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Norah woke up with a start, her heartbeat quickly as she looked around the room she was in, in fear. She didn't recognize where she was but then everything she's been through the past few days came crashing down on her. She laid back down on Karen's guest bed with a sigh. She wasn't planning on staying here after tonight she was gonna find a hotel with whatever money she can find, she should impose on Karen. It's not right because Karen is only trying to help her.

Letting out a sigh she tosses her covers off and looks for her phone, she read the texts that were sent while she was sleeping. Now that Hugh was gone a thought that still makes Norah shudder she downloaded Facebook on her phone and is working up the urge to contact her Baba, she knows what he's going to say that she's should've seen this instead of being a naive little girl but once upon a time Norah loved Hugh, Norah just doesn't know if Hugh ever loved her.

Rubbing a hand across her face she sits up and lets her legs touch the ground she winced when her feet touched the cold wood but she steeled her face and stood up. She was looking around for her bag when she realized she doesn't have anything anymore, she was notified that because of Hugh's debt she lost everything. They took her clothes, they only didn't take her phone because it wasn't of much value it was an old outdated apple phone that Hugh got her from a vintage store just so he can contact her when he wants to.

Before her bottom lip starts to tremble she stands up and walks quietly out of the guest bedroom to walk to the bathroom that was across from her room, she winced when the floor creaked under her feet she froze to see if anything would happen but that apartment was still quiet. She let out a sigh of relief, her hand turns the doorknob to the bathroom she hopes it doesn't make a sound and is relieved when it doesn't.

She closes to door softly behind her before turning the mirror, she puts her hands on the edge of the sink she realizes that she doesn't even have a toothbrush, she sniffs but a note catches her eye. For you <3 It was a toothbrush and toothpaste that was brand new because they were still in their packaging, Norah's bottom lip trembled with emotion. Hugh's voice telling her to man up floods into her mind, she takes a deep breath and cracks open the toothbrush before wetting it. She opens the toothpaste and puts a peasized amount on her toothbrush before starting to brush, she stares in the mirror looking at her reflection as she does it. She doesn't know how she got into this mess, well she knows how, it's Hugh's fault but she didn't realize her taste in men was that low.

Turning on the water Norah spits in the sink before turning off the water and taking a step back, she dried her wet now clean toothbrush before putting it in the package again, Norah wasn't sure where she should put it but she figured that was a fine place until she heard otherwise. She turned around and grabbed the doorknob before opening it slowly so she doesn't wake anyone. Walking out of the bathroom she slowly closes the door pleased when it doesn't make a loud noise, she slowly walks towards her room surprised to find the door open. "Hi." Norah presses her lips together after she speaks alerting the woman to her presence. "Oh shit, hi. I was just going to drop off these clothes for you. I think they're your size, and then I decided to make the bed. Where you in the bathroom?" Karen asks softly lifting the comforter and pushing it towards the top.

Norah nods before quickly walking over to the bed to help Karen make it, it's the least she can do. "I wanted to thank you for the toothbrush and toothpaste. I didn't realize until I woke up today that I didn't have anything." Norah chuckles humorlessly as she fluffs the pillows, she looks up to see Karen giving her a sad smile. "It's not a big deal, I already had them because I like to have extra. Just in case you know." Norah smiles and looks away sighing. "I'll be out of your hair tonight, I'll find a hotel or something where I can crash at." Karen sat on the finished bed and patted the spot beside her. "I refuse, we have a busy day because Matt wants me to bring you to the office today so you can tell your side but Norah just like you said you don't have anything. The police took it all, so you're going to stay here. For the time being." Norah opened her mouth to argue but something in Karen's eyes told her that it wasn't worth it. Karen wasn't going to stand for Norah leaving and that thought made Norah feel giddy inside.

"Alright, I'll stay. Just for the time being." Karen nodded satisfied before patting Norah's knee and standing up. "I'm gonna make breakfast, they want us there around 10 and it's 8 am now." Karen nodded towards the clock that was on the bedside which shined 8:25 am, Norah rubbed her hands together and stood up. "I'm gonna go ahead and get dressed then." Karen smiled at Norah before walking out of the room the door clicking shut behind her, Norah let a sigh before walking towards the clothes that were folded up on the dresser against the wall.

She checked the sizes and realized that they were a perfect fit, she chuckled before taking her pajamas off and folding them nicely putting them beside the clothes that Karen gave her. She touched the button-up shirt that has birds all over it before slipping it on her body and buttoning it up, of course, it fits perfectly. Suddenly the realization of what is happening today washes over Norah, her heart starts to pick up.

She grabs the pants and starts to back up until the back of her legs hit the end of the bed, she places a hand over her heart trying to calm down before rubbing her face, she was going to have to admit to 3 strangers what happened to her. She didn't even know if she can admit it to herself.

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