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Norah tapped her foot anxiously as she watched the people go by, she was on the way to the office of Nelson and Murdock, and to say she was nervous was an understatement. The good thing coming out of today is that she discovered that Karen wasn't the type to push the conversation. As soon as they got in the car Karen nodded towards the radio and Norah nodded her head wordlessly letting Karen know she didn't mind the music right now. Norah thought a few times out of the corner of her eye Karen was about to open her mouth to talk to Norah but she quickly closed it. Norah needed all her people skills today to tell Nelson and Murdock what happened.

She thought about asking Karen if they were the type to take things at face value or if they needed proof but Norah didn't know how that would go over considering Karen worked for them and she seemed like she was good friends with Matt at least so she didn't want to say anything to ruin that. "You're in good hands, I hope you know that," Karen said filling the silence as they parked near a sidewalk in front of an apartment building. Norah didn't say anything she just nodded and unbuckled before opening her door.

Rubbing her hands together she watched as Karen stepped out of the car and locked it before walking towards the apartment doors. She stepped back dramatically and bowed as she opened the door. The act was small but it made Norah laugh as she walked past Karen into the building. "Unfortunately it looks like the elevators are down but we only have one flight of stairs to go up." Norah didn't say anything but she nodded so Karen took that as confirmation for her to start walking knowing that Norah would follow.

Taking a slow breath Norah couldn't help but notice how sweaty her palms were getting as she kept getting closer to the office, whatever happened here could change everything from then on. Norah sighed with tiny relief as they made it to the 2nd floor. "It's down the hall to the left." Karen pointed towards the end of the hall and hiked her bag up on her shoulder to get a good grip. Before they could go any further a man came out of the office with a smile on his face. "Hi, Karen." The man said when he passed them. "Hey, visiting Matt?" Karen asked while Norah awkwardly stood by the wall. "Yea, dumbass forgot his breakfast again." The man chuckles before patting Karen on the shoulder like a parting greeting so Norah took that as an invitation to keep walking. "Sorry," Karen said looking at Norah.

"It's fine, I bet you get a lot of people coming through here." Norah's voice croaked with disuse, she was never much of a talker which annoyed Hugh who would always tell her to talk more but then he would make fun of her accent and the way she talked so Norah stopped talking, only saying things that she had to say. "Yes, are you ready?" Karen asked when they stopped in front of the door, Norah rubbed her hands together before nodding.

When the door opened she was expecting it to be busy so she was surprised when she was the only one there besides two other men and Karen. "You're the first appointment, I'm Foggy Nelson. You can call me Foggy." Norah shook Foggy's hand, she looked down to see a gold ring nicely on his finger like it belongs there. "Nice to meet you Foggy, I'm Norah Bao but you already knew that." Norah internally frowned at herself, she pushed hair that had fallen into her eyes behind her ears, Foggy smirked but gestured towards the office where the man she had met before was sitting against a desk with the walking stick propped under his chin.

Norah looked around panicked slightly because she didn't know where Karen went off to but she was soothed quickly when Karen opened the door to the office for her and Foggy. "I'm sure you remember me but I'm Matt Murdock, you can call me Matt and you can take a seat." Matt nodded his head towards the couch so Norah let out a breath before taking a seat, she was shaking and clearly, Karen who sat beside her could feel that because Karen placed a hand on her knee. "Now, you told the police that you woke up handcuffed to Mr. Warner." Norah couldn't help but flinch when she heard the name Mr. Warner, Norah sighed but nodded until she remembered that Matt couldn't see her. "Yea, I did. When I woke up I was confused, this wasn't new he used to do that for you know the sex but he's never handcuffed both of us before." Norah gulped in shame as she watched Foggy and Karen take notes, the note pads were hidden from her so she couldn't see what they were writing.

"I hate to ask, but we're gonna have to have you recount what happened. I know it will be hard but this just helps us build a case." Norah was about to protest at first but she noticed how sad Foggy was about asking this of Norah so she interlocked her own hands together and took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I woke up handcuffed next to him, and he said "You know, I never wanted you to find out," I asked him what he meant and he said "Don't fucking interrupt me. As I said, I thought a lot about how to do this, should I kill you than me but then I thought it would be worse if you did it." Norah flinched as she recounted the words that Hugh said that morning. "Take your time," Matt said in an unusually soft voice.

"He grabbed a 9 mm and wrapped both of our hands around it, He's always been strong so I couldn't get out of his grip. He said don't forget to call the police and then he pulled the trigger." Norah looked around to see Karen holding a hand to her face before closing her eyes and shaking her head in shame. "Do you have an idea why you think he did it?"

Norah nodded at Karen before looking at her fingers and picking at the skin around them. "A few days before someone from the bank called and since Hugh wasn't home I had to take it and that's when I found out we were broke. When I told him he said I shouldn't have his calls, which I shouldn't but they didn't want to leave a message." Norah tried to push down the emotions but Norah's bottom lip started to tremble. "Hey, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong, alright?" Karen said pushing the fallen hair out of Norah's face, she gulped but nodded. She looked around expecting to see Foggy and Matt again but she noticed that they left the two of them alone.

"They knew that you needed a break," Karen said at Norah's questioning look. She didn't say anything just nodded with a fake smile before shakily grabbing the water that was on the table and taking a slow sip. She was far from finished talking to Matt, Foggy, and Karen. Sadly she was just dipping her toes into the trauma she faced.

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