The Goodness of Legacy Day

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Midnight could not stop smiling. the minute he woke up he started smiling. He smiled all the way to breakfast to every bite of his food. Even Lizzie commented that his smile could put the Cheshire Cat shame. For today was Legacy Day rehearsals the day where he and the others would practise the pledge they made to the Storybook of Legends the book that binded them to their parents stories.

On the east terrace of the castle, Headmaster Grimm Was already standing atop the pedestal. The white stone monstrosity was two stories high with red stairs on both sides. Just the sight of it made Midnight giddy with excitement. Midnight saw Raven looking bit nervous and terrified. He rubbed her back in comfort. She smiled at her friend and he smiled back.

"And though Legacy Day is still a few weeks away. I want you all prepared" Milton Grimm said. "It is an Ever After High during Orientation Week for our second year students to climb these storied stairs, stand at this fabled podium, and practise declaring your destiny. On the actual Legacy Day, when you say your name, your magical key will appear. You  will insert it into the Storybook of Legends and turn it thirty degrees clockwise. Then stand shoulders back, and declare your destiny to the world. Though of course, we won't practise with the actual Storybook of Legends. Today"-  he slapped onto the podium a thick book"we'll be using a book of entirely reasonable school rules".

"Now first up we'll have Midnight Black"  Headmaster Grimm said. Midnight walked gracefully up the stairs. "I am Midnight Black son of the Black Swan and I pledge to follow my destiny as the next Black Swan of Swan Lake" he said. "Perfect" headmaster Grimm said.

"Oh and Professor Badwolf is wanting to speak to you Mr Black he's waiting in his office" Headmaster Grimm said. Midnight nodded and left the podium.

Professor Badwolf was the Big Bad Wolf of the story of Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs. He was also the Genral Villainy teacher at Ever After High and Midnights faculty advisor. Midnight stood at he end of a hallway, in front of a narrow door with a sign that read, To the Dungeon. The dungeons was the preferred classroom of Professor Badwolf.

The stone stairs were steep and slippery. "it's times like this I wish the General Villainy was somewhere else" he said as he carefully climbed down the steps. Just above his head stone hands stuck out of the wall. Each hand held a lighted torch. The flames cast strange shadows. Cobwebs sparkled between the stones. he reached the bottom of the stairwell and began to walk down the second stairwell. "I wish this place had a elevator" Midnight said.

Another sign waited at the bottom of the second stairwell.


He went down the dimly lit corridor that led to the cauldron room. Dampness glistened on the stone walls. Pairs of small red eyes glowed fork the ceiling. Midnight ignored them and continued his way. The door to the cauldron room had be propped open by an empty cauldron.

Midnight fanned himself. The cauldron room was always warm. "there's my favourite student have a seat Mr" Professor Badwolf motioned to a seat in front of his desk. Midnight swan walked across the classroom and sat in front of the old wolf. "Why did you want to see me Professor" Midnight asked emotionless. He learnt last year the best way to keep his good nature separate from this class was to act completely emotionless and embraces the dark side after all it would all pay off in the end.

"I wanted to let you know that due to your outstandingly evil work from last year later on this year you will be moved up to advanced villainy" the old wolf said with pride. Midnight smirked. He heard students in the advanced class were taught dark magic all the possibilities are endless once he learns magic. "That is if you pass the assignment" Professor Badwolf said. "What do you mean" he asked "later on this year I will be assigning the students of this class a task to make the best evil scheme and who ever wins will be proven top of the class and will not only get an A and something form my treasure vault" he said.

Midnight smirked. "Oh don't worry professor I'll be the winner and show these wannabe villains just how dark this black swan can get" he said. "I wouldn't Hexpect anything less from my prized pupil and if you win you'll be taught not only by me but by Madam Yaga" professor Badwolf said. "I'm looking forward to" he said before leaving.

When he got back up to the main school he saw Raven thinking. "Hey R what's wrong" he said. "I kind of did something when I was practising my pledge" Raven said. "What is it" Midnight asked. " I sort of asked the headmaster what would happen if I didn't want to take the pledge and sign the Storybook of Legends" she said running the back of her neck. Midnight went wide eye. It was unthinkable no one had never not signed if they did their story would be lost and every member of it would cease to exist. "Raven as one of your best friends forever after I am going to suggest you listen to your heart I'm completely comfortable being the villain in swan lake but I know that being the villain is not for you so whatever you do I'll support you" Midnight said. "Thank M" Raven said smiling. "No problem but I got to go I'm going to take a little nap in my dorm sparrow spent most of the night practising with his guitar some times I wish I could turn him into a swan" Midnight said.

"I think we all do" Raven said, both she and Midnight started laughing. No matter how bad or how much evil Midnight was destined for he would never forget his friends

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