19: girl trio

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Chapter Nineteen

girl trio   

3rd person pov

blake didn't know what to do, she didn't want to go back to the dojo, she had called hawk crying and told him everything. he didn't care that she wasn't there, he was just happy that she was okay but he told her what happened between sam and tory 

"yeah sams been a bitch lately" she had remembered telling him that and he laughed making her laugh too. he was happy to hear that the girl was able to smile and laugh without being completely and utterly hurt. 

"just come to the dojo b, you being there might be a good thing" he told the girl as he got off the phone. she got up and left the house, when she got to the dojo, they all turned to her

"oh thank god you're safe"  Miguel said and he ran over and hugged her making her hug him back. she sighed into his shoulder as he ran a hand through her hair and sighed too. hawk watched with the others 

"I'm okay" she told him and he nodded 

"so where were you?" he asked her and she sighed 

"at home, I overslept. my mom and dad came back, they wanted to fix everything and I knew that we needed to. i couldn't let this go on for any longer and I needed to fix it" she stated

"and its fixed?" he asked 

"not totally no but its getting there, so what did I miss?" she asked 

"silver paid off the ref at the all valley and framed kreese for a crime he didn't commit" hawk told her and she sighed. she smacked her forehead and nodded 

"yeah sounds like him" she exclaimed and she sighed. sam stared at the girl, it was like blake was purposely ignoring her but she was. she didn't want to look at the girl or think of the girl or even talk to her because she had been so rude that she didn't even think the girl would understand. 

blake had spent her whole life trying to get her parents approval and love and care but it never worked out for her. they were always gone and not around, blake needed something to get her mind off of them and that's why she joined cobra kai. they are the whole reason she acts the way she acts or thinks the way she thinks. 

they were the moon and the sun but she was the ocean. sure they touch sometimes and they had their moments but they were destined to be apart and to never see the other for what it truly was so blake stood their on her own , making her life be as good as it could be because the moon and the sun do not care about the ocean. 

"so what do we do?" hawk asked 

"we need to tell the senseis" Miguel stated 

"yeah and what are they going to do? we all saw what happened to my dad when he tried to comfort silver. i don't want him getting hurt like that again" sam stated and even though blake was mad at her, she couldn't help but agree 

"if this ref and stingray are on silvers payroll, they'll never admit to anything" demetri exclaimed 

"I'm not so sure about that, I know he's in cobra kai and I'm an eagle fang but stingrays still my friend, he wouldn't lie to me, at least I hope he wouldn't" bert said and blake smiled sadly at him. 

"do you think you can get him to talk?" hawk asked 

"find out where he lives" sam told everyone and they all separated. blake stayed back with Miguel as he turned to her and sighed 

"sam told me what she said to you, are you okay?" Miguel asked and she shrugged as she looked around 

"not really, I mean shes right. all I've ever wanted was their attention, I didn't mean to not be there. i wanted to truly but I was tired and I spent the whole night talking to them. I'm really sorry I missed that and the party" blake said and Miguel grabbed her shoulders 

"its fine b, I'm honestly glad you didn't see it. i think you would have tried to kill kenny if you saw what everyone else did" he told her and she laughed 

"yeah, wait kenny? what did he do?" she asked 

"he did some weird chest move on hawk, cobra kai has gotten more violent. more painful, more deadly" he exclaimed and she thought about one thing 

"okay, hey ill see you later, bye Miguel" she said and she ran off to her car. when she got in, she started the car and looked around. she turned on the radio, buckled herself up and drove out of the parking lot as fast as she could with one destination in mind 

"blake , what are you doing here?" tory asked , her hand was bloody. blake stood in the doorway as she stared at torys hand 

"can I come in?" blake asked the girl 

"I mean yeah of course" tory pushed the door open wider for blake to walk inside. she looked around and saw the mess but she didn't judge. she didn't have any right too. 

"so whats up?" tory asked and blake laughed 

"I miss you, are you okay?" blake asked and tory showed the girl her hand. it was bloody and looked broken in multiple places. she ran and got the ice as well as other things to help the girls hand. she walked back over and sat down next to the girl as she helped patch up her hand and protect it 

"why are you taking so much care of me?" tory asked and blake sughed 

"you're getting hurt, you don't deserve it. I'm not doing this for anyone but me and you. i miss you tor" blake said and tory smiled sadly before there was a knock on the door 

"I'll go get that" tory said and she opened the door to see sam standing there in front of them. 

"what are you doing here?" tory asked 

"I. oh my god, what happened?" sam asked tory and blake sighed

"don't pretend like you care" tory retorted 

"look, I don't want to be here but if you're having problems with cobra kai, id be willing to listen" sam said and tory let her in. 

"blake? how long have you been here?" sam asked 

"5-10 minutes, surprised to see you here" blake scoffed 

"look I'm sorry about last night blake, it was out of pocket and wrong and I was just mad at everything so I took it out on you but can we please talk about that later?" sam said and blake nodded 

"later" she told the girl 

"look, I wanted to win the all-valley more then anything. after our match when they handed me that trophy, that was the best moment of my life but then I saw silver and that ref and it just killed me. i felt like a fraud and I wanted to get back at silver so bad , that's why I listened to kreese but then I just got caught up in more lies and now my life Is a living hell" tory told them and blake hugged her as the girl leaned her head on blakes shoulder 

"i didn't know what you were going through, but now that i do maybe we can help each other. i tried to talk to stingray. he basically admitted it was silver who assaulted him in the old dojo but he's too afraid to go to the police" sam exclaimed 

"jesus" blake whispered 

"i knew silver was involved. i had no idea he did it with his own hands" tory exclaimed 

"problem is we cant prove it" sam said 

"well if it happened at the old dojo, maybe we can" tory said and she began to explain to them. 

it was odd but they were now the girl trio as it should have been all along 


me when tory and blake have chemistry.

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