A more peaceful wave.

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                                  Kara's pov

He needs to go back.

I need to let him go.

I have to let him go.


His words hit me with a force stronger than all of the ones that have knocked me down physically. An instant pang of something much worse than sadness creeps into the depths of my heart, and overtakes me like a tidal wave. Tears brim at my eyelids but I don't let them fall. He doesn't need that right now. What he needs is comfort knowing that I understand. Because I do. I just wish I didn't have to.

Pulling him back into my arms, I let his tears dampen my shirt and the skin residing beneath the thin cloth, his muffled sobs continue to echo throughout the room, and I have to keep my bottom lip tucked in between my teeth in order to keep from doing the same, but I can't help but let silent tears fall down my face. As I cling onto him tightly, dreading the moment I have to let go.

After everything that's happened, after everything we've been through, we have to part ways once more. I have to deal with the heartbreak, the loneliness, the anger, the pain...all over again. Just after he remembered about wanting to marry me, wanting to spend the rest of his life with me, the universe is taking him away right before he even gets the chance to ask, which ultimately means I'll never get the chance to say yes.


Some point after the news was broken, and our tears began falling at a more steady pace. I was the first to pull away. Not looking him directly in the eyes as I leant forward to kiss him, with all the passion I could muster, which actually wasn't really hard to scrap up...it never was.

A reoccurring thought that I wish I could drown out comes over me. This
was probably going to be the last time that we—this was probably going to be the last time.

Bonding with Mon-El was something I could do in many ways, a look, a laugh, a simple conversation, a not so simple conversation, no conversation at all...sex. Sometimes when words could take us no further, and conversation weren't going to be enough to fix what seemed to be beyond repair. A more intimate option never failed to mend things. Mon-Els one of the most intimate people I know, and he doesn't just show it on a physical level. In the midst of something so overwhelming, he never feels to make me feel seen for all that I am, the good, the bad, and everything in between. With all my complications that are more than transparent when I'm unraveling under something as marvelous as his touch. But despite my faults he's never quick to judge. In fact he applauds them, always reminding me of how admirable they were, and how I shouldn't be ashamed of them. And at some point I've started to believe him.

I don't think he knows or reckons this but he had such a huge part in shaping me into the women I am today. As supergirl I've always been more outgoing and bold, but as Kara I've failed to show those valiant traits, and that's most definitely because I don't have a cape to hide behind during my regular day to day life.

But he's helped me realize that I shouldn't be dependent on a cape to show and demand the authority I deserve, because at the end of the day I'm Kara and she's just as important. And while I'm still processing that, Mon-El never shies away from reminding me.

Especially during an carnal exchange.

His eyes—overwhelmingly dilated eyes—, would always bore into mine with this look so intense that sometimes I'd have to revert to closing my eyes or even flipping us over to duck my head into his shoulder when it became too much. His hands always so gentle and never demanding. Roamed freely, taking their time to awaken senses I never knew existed, and cherishing everything his finger tips brushed against. His lips left marks on what was supposed to be impenetrable skin. They kissed away at tears, and numbed my own lips.

Knowing that after today I'll not only be letting go of him, but that...that love only he can give in so many ways, it seems almost unfathomable. Almost because it sadly is fathomable, I'd know being that I've been here before. The disbelief. The grief. The goodbye. That's something I'm sorrowfully familiar with.

Thinking back to over a year ago, I remember feeling this heavy burden of guilt because I felt as if I should've kissed and held him longer when we together on that field. But I didn't. And I guess that wasn't entirely my fault, being that if I'd held him for any longer he might not even be here today. But still I blamed myself for that. So by kissing him now I'm encouraging myself not to repeat history. But I can feel his body go slack only to tense up again, and that's why causes me to pull away, an apology already dancing on the tip of my tongue. "I'm sorry...I just—"

"I know." He nods, his voice nearly inaudible. I can feel his eyes on me, watching as I hold my gaze on my hands resting in my lap, basking in both embarrassment, and sadness. I try my hardest not break down right than and there, but Mon-El unfortunately isn't blind, noticing the new round of tears I haven't yet shed he proceeds to raise his hand to the underside of my chin, prompting me to look at him with only a slight pressure.

Looking into his eyes I can see guilt, and remorse. As I try to think of something I can say to do away with that, I sense his face inching closer towards mine, at an attempt to reconnect our lips, but this time I'm the one who stops him.

"I don't want to do it if you don't." I state, a shudder of a breath escaping from me, as he proceeds to inch closer, up till the point where if either of us move, our mouths would be brushing together.

"I think I might need to." He mutters not so simply. I can just see another tear slip down his cheek before my eyes ultimately shut as he returns my kiss just as desperately as it once came.


After an intimate moment filled with I love you's that meant more than anything right now. I'm sorry's that I'd always brush off with it's okay's or it's alright, and many—many more tears. We found ourselves laying next to each other, sweat glistening all over our body's as the overwhelming brightness of the yellow sun illuminated us.

Doing what deemed to be best for us both we laid on our respective sides of the bed. Not letting anything besides our pinkies come in contact, because more than that would've been too painful. Which after went just went down sounds ridiculous, but that was excruciatingly hard enough. Our tears were proof of that. They flowed slightly, yet so loudly, from start to finish, sometimes falling at a steady pace only to evolve into something more overwhelming.

We let our heavy pant's (which happened to be in sync) fill the silence I want so desperately to break but can't bring myself to. Which is weird because after something so emotionally intense I'd feel as if I would not have anything more to say, since I was at the peak of my vulnerability. But that's not the case. There's so much I want to say—need to say even, but not to him. I don't know if he can handle it. He's been through so much during the last several hours there's no need to add to that.

Out the corner of my eye I can see his chest rising and falling, silent tears slipping past his closed eye lids.

He needs some time alone. That I know.

After contemplating on the best way to go about things, I push myself up, and swing my legs over the edge of mattress.

I can feel Mon-Els eyes on me as I throw on my suit, but I can't meet them. Because than I'll start crying again. And I know for a fact that neither of us can handle that right now.

"I'm going to the DEO...come by when you're ready to..." I have to look up at the ceiling to stop on coming tears "yeah."

That's the only thing I say, before simply walking out. Leaving him to do all of the things he needs/wants to do without me there.


"He's leaving again."


I found Alex in the training room. Knowing she'd be there for her weekly knife practice. Her face show'd that she heard me, but didn't believe what I said.

"He's leaving again!" I repeat louder, this time my voice cracks, and the tears that I've managed to hold in on the way here began rolling down my cheeks. It only takes Alex a few seconds to react before walking over to me and pulling me in for a hug. Allowing me the sob into her shoulder, holding me as tightly as she can, probably hoping that'll make me feel something. It doesn't, but just knowing that she's here, that's doable for now.

She holds me for a long time before directing the both of us to the bench, to sit us down. She pushes me away slightly to wipe at my tears but it's useless because as soon as she does another one falls.

"What happened?" She ask hesitantly, as her eyes frantically search mine. Concern and worry are present in both her eyes and voice,

Despite what I think I can manage I speak up.

"I woke up this morning and he was just sitting there crying on the edge of our bed, and I asked him what was wrong, but instead of answering he just started apologizing, when I asked him why he was apologizing, he told me that he's—" Just as I was gonna wrap up, my voice fails me.

"—That's he's leaving." Alex concludes, and I can only nod. "Did he say why he has to leave?"

"No." I state shaking my head frantically. "No, I left before he could." Running my hand through my hair, I began to rethink my decision leaving the way I did, or at all for that matter. "I made a mistake coming here."

"Kar—" I cut her off.

"I shouldn't be here. I should be with him—for all I know he could be leaving in hours—minutes even." I exclaim, propping myself up to stand, but Alex is quick to stop me with her words.

"You and I both know he'd never leave without saying goodbye to you. He'll be here when he's ready." In her eyes I find a sense of comfort so I sit back onto the bench.

"You're right. You're right. I-I know that—I know that." This is all hitting me again like familiar nightmare. After today he'll be gone, and I'll be wishing he wasn't. I'll be driven to tears by the memories of his smile, his eyes, his laugh, his voice...after today there's a real chance that'll never be able to have those things in my life anymore, and here I am refusing to accept that again. "He knows about the ring." Alex's voice hitches at my words.

"He knows?" Alex ask bringing her mouth which was now slightly ajar.

"Yeah...he remembers everything."

"Oh...Kara." A feather light brush against my knee indicates that she's resting her hand there.

"I can't help but think this is all my fault." I mutter into my hands, as more tears trail down my cheeks. I watch as they make a little puddle on the floor.

"Kara, how is this possibly any of your fault?" Alex ask, trying to get into my line of vision, but my eyes stay trained on the floor.

"I should've known something was up." I start wiping at my cheeks with the sleeve of my suit. "From the moment he told us how he managed to land here, I should've asked questions—I should've been more cautious. But I let my emotions get the best of me, and let him walk back into my life with no questions asked." I can't stop myself as a sob escapes from the depths of my clogged throat. "And as a result I have to let him go, after all these months of getting to love him again. And I know I should be happy that I at least get to keep the memories of our time together, but Alex I thought—I thought that this time we'd have the rest of our lives to keep creating memories together."

After months of swimming in treacherous waters, I was finally pulled to the shore by the tides, by Mon-Els return. And just as I was getting accustomed to feeling of dry land beneath my feet, I've gotten swallowed back into the depths of the unforgiving ocean.

But this feels different in a way. I'm drowning in the same water but it seems like I'm fighting a different tide. And I can't quite tell why.

"Are you mad at him?" Turning to Alex once more, I throw her a look of plain confusion.

"At him? Gods no...I know that this isn't his fault." I answer sniffing.

"And does he know that?"

"...knowing him a part of him does, but he's still blaming himself for it." All throughout what was the most painful thing I've ever gone through on an emotional level, he didn't make eye contact, not for long. And that's not like him. Instead he kept his eyes shut and I had to watch as tears slide out of them. And I can't really blame him in the slightest bit, it was too much, I get that. "Do you—do you think there's a chance that he'll—"

"—Kara don't. He'll be fine." Nodding at her words is the only thing I can do. I want to believe that. I really want to believe that but there's this small voice in my head that's getting to hard not to ignore, and I think Alex senses it. "Come here." She urges, wrapping her arm around me. I rest my head against her shoulder, close my eyes and try not to think about goodbye.


Three solid knocks, are we caused our heads to turn towards the direction of the training room door.
Where Winn stood, a hand in the pocket of his burgundy dress pants, the other clasped around a relatively large travel bag.

"You're leaving too?" It was Alex who spoke.

"Yeah...yeah." Winn nods, a weak chuckle escaping from him. I can sense him mentally deciding whether to stay in the door way or approach us, until I tug at the end of my cape, pulling it closer towards me to create more room on the bench. A smile so small spreads across his face as he seats his luggage down against the door, and moves to sit beside me, walking at a slow pace, until he finally reaches his destination. It takes a while but eventually one of us speaks up. "Apparently the future needs me."

"Did he tell you that?" There was no anger or venom laced in my words, simply curiosity that I can't manage to contain.

"No actually. He did." Following the direction of Winn's extended finger, my eyes land on someone I've never meet, but remember Mon-El mentioning a couple of times. It's got to be the same person right? I mean who else has three light bulbs sprawled across their foreheads, and palish blue skin.

"Greetings I'm Querl Dox, though throughly known throughout the Legion as Brainiac five and or Brainy. And may I just say it's an honor to meet you Supergirl."

"H-hi—it's nice to meet you too Querl—Brainy." I'm trying my best to seem presentable but after all the crying I've done today crying, I'm not doing or feeling so good.

"Well uh Brainy—it's very nice to meet you. Has anyone shown you around yet?" Alex ask coming to my rescue.

"Yes actu—"

"Great, let's go." Cutting off the blue coluan, I think it was. Now standing Alex turns to Winn, her eyes glossed with tears. "Met me near the medbay when you're done here."

"Yeah of course." Winn answers, noticeable tears clinging in his eyes too. Alex throws me one last sincere glance before heading off with Brainy.

Winn and I sit there for a while, staring at nothing but the dry wall across the room. His presence is heavy and I know I can't ignore for long, so I break the silence.

"Are you nervous?" From the side of my eyes I can see the corner of his mouth hitch up.

"So nervous." He chuckles, and I surprise myself when I join in.

"Well I think it's the 31st century that should be nervous...they aren't ready for you." I remark turning to him, he's still facing the wall, but he continues to smile.

"You're right. They could never handle my dirt collection, it's all too glorious." He jokes, as his laughter dies out, and a sad look returns to his eyes.

"Winn..." That gets him to turn to me. I offer him a sad smile before moving in for a hug. He accepts and returns it. "I'm gonna miss you." I sigh, as I let a new batch of tears roll down my face.

"Me too." He shudders into my shoulder. "I'm going to miss all of you so much." He remarks, and I can practically hear the pain in his voice. Pulling away I wipe at his tears.

"Hey, the future needs you. Do you know how awesome that sounds?" I ask earning a light laugh. "No but seriously could you have ever imagined that before today, ten thousand years from now you'd be needed to do something that no one else can."

"I wouldn't say no one else..." Winn shrugs, his light smile returning.

"Well if that's true why are you the one they're asking for?" I grin when he takes a moment to answer.

"You're right...I am pretty awesome aren't I?" He beams.

"Oh I never said that." I joke, earning a defensive huff of breath from him. "But yeah...you kind of are." I admit, resting my hand on his shoulder, as I offer him a genuine smile which he returns.

Another silence washes over us, but this one's easier in a way.

"Kara." Winn voice calls out, bringing my attention from my cape in my lap (which he made), and back to him. Once our eyes connect again I'm almost blown away by the seriousness in them. "I'll watch over him. I promise." That's all I need to hear before another wave of tears wash over me. In his eyes I see nothing but a vow of commitment, and that puts me at ease.

At his promise I pull him in for another hug. I'm probably squeezing him harder than I probably should be but he doesn't hint at it. "Thank you." He nods, into my shoulder and takes a minute before speaking.

"He's waiting for you."

Opening my eyes which I closed at some point l pull away "I know." I sigh, running my hand through what was probably still  a disheveled mess from earlier.

I've been dreading this moment, denying it even. But now that it's happening it feels all too real, and unavoidable.

A part of me feels so selfish, and it's a familiar selfishness too. This is all taking me back to the moment where I had to push the button that'd cause all the Daxamites to either die, or be forced to flee. I hesitated and not because I felt bad about killing off all of them (though I'll admit that kicked in later), but because in the process I'd be losing him. For a second there, back on that roof, a thought—a really selfish thought came over me. I thought of destroying the remote, so that I'd have to keep fighting, even if that meant the loss of a couple of hundreds—or even thousands people...because at least there'd be a chance of his survival.

That thought alone was so selfish that it terrified me. That's not who I am. That's not what I stand for. But yet I thought of it. Sacrificing the life of some many innocent people just so he could live.

And what's worse is that I wasn't the one who rid of that thought, he was. His nod that showed nothing but clarity when telling me that sacrificing his life was the only option we had left.

And now here I am, in a similar situation where I have to let him go, because lives are on the line.

"I'm sorry...I really thought things were gonna work out between you guys this time."

"Me too." I remark, letting out a single vowed chuckle, before wiping at my eyes yet again. And putting on a small smile before turning to meet his sympathetic eyes.

"Well I guess this is..."

"Yeah. I guess so." Goodbyes sounds to real, so I guess we're avoiding that. I watch as Winn stands up and I proceed to do the same, ultimately finding myself in another embrace. "Stay safe, okay?"

"You know me, I live for danger." Winn jokes, as he pulls away. "...I will I promise." He adds, smiling slightly as takes a moment to scan the room one last time. "I'm really gonna miss this place." He admits.

"Not as much as it's going to miss you."  I declare as I watch him begin to step back. His feet take him all the way to his bag which still rest against the door.

"You make a good point." He grins, earning another laugh from me. I watch as he grabs the travel bag, before he looks up at me one last time. He throws me me one last genuine smile, than steps out the room.

Leaving me to prepare, for the part two of this dreadful saga.


The balcony is where I found him. Staring out into what was now a chilly night. The wind wasn't blowing at much force, but it caused the end of his cape to move in an uncoordinated movement.

He didn't notice of my arrival until I walked up beside him, resting my hands on the rail like he is. With only the distance of a foot or two between us I could sense his silent tears. And that was enough to resurface my own.

"You should hate me." Turning to him, I can see that the pity in his eyes completely matched with the one in his voice. He continues before I can even open my mouth. "You should hate me more than anything right now." A sob overtakes him at the end of his sentence, and as of natural instinct I engulf him in a hug, he doesn't return it, probably feels to guilty to. Instead he rest his head in my shoulder, trying to muffle his sobs.

Running my finger tips against the hair at the nape of his neck, I attempt to soothe him, even if it's just a little bit. Nothing but more tears and an occasional shudder come from him. And I'm barely doing any better.

After what was probably a mental debate, he wraps his arms around me, giving me a turn to collapse in them, the way he just did in mine. My head finds the crook of his neck, and I let myself weep there. While Alex and Winn's embraces were very much appreciated this is what I needed.

You'd think after all of the crying I did today I'd have no tears left to spare, but it seems that's not the case at all. Acknowledging the fact that I can't stay here in his arms forever, I know that I have to pull away, so I do, but only partially. Moving my arms down I wrap them around his middle, holding him close to me as I draw my head off his shoulder, moving it back to the point where I can make eye contact.

"I could never hate you. Never." The sincerity of my words, don't do much to get him to believe me. Or rather yet want to believe me. "When I left this morning it wasn't because I was mad at you. It was because I was— and if I'm being honestly, still am not wanting to accept this...so in a way I guess I'm just...upset at the universe for putting us in this situation again." Mon-El nods, ducking his head only to lift it back up a few moments later. New tears swelling up in his saddened grey orbs.

"I should've kno—"

"None of us knew. And out of every single person in this building you would've probably been one the last people to." I state wiping away at his tears.

"That's not true. You would've told me." He remarks, leaning into my palm. Despite my current state I manage a small smile. He's right I would've. I can't imagine living with myself if I didn't.

"How long we're you up?" I question, stopping my gentle caresses against his smooth skin, only to capture his gaze, which disappeared the moment my thumb came in contact with his cheek.

"An hour...maybe two. I'm sorry I didn't wake you up. I just couldn't...you looked too peaceful." His voice is so thick with self pity that if I had a knife I could probably cut through it. "I didn't want to ruin that." Cupping his face with both my hands this time, I lure him closer to me. Allowing myself to seal his lips in between mine.

Ever since I stepped foot on this balcony my mouth has been throbbing, and only the sensation of feeling his lips on mine could sooth that feeling. And along with me just wanting to shut him up, this was very much needed on my end.

His lips salty but warm, move against mine. Slowly suffocating me in way that I'd miss. His hands form a more firm hold at my waist, and he uses them as a leverage to pull me closer to him. Just like this morning we're not holding back. We can't afford to.

The fervent moment only came to an end when I pulled back, just enough to rest my forehead against his. "I don't want to spend the last few moments I have with you hearing unnecessary apologies." It takes a moment for me to earn a response, but with time he gives a small nod. I pull away even further after a while, but leave an impossibility small gap between us.

"I um, I met Brainy." For the first time today he smiles. It's faint, but it's there. "He uh...he seems fun." I add, that earns a weak yet beautiful laugh from him.

"He won't seem that way for long, trust me...turns out he was in the stasis chambers, of the legion cruiser this entire time."

"Wow." I remark quietly, he's been in a little pod for months.

"Yeah." Mon-El nods in agreement, and I can see new tears resurfacing. "I uh had him run a diagnostic on the current situation there...we've lost a lot of people...a lot or friends." Reaching for his hands, still glued to my waist. I bring them up to my lips, living a chaste kiss on them.

"You didn't lose them." Repeating his words from last night, I let go of one of his hands, to direct mine to his heart. "Their laughs, their smiles, their spirits...they live on right here. You helped me realize that."

For the longest time after Kryptons destruction, I wanted to forget everything. My mother. My father. Family and friends...just everything. But it wasn't until he came along that I realized that if it wasn't for Krypton my life wouldn't be the way it was. I would've never met Alex, or my adoptive family. I would've never heard about the DEO. I would've never become Supergirl. And I most definitely would've never been a relationship with Mon-El. He made me realize just how vital my life prior to Earth was, and how different my life would be if I were to never have experienced what I did.

So slowly I began to stop wanting to forget the laugh of my father, and the smile of my mother, and instead found myself smiling over the memories of them rather than crying.

And though I'd much rather have my parents still be here with me, I'm glad to at least have the memories. And that axiom is perfect for this situation we're in.

"And knowing that you are a man with such integrity you'll honor each and every one of them." Another faint smile comes across his lips.

"Rao, there's so much I want to tell you." This time it's my turn to smile. But we don't have that time, and probably won't anytime soon. This morning I've noticed that behind the tears in his eyes there was this look of feeling normal so to speak. And that makes sense of course, he did get all his memories back after all. But while it seemed like he finally felt fully at home in his body, I could tell he wasn't whole. And that also makes sense given that what he remembers isn't all that joyous.

"I know..." I tell myself I'll just ask Brainy for the basic information, although I'd much rather hear it from him. But there's one question lingering in my mind. "Do you remember how you lost your memories?" A look of both sadness and anger flashes in his eyes.

"Brainiac. He uh...it's—"

"—A long story?" He nods.

I let go of his hand and rest them on his shoulders yet again, he returns his to my waist. And just proceeds to hold my gaze, much like earlier it was hard to do, but I'd definitely regret it later on if I looked away.

"I'm really going to miss you." A sad single vowed chuckle, leaves the depths of my throat, as I fail to suppress on coming tears. He's quick to wipe them away.

"Yeah I have a strong feeling that I'm really going to miss you too." He jokes, as he returns his hand to my hip.

"I'd expect nothing less." That earns the most cheerful sound I've heard all day. I'm really going to miss that, I think to myself. Until I sense a change in Mon-Els mood. Looking back up I'm met with an minuscule smile. "What?" I ask him, as I watch him release a sigh.

"Can you promise me something?" He ask me. There's a seriousness in his tone and that alone makes me await what he has to say. I nod letting him know he can continue. "Promise me you won't wait for me...that you'll find someone who loves you, in the way you deserve to be loved."


"—I want you to be happy Kara, even if I'm not the source of it." It's killing him to say this, that much I can tell, but he means it. Not being able to continue to hold his intense gaze, I rest my chin onto his shoulder, and close my eyes, and proceed to think to myself.

He doesn't think he'll ever have a chance of coming back. And as optimistic as I tend to be, I can barely hold on to a slither of hope.

"This is real, isn't it?" I ask, though I already know the answer. His hand comes up to the back on my head, resting there for a while until it moves back down, this time placing it on the small of my back.

"Promise me?" He repeats his voice wavering slightly as he speaks. There's a plea in his words. It's almost as if I don't promise him this, he'll blame himself for me not moving on, and in a way it would be. Because without a shadow of a doubt I know that the only person I'd ever want to be with is him.

But knowing that I have to sooth him in some way I nod. An almost breathless thank you comes from him after I do.

Opening my eyes, I lift my chin off his shoulder, but leave a kiss on his neck, before pulling away completely. I let my eyes wonder from several points across his face, just taking a moment to analyze all his features one last time, but they ultimately land on his eyes, which I note were also scanning over me. In his enlarged pupils I see myself and a look of love I could never dream of forgetting.

"Thank you."

He cocks an eyebrow at me.

"For?" He ask.

"For all the times you've made me laugh. For times you made my cheeks hurt from smiling too much. For putting up with me, and my constant rants about work. For letting me be an emotional mess around you, without the slightest hint of judgement. For all the times you consoled me with both words and hugs. For loving me in a way I never thought fathomable, and for of course letting me love you in return. His eyes glisten with fresh tears, at my heartfelt answer. "For making me feel a little bit  more human." I add, with a teary smile. He chuckles at that last one, before letting out a quiet sniffle.

"Well in that case thank you for all of that too." A shuddery breath comes from him as he takes a moment to avert his eyes up in order to stop more of his tears from falling. I'd normally tell him to let them fall but knowing that we only have limited time I hold my tongue, and let him proceed in this old habit of his.

After a few seconds our eyes reconnect. And we beam at each other with light but bright smiles.

"I love you." Just thinking on how a year ago that word was so hard to say, makes me proud of how far we've come. I think those three words broke him, because he has to duck his head up in my shoulder, for a brief moment before lifting his head back up.

"Rao I love you too. So much." This time it's my turn to release a weary chuckle, as I let tears roll down my cheeks once again. God I'm never going to get over him, am I?

"So I guess this is..."

Yep we're still avoiding that.

"Yeah." This time he can't fight his oncoming tears, so I wipe them away. Wrapping my arms around his neck once I'm done.

"You have my necklace, right?"

To keep you safe.

"Wouldn't dream of leaving this time without it."


"Well...I guess I'll be seeing you in the stars then Mon-El of Daxam." A profoundly large grin comes over him.

"I'll see you in the stars Kara Zor-El." He repeats, before enclosing his lips in between mine for the last time.

Our mouths move together in a sweet but salty dance, and while our worlds may seem to be falling apart, but we managed to build to calmness in the storm. There's no urgency in the way we're kissing, just love and well heartbreak if we're being completely honest. Just the way he's holding me is overbearing to me, but it's exactly what I need to stop me from falling under the contact of his warm lips. The familiar feeling of my stomach fluttering surfaces, as he tugs at my upper lip with such delicacy. I try not to think about how after today, I can't feel the sensation of kissing someone ever again, but instead on how the way he softly cradles my face with his hand, which he somehow managed to slip in between the opening of my arms—which were still entwined around his neck—without making things uncomfortable.

This was the perfect combination of something being too much, but not enough at the same time. Too much is the when he bites down on my lip every now and than, what's not enough is the feeling he leaves once he trails his tongue over the spot he's bitten at an attempt to sooth it, which ultimately takes away the tingling sensation he unknowingly left.

I'm gonna miss that. Those little things he does to me with out knowing, while they might drive me crazy, it's going to be an adjustment (once again) to get used to not be driven insane by them daily.

Pulling away from him ever so slowly—for air and all that— I slip my hands back into his, and just gaze at them for a moment before glancing back up at him threw blurred vision.

"Go be a hero."

Using the same words from what seems to be an ancient time. One were our worlds were still collapsing, but at a more rapid pace. Thinking back to earlier about when I couldn't understand how this 'tide' was calmer than the other, but I think I get it now.

It's because there's peace in the water. Peace knowing that he's going somewhere I somewhat know of. Peace knowing that he's alive, and that I didn't kill him. Peace knowing that he'll be safe. For how long I don't know, but I try not to think about that.

And with that peace comes calmness, a calmness that doesn't make me want to fight the tide, but yet flow with it and see where it takes me.

My remark sparks a smile on both his lips and eyes. I watch as he lets go of one of my hands to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear, he lets the tips of his fingers run along my ends, until they reconnect in my hand once again. He leaves a chaste kiss on my temple, and I let my eyes slip close at the contact. Pulling away after a few moments, he yet again holds my gaze. Saying all the things we don't have time to with our eyes.

Looking at him now I'm reminded of all the reasons I feel in love with him.

Watching him as he begins to slowly back up heading towards the stairs. The tips of our fingers are the last things to touch, since we both refused to let go until we had to.

Right before he steps onto the first step he turns back around.

"What?" A light chuckle emits from me, as I watch him watch me.

"I love you." My laughter dies down, as a genuine toothy smile grows on my face.

"I love you too....so much." I respond, and I swear I can see a blush beginning to grow in his cheeks, and I'm pretty sure I'm right because he ducks his head, in a state of light laughter before looking back up with nothing but an afflictive smile.

A sigh of something I can't name comes from him, before he throws me one last single nod before turning around again.

I watch as he makes his way down the steps, his heavy cape swinging behind him with every stride he takes.

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