3. Am I allowed?

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{Note :- Mild mature content. Readers discretion advised.}

The young man climbs into bed next to Xian and lies down next to where he is sitting.
Xian turns and keeps looking at this beautiful being next to him. 'I don't deserve him.' his mind whispers, 'You are dirty, used... Empty.' his inner demons supply.

Xian frowns and it's immediately mirrored on the young man's face.

"What is it, my love? Don't you want me?" the man waiting to be loved asks Xian.

"Am I allowed?" Xian hesitates.

The man in white laughs. It's gorgeous. It makes ripples though the air and reachs Xian's heart.

"Come here." The young man says pulling Xian on top of him and presses on, "I won't help you anymore. Do the rest of it yourself. I have done enough."

The warmth of the man now under him surprises Xian. He hesitates before touching his cheek, "Are you real?" Xian enquires, like the man will vanish.. like he was never there in the first place.

"What are you waiting for my love?" The young man says kissing Xian's fingertips.

"Soft." Xian whispers before placing his lips over the young man's. It's soft, everything about this young man is soft and gentle, 'I don't deserve.' once again Xian's mind interjects.
Xian voices his thoughts.

The man's body goes still before he smiles again. He snakes his arms around Xian's waist and shifts under him. Warmth spreads to Xian's body and his heart. 'What is this?' He wonders. His body is not used to this. This warmth. This gentleness. Everything feels new... Everything is new.

"Xian, touch me, my love." the man says taking Xian's palm in his hands and sliding it inside his shirt... over his heart, "I love you."

Xian believes it, he believes it completely. He lowers himself slowly over the smiling man, his hand carassing the soft supple skin under his palm. "Gorgeous." Xian whispers in the young man's ears before tracing his lips with his fingertips.

"I am waiting." The young man says guiding Xian's hesitatant hand between his legs, "Touch me."

Xian is sure that the young man was wearing jeans just moments ago. Yet now, the young man under him was absolutely bare.
Xian wonders. 'How did he get rid of his clothing so quickly?'
But a moment later, the doubt dissolves, like it was never there.
The sight in front of him calls to him and Xian's palm roams over the soft expanse carassing the young man's thigh before moving to wrap around the smooth hard length.

The young man sighs... like his wish has been granted. Like Xian's touch is what he had been craving for. Like Xian means something to him. Like he truly can be someone's Love.

Xian is not scared of the man under him. Xian wants to give the man under him pleasure. He wants the man under him to smile. He wants to be called, 'My love' once more.

Not today.. Someone whispers...The sound is familiar...IT'S HIM...
Fear grips Xian's heart, "You will hurt, HE will hurt you... You will bleed." Xian mutters between sobs... 'Enough' his mind whispers, 'You don't deserve anymore. You can't have things that make you happy.' his mind adds.

Xian feels a small prick at the base of his neck and then there is darkness.

{Note :- One more chapter to go.

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