Chapter 4

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When Rainbow Dash came to, she was surrounded by overwhelming light.

Rainbow: He-Hello? Am I dead?

?: No Rainbow, you're not

Rainbow Dash jumped hearing that voice, but she didn't recognize it, who was it?

Rainbow: Who's there?! Show yourself.

But Rainbow Dash mellowed when she heard the voice again.

?: It's me, you've grown up so much.

Rainbow: Wait...Mom?

Rainbow Dash looked around, she saw a ghostly figure of her mom in the distance.

Mom: *smiles* Hi Rainbow

Rainbow: Mom, is that you?

Mom: It is, c'mere

Rainbow Dash immediately hugged her trying her best not to cry, but her tears suddenly just burst.

Mom: Rainbow, there's something you need to know.

Rainbow: Huh?

Rainbow Dash wiped her tears and listened to what her mom had to say.

Mom: *holds her hands* Please be careful, this locket is very special, don't lose it.

Rainbow: But that thief tried to take it from me yesterday, it wasn't in my locker where I left it, they did drop it earlier, and I managed to get it back.

Mom: I know, but they won't give up, this locket has very special powers, a lot can go wrong when someone abuses it.

Rainbow Dash looked down at the ground, at least if there was a ground, she would've been looking at it.

Rainbow: ...Mom, who is that thief?

Mom: I don't think I should tell you who, it'll break your heart if I do.

Rainbow: Please, Mom? I might be able to catch them quicker if I know who they are!

Mom: *sighs* Your friends will tell you, I can't tell you anything. *kisses her*

Rainbow: But Mom-

Rainbow Dash suddenly woke up from her vision, seeing her dad hovering above her.

Dad: Rainbow, are you okay?

Rainbow: I...I guess

Dad: You've been mumbling to yourself a lot and sobbing uncontrollably, I wanted to make sure everything was okay.

Rainbow: I'm fine, Dad, I just need to be alone for a bit.

Dad: Okay

Rainbow Dash went to Sugarcube Corner where her friends were. They seemed to be in a bit of a situation.

Rainbow: Guys? What's going on?


Rainbow: Wait, what?! And I missed my chance to catch them red-handed.

Twilight: Not exactly, Rainbow

Rainbow: What do you mean?

Twilight: I did manage to get a glimpse at the thief, her hood fell off.

Rainbow: Her?

Twilight gave Rainbow Dash the photo of the thief. When Rainbow Dash saw their face clearly, her eyes welled up.

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