view of Vivian anymore.

That must mean he doesn't have a clear view either.

I hope he's okay. I hope his boss isn't doing anything.

I hope he's safe. I hope we are okay.

Seeing nothing but darkness can be calming at times. That being when you open your eyes it feels as if your eyes are closed.

Feels like you can see but not see. And when your eyes adjust feels like you have night vision on. And it feels like you have a super power.

Feels nice. But when everything is dark. And you need to see something. To make sure something's fine. Or you lost something the dark can be horrible.

Makes one panicky and scared. Scared they might never find or see what the lost.

And not being able to have the power of your control anxiety starts to occur.

But why does power matter? Why does it really matter your in control?

It's okay to be in Auto pilot. It's okay to not know or see. It's okay to just lay there and let things happen.

For one day you will be free.

Freedom is different in May peoples eyes. It has one main target but different paths for others.

Freedom can be just going home away from school. Or maybe getting out of the house to go outside.

Or maybe telling someone you don't want to be in the toxic relationship anymore.

But in all everyone feels that same feeling. When they are free. Truly free. They have that light feeling in there chest. That feeling of happiness.

To be able to spread your wings and fly again. To be able to breath again.

I wonder when will we feel that amazing feeling? Probably soon maybe..

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