20: what happens now?

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Chapter Twenty

what happens now?   

3rd person pov

soon, they left torys apartment and they went over to meet up with the boys. 

"tory?" hawk said as he turned to them. he looked at his girlfriend who smiled at him and he smiled back. even in their weak unknown moments, they would stay strong. 

"whats, what up?" Miguel asked and he smiled at blake in confusion 

"hi. what happened to your hand?" robby asked tory 

"training accident. I'm okay" tory reassured him as she sighed and blake grabbed her other hand making tory smile at the comfort. she liked blake being able to stand next to her and support her no matter what. 

"we think we found a way to prove That it was silver who text stingray," sam said

" If the attack happened to the old dojo, then it would've been after silver installed security cameras" tory stated

"so maybe it's all caught on tape," Miguel said

" But that place was cleaned out" robby retorted

" That might not matter. The systems that we saw the text tone I'll save the footage to Central server. So silver probably took the whole system with him" demetri said

" But I think silver did take the whole system. There's a server in his office at the flagship dojo" tory exclaimed 

" If we can access it, we can find that footage. We can even post that stingray clip to the YouTube channel" hawk spoke 

"I'm way to attracted right now" blake said and hawk smiled at her as she smiled back 

" Get a hold of everyone else. Let them know we're taking down cobra Kai tonight" sam said and soon enough, they left the apartments and went to the old dojo 

 "If it's the same alarm system, I should be able to bypass it" Robby stated

"Spoken like a man that's done this before" demetri said

" Yeah well karate wasn't my first hubby. I fractured a law or two before we met" robby said

" Or we can just scan my key card. So that those of us on probation keep from, you know, violating it" tory said 

"you're way too smart" blake told the girl who smiled brightly at her.  they looked at saw the others walking up to them

" What's up man? Sorry we're late. Someone took forever to get ready" chris said

"what is she doing here?" nathan asked

" It's fine. She's with us. For what we're about to do at least" sam stated 

 " So what are we doing? All your text say is we're going to take down cobra Kai tonight but how exactly?" Mitch asked

" We're gonna show them who's there since it really is. We think we have proof he's a criminal" miguel said 

"we're going upstairs to silvers office, we need you guys downstairs as look out" sam told them. after that they all went inside and upstairs to the laptop, demetri began to get to work but when the footage came up, there was nothing it was completely erased and gone 

"god damn it, he deleted the footage, we're fucked" blake said and then they all heard a noise downstairs. blake looked at everyone before she sighed. 

"we'll go check it out, you guys stay here we need that footage" sam told them and they all walked off. blake, hawk and demetri stayed upstairs 

"hey b, I think you should be down there with them, we can handle it up here" hawk said and she nodded as she ran down the stairs. she looked at everyone and saw kenny walk up to robby but Miguel stepped in front of him and Kenny swung 

"oh you tiny bitch" blake said and they all began to fight. she hit a guy in the chest before she flipped him and he landed on his ass. blake felt someone grab her from behind and she swung her head back as she head-butt them and then she turned to see Kenny hit robby 

"no" she said and she ran forward as she kicked the men and they fell. she helped robby up and nodded. 

"thanks b" he said and she nodded 

"anytime" she exclaimed and she put her back to his as they began to fight back to back. they were able to synchronize their movements as they stopped each other from getting hurt. she kicked someone in the face and hawk ran over to her 

"I am so attracted" he said and then he got hit in the back making him drop the tablet. it fell and slid to the middle. 

"protect the egg" miguel yelled and they all circled up as they started to work together and fight against the others. from there , it got more and more aggressive, blake saw tory against her sensei and she turned to sam as they ran forward and began to fight her with tory 

" I got your back" blake reminded tory as they fought her. devyn ran over to them and she smiled at blake who smiled back. 

"I'm proud of you d" she said and she ran off to the group as Anthony waited for the video to post and when it did, they all froze and watched it 

" That's it? That was your big plan LaRusso? Breaking into my dojo to steal some footage that changes nothing?" terry said and they all moved away from daniel 

" It wasn't his plan. It was ours" tory said 

"and it changes everything" robby told the man 

"Our enemies think they can keep attacking us with no repercussions. And what does the enemy deserve?" he said but no one responded

" do you think I'm the only one willing to go to these lengths? Their senseis broke into my home tonight. My home! And attacked me, unprovoked. But here I am. The only one left standing. They think they're entitled to victory because their way is right and ours is wrong. But that's not how it works. There are no morals to the story, no happy endings. Life isn't a fairytale. It's a competitive sport. Right and wrong, there's no such thing. They're only winners... And losers. Cobra Kai build winners because we're willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top" terry ranted 

" Everything you did to try and stop me amounted to nothing but pain. You got your ass kicked, Danny boy. Now, you can either accept that... Or I can kick it again right now" terry said

"we're all with you daniel do what you have to do" Amanda stated and daniel stepped forward as they started to circle each other on the mat. 

"holy shit, I've waited for this moment" blake said and hawk nodded in agreement as they all watched them. blake held hawks hand as they stared at the way they circled each other and they began to fight, daniel won quickly and swiftly. they all walked out of the dojo and blake walked with hawk to one of the cars. 

"blake" she heard and she turned to see Kenny, he walked to her and sighed 

"I'm really sorry, you were trying to protect me and I couldn't see that. I'm really really sorry" he said and she smiled 

"its okay kenny, I get it. we'll be okay" she told the boy and he smiled as he walked away and then she heard to hawk

"what happens now?"blake asked hawk and he laughed as he kissed her and she kissed him back with a smile on her face but there was one thing that remained in her mind 

what would happen now? 


last chapter of season 5 , I will continue to work on my other books but thank you for sticking with me and blake through this wild ride. we'll have to wait and see what happens 

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