Chapter 2: The Demonic Lair

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What? There was no way I had powers, let alone be able open the 'gates of hell'! How was I supposed to save Tyler - the real Tyler, and myself?

"Tick tock, tick tock....You don't have much time to think, Saffire dear. If you don't decide now, I'm afraid the boy will die," the metallic voice chided.

I glared at 'Tyler'. I knew that I had to make up my mind, and fast, but I was helpless. There was no way I could help him if I had no powers! But that wasn't the least of my worries. What happened to Tyler, or rather who possessed Tyler?

"Who are you? Why do you want to open the gates of hell? Furthermore, I don't have power, okay," I managed in a surprisingly confident tone.

Tyler smiled with glinting eyes. "The curiosity of youth.....I'm Julius and I am a fallen spirit from Mallpollious. As for the gate of hell...I'd rather not tell you..."

"Why? What do you mean? First of all, spirits are good! Haven't you read any myths," I gave him a meek smile. I hoped that he didn't find out that I was stalling him.

"Girl! Your friend is going to die! Help me or else," Julius' expression didn't quaver. I could tell that he was not joking. He was dead serious. "Now, why don't you be a good girl and help me? I'll give you 3 seconds. 3. 2-"

Quickly, Saffire. Think!

"O-okay! I'll help. Just leave Tyler alone," I stuttered. I bet I just led myself to my own death, but I took my chances.

"Good, good! Now come with me. And as for the boy...I still need to borrow his body," Julius grunted. However, before I could ask him why he couldn't let Tyler go, Julius raised his arms and muttered a few Latin words. "Stand back girl."

Almost immediately, a black spiral formed in thin air. The portal was big enough to fit two sumo wrestlers and the only thing that lit the pitch black portal were a few floating gems that shone like the sun. If I weren't in these circumstances, I would have taken a few seconds to mesmerize the beauty of the portal.

"Go in the portal, girl. But do not touch the gems, they suck life out of humans," Julius warned. Maybe he was nice after all, but then again, he was only warning me because he needed me to open the gate of hell. I thought to myself.


The portal was the most aspiring thing I saw! Although I was travelling with a dangerous fallen spirit to the surface of hell, I wasn't scared for the first time! It felt as if all the myths I've read and dreamt about all these years were coming to life. Sure, the circumstances I was in were terrifying and my childhood friend could end up dying, but I felt free for once in my life. I felt like I found my home.

Suddenly, Julius conjured a dark, ragged cloak and handed it to me. "Here. Wear it before we get out. Demons are going to be around the gate. I wouldn't want you stolen before master is revived. "

I tilted my head. Master? I tried to put all the information I knew together. Instantly, my brain began to work its magic.

"How long are you going to make me hold this," Julius growled in a whisper.

I turned around and accepted his cloak, though I must admit, his sense of fashion wasn't the greatest. "Thank you...I guess."

Moments later, a large thump shook the ground as I wobbled back and forth, trying to maintain my center of gravity. Julius, however, was unaffected by the movement.

"We're here, Saffire. Welcome to the Demonic Lair."

I gulped. There were crowds of demons on the surface of hell. Surprisingly, not all the demons were bulky and massive, in fact some looked quite human. From a distance, I saw some of the demons I read about in myths and stories. Demons and monsters from Greek mythology all the way to Japanese youkai.

As we walked down a path towards an alley, some of the demons and spirits that floated around bowed down towards Julius.

Suddenly, a female demon dashed towards Julius and gave him a massive hug. When I glanced at her face under my cloak, she caught my eye and glared at me, as if to tell me to back off.

"Lord Julius, welcome back! Even in the form of a human, I'll always recognize you! I was so glad to hear that you've come back and.....who that is?" The female demon's voice was silky and smooth. Her voice seemed to ting the five senses.

"Bella, this is none of your business. I believe you should not be here. Am I right," Julius replied.

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