I need to go back.

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Kara's pov

Today was anything short of busy, as Kara and Supergirl, i've been running around all day long. Which has been nice, because National city has been quite quiet for a while now, to the point where I was beginning to get concerned. And while superheroing I got to see Mon-El a couple of times outside of work so that's also been nice.

But the days finally come to an end, so that means I can finally go home, and spend some time with my friends and family because it is yet again another Super-friends game-night. James and I walked back to my place together, allowing us to catch up on anything besides work, and by anything besides work I mean his relationship with Lena. Which I have to admit took me by surprise, but they both seem happy, so I'm glad everything's working for them.

Unlocking the door to my loft, I'm surprised to see Alex sitting at the dining room table with nothing but a beer bottle on the table.

"Hey guys!" Her slightly tipsy voice greets us as we walk through the door.

"Hi!" I greet back matching her enthusiasm. Her smile seems genuine so I let my shoulders drop at the sight of her. "Please tell me you saved some for tonight." I begged. Alex freezes just as she was about to take another swing.

"Well I'm my defense, this is my favorite alcoholic beverage." I groan at her response.

"Anything with alcohol in it is your favorite beverage." James exclaims, laughing.

"Can't argue with that." Alex mumbled pressing her lips against the bottle again, and emptying it within a couple of seconds.

"So are we in the mood for monopoly or scattergories?" James ask making his way over the couch.

"Definitely scattergories." Mon-El answers coming through the window in his suit.  A bright smile on his face as he makes his way towards me with a...stuffed animal. "Hi." He greets, as he places a quick peck on my lips.

"Hi." I answer back, a grin of my own taking over my features as he pulls away.

"I was told to give this to you." Mon-El announced handing me a red teddy bear. "Monica's a really big fan of yours, she wanted me to give this to you, and to tell you that she named her bunny after you."

"Wow supergirl the bunny, huh?" I chuckle, as I gladly take the bear from him. "How sweet." I gush.

"Mhm." Mon-El hums. "Oh and one more thing." Mon-El adds before setting another pack of beer on the table. Alex's excited gasp quickly erupts from behind us. "She finished the first pack didn't she?" Mon-El questions, a knowing look in his eyes.

"Yep." I nod.

"I wasn't even gone for five minutes." Mon-El exclaims turning to Alex.

"Well here's something you should know next time you decide to leave me alone with an ungraded freezer it only takes me a minute and a half, to finish a pack." Alex remarks.

"I'm a Daxamite and even that concerns me." Mon-El admitted turning to James who only had a shrug to give.

"What can I say, no one can drink me under a table." Alex gloats.

"Wanna bet." Winn calls out walking into the loft and closing the door behind him. His eyes widened like saucers as his meet mine. He quickly reopens the door, walks himself out, knocks, than opens the door again letting himself in. I scuff at him, though a small grin is implanted on my face.

"Um whatever that was about was weird, but I'd easily beat you in a drinking contest any day." Alex remarks.

"Hm, I don't know being bounced from foster home to foster home kinda does things to ya. Oh and not to mention my dads kinda a psychopath." Winn exclaims, as he squeezes himself between Mon-El and I to grab two beers. Than proceeds to hand one to Alex and sits beside her.

"You know what also does things to you? Raising an alien sister. Working for a secret governmental alien organization. Leaving your fiancé because she doesn't want kids unlike you. And oh if we're gonna bring dad's into this conversation, I think mine might be dead so..." Alex pops open the bottle, with out even waiting for Winn to do the same, and proceeds to down it.

"...I work for a secret government organization too." Winn grumbles, opening his own bottle and drinking it much slower than Alex did.

A knock at the door manages to defuse the situation a little.

"Come in!" I shout. Which causes J'onn to walk in, with another pack of beer in his hand.

"Today just won't stop getting any better will it?" Alex asks a grin spreading across her face, earning an confused look from J'onn.

"What is she talking about?" J'onn asks me, and Mon-El.

"Nothing she'll remember tomorrow." Mon-El jokes, causing James's laugh to erupt from behind us. But unlike James I manage to stifle my laughter, not wanting Alex to shoot draggers my way with her eyes, before taking the beer from J'onn.

"Let's just say you should've never brought this, but it's gladly appreciated."  My words do nothing to soothe J'onn confusion, but he just mutters something unintelligible—probably in Martian—before making his way over to James.

"I really don't know how he puts up with us everyday." Mon-El laughs, as I hand him a bottle.

"Honestly...me neither." I agree. Joining in with Mon-Els light laughter. The sight of his bright smile, matched by his illuminated eyes, is more than enough to turn me into this sappy, love struck, puddle of goo.

He's just been so happy lately that I can't help, but smile whenever I look at him. Since that night after he dreamt about his mother, there's been a shift in him. A good one. He's just become...more at peace with the world. And more at peace with himself. His nightmares have declined steadily, to the point where he goes without  having them for a week or two. He's less reluctant to share how he feels. And when he doesn't want to talk he writes. Which really helps him dig deeper into his feelings. And all of thats been taking a load off of him and it shows.

Mon-El notes how I've been gazing at him for who knows how long, and mutters a "What?" Which is muffled by the sound of his vibrant laughter.

"Nothing." I replay unable to wipe the dopey grin off my face. "Go get changed, we're about to start soon." I order, earning a shake of the head from Mon-El, but like me he's still sporting a soft smile.

"You know if you wanted to tell me to hurry up so we can beat James and Winn at scattergories you could've just said that." Mon-El jokes, leaning forward, to place a chaste kiss on my temple, before walking away towards our bedroom , his heavy cape swaying behind him as he walks. As his figure disappears into the bathroom, I turn to Alex and Winn. Who where both wearing grins.

"What?" I ask laughing shyly.

Alex is the first one to speak up, her words slurring as she speaks. "Nothing, I'm just wondering when Mr. Wiseman is gonna propose to you."

"YOU KNOW?!" Winn, James and J'onn shout at the same time, starling Alex who spilled her drink on her t-shirt at the sudden outburst.

"Well yeah! And so does Kara so what's the big deal?!" Alex ask wiping at her shirt. Cursing under her breath at how she spilled half her drink.

"I'm sorry what?" James ask turning your me. "You know?!" He ask again.

"Yeah...and I'm guessing you do too." I answer than turn to J'onn. "And you?"

"Well yeah...he came to me nearly a year ago asking for my approval. He was gonna ask for Eliza's too, but he was already gone by than..." J'onn admits.

"Oh." Is the only thing I can mutter before Mon-El walks back out in a simple black sweater and sweats. He's quick to notice the awkward tension in the room.

"What?" Mon-El ask searching our eyes until they ultimately land on mine. Luckily Winn comes to my rescue.

"Nothing. I was just wondering how you made your beard look so great —I mean I've tried for years to grow the perfect bread but I can just never seem to do it." Alex throws him a really look. But it goes unnoticed by Mon-El since James managed to catch his attention with a laugh.

"You've had too much to drink my friend." James jokes. Mon-El still seems a little confused, but lets it go as he turns back to Winn.

"Thanks." He mutters, Winn throws him a shameless smile in return. "You ready?" Mon-El ask finding my gaze again as he extends his hand reaching for mine.

"Yeah." I answer taking it with ease. And letting him lead me into the living room, with Alex and Winn trailing behind us.


"Can we please switch teams! They're milking us!" Winn exclaims, to James. Who'd practically reached his peak with Winn at this point.

Gritting his teeth he mumbles, "We're only losing because you can't name any color besides the seven basic ones that are on the goddamn rainbow!"

"Well I'm sorry that hacking into computers doesn't require me to know what magenta is." Winn grumbled under his breath.

"You know what how about we just watch a movie instead?" I suggest in an attempt to diffuse the situation. My suggestion is meet by five murmurs of agreement.

"Why is it that any time anyone besides you is winning you throw a tantrum?" Alex as Winn as she begins picking up the cards. u

"I do not!" Winn reply's defensively.

"Yes you do." The rest of us mutter simultaneously. Winn opens his mouth to reply but quickly closes it back up when Alex throws him a look.

"I'll get the snacks." I declare getting up from my spot on the floor and making my way over to the kitchen.

"I'll help." J'onn's voice rings out from behind me.

Soon he's standing beside as I fill up a bowl of pretzels, as he grabs a bag of popcorn.

As I finish my task I sneak a glance a Mon-El who was chatting with Alex.

"Was he nervous?" I ask J'onn. I can't help myself as the words leave my mouth. But J'onn doesn't seem to mind, in fact he's smiling.

"Most definitely. He was shaking so much I thought he was running a fever." J'onn chuckles and I can't help but join in. "I read his mind and for a second I thought I was an empathetic alien." J'onn let out a single chuckle, before continuing. " And even though I read his mind for only a second I could tell he was petrified, and not just about asking me but of not being the man he thought you deserved...he couldn't see the progress he was making with himself. He was scared that you'd reject him, but I managed to calm him down a little." J'onn chuckled to himself once more. Before his eyes turned somewhat more serious. "He's come along way."

"Yeah." I nod, becoming a bit surprised when I feel tears balancing on my eye lids.

"And he's aware of that, but he still hasn't forgave himself for all of the mishaps he could've prevented." J'onn remarks.

"And I don't think he ever will." I affirm sighing softly.

"And that just showcases how good of a man he is. He acknowledges all the good he's done, but never lets himself forget about the bad...that shows honor, that show strength, but most importantly that shows a man that is more than worthy of spending the rest of his days with you." J'onn concludes, his words leaving a teary-eyed smile on my face. J'onn opens his arms to me inviting me in for a hug, and I don't hesitate to accept it. As my chin rest on his shoulder I let my eyes slip close as a more than content smile spreads across my face. Just knowing that Mon-El only has a handful of memories to get back leaves me feeling anxious, but stirring with excitement.

Opening my eyes after a while I lock gazes with Mon-Els worried grey orbs. He mouths the words are you okay and I can't help but let my smile grow larger at his concern. I mouth back the word perfect.
Which ultimately makes his shoulders relax and a smile of his own appear on his face. Alex notices our brief exchange and rolls her eyes dramatically as she gets Mon-Els attention by uttering the words.

"Hey Romeo could you stop staring at my sister for one second and continue listening to me tell you about the time I nearly died at the hands of one of my old high school crushes."

Drunk Alex is definitely my favorite Alex I think to myself as I pull away from J'onn.

"Um what's a crush?" I hear Mon-El ask her, which ultimately leads to Alex releasing an annoyed groan.

"We should get back there before Alex kills him." I joke as I grab the bowl of pretzels, and a bucket of red vines. J'onn chuckles at my words before grabbing the bag of popcorn, and following me back into the living room to join the rest of the gang.

"What do you guys even talk about in the 31st century?" Alex ask, as I squeeze myself in between her and Mon-El on the couch.

"Hey! I thought that was a two person couch!" Winn exclaims crossing his hands over his chest like a two year old boy who was just told to share one of his toy cars.

"Well I guess you proved us wrong when Lois and Clark came." I exclaim as I reach for a pillow from behind me and chuck it towards Winn. He miraculously manages to catch it and proceeds to mock me with a obnoxious laugh. Well that was until two more pillows came flying towards him hitting him square in the face. Curtesy of Mon-El and Alex. They give each other a quick high five before James starts the movie.

I shift against the cushions to rest my back against Mon-El. Once I'm settled completely Alex takes it as the chance to grab the popcorn from out of my lap and resettle herself so that her back was leaning against me that same way I am with Mon-El. Now we're all just laying in a row with two out of three of our backs resting against someone and the other resting against the arm of the couch.

"I'd appreciate if you guys kept your lips and hands yourselves." Alex tells me and Mon-El. And although she's not facing our direction I can tell she's grinning.

"No promises." Mon-El taunts jokingly. Already breaking one of Alex rules as he moves his hand to from his side and hold onto mine. I smile at the sweet gesture and proceed give his hand a tight squeeze.


Well Alex passed out, whether if was from the beer or pure exhaustion remains a mystery. J'onn volunteered to take her home, and James and Winn left shortly after. Leaving me and Mon-El, to clean up, but it wasn't much of a problem being for super speed and all that.

"So what do you want to do now?" Mon-El ask as he drops down next to me on the couch.

A content sigh emits from me before I answer. "I just wanna lay here with you." I answer simply earning an incredibly bright smile from him, he opens his arms to me in a matter of seconds, and I gladly slide into them. My head automatically finds the crook of his neck, and he wraps his hands around me, securing me in his arms.

We just stay like that for a while, basking in the silence we've created, enjoying the warmth the other radiates, not needing anything else. His fingers draw at the patch of skin exposed from under my t-shirt, a burning sensation remains wherever his smooth fingers glide.


"Hm?" Mon-El hums. His fingers stop their actions against my skin, as he focuses on what I'm about to say.

"Do you remember our first date?" I ask, my lips brush against his neck as I speak.

"No why?" He ask. The confusion in his voice prominent.

A smile against him before answering.

"It was a week after all the Jeremiah fiasco. You were really nervous, I could tell because you mentioned never having been on a date before. And I just thought it was cute seeing you all nervous being that you were the more...bold one out of the both us."

"Mhm...and that's a good thing right?" His mellow tone voice rang out, as he held on to me a little tighter.

"Oh definitely." I grin, before continuing, "On the way back from dinner you insisted on making one last stop, and I agreed. Letting you take me all the way to the—"

"—Outskirts of National City?" He questions.

"Mhm." I nod. "The stars are always the brightest there. I think that's why you loved it so much." He always did have an eye for bright things. Not necessarily things rich in gold or in silver but in light and color. That's one of the things I love about him. How he appreciates the beauty in things that other's don't particularly pay any mind to. "We just sat there for hours drawing out constellations, we learnt back in school, telling each other about our favorite things back home, and arguing about our favorite holidays and rituals that we shared...that night was the first time since the destruction of Krypton that I felt comfortable and normal talking about home." I state and I can practically feel the beam of Mon-Els grin as he speaks.

"I'm pretty easy to talk to aren't I?" Mon-El jokes, earning a light chuckle from me.

"It's not just that." I remark as my laughter calms, "You understood, and understand in a way that no one else can. I can tell you anything knowing that you'll get where I'm coming from. I can't have that with anyone else. That stability...that feeling of home, only you can give me that." I conclude.

When he doesn't respond for quite sometime I pull away from the crook of his neck and look up at him, only to find he's smiling down on me with tears barely clinging to his eyes.

"Aww Mon I didn't mean to make you cry." I chuckle softly, as I sit myself up to wipe at the tear that just slipped down his cheek. A single chuckle leaves his lips before he speaks.

"Is there a reason behind you telling me that? Because I'm the one who'd usually make such comments." Mon-El ask searching my eyes for an answer.

"Maybe you're just rubbing off on me." I joke. Another small chuckle radiants from him, he searches my eyes for one last second but ultimately gives up.

"I can't tell if you're acting strange because of something I did, or because you're just being you." Mon-El declares. Beaming at me with a small grin.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" I ask squinting at him.

"I'm just saying you're easy to read. You often portray your emotions on your face and your actions, and a person who's really paying attention would notice that. And I'm sensing something but I can't quite put my finger on it." Mon-El states.

"Well maybe your sensor is just broken." I quip. Mon-El gives a small shrug at my words.

"I doubt it." He mutters once I settle back into his arms.

"What is it with you always wanting to be right?" I ask, smiling against him.

"I don't know, I guess you're just rubbing off on me." Mon-El jokes a wide grin being showcased on his face. And I can't help but roll my eyes at him.

"Don't think for on second I won't kick your cute ass off this couch."

"I can't tell whether that was a threat or a compliment." Mon-El remarks chucking, but his laughter is short lived when I kick him off the couch, making him land on his perfectly shaped ass.

"Did that clear things up for you?" I ask him as I take up the space that was now available.

"Yeah." Mon-El groans as he stands up rubbing his sore bottom. "For someone who just loves to compliment my ass, you sure do love kicking it too." Mon-El laughs, as he takes his new seat on the coffee table.

"What can I say? You make it easy." I taunt grinning at him.

His soft eyes beam at me as he watches me for a moment. A smile that seems almost impenetrable plays among his features, and I can't help but let my grin turn into a toothy smile. Using my hands to propel myself up so that I am now sitting across from him.

Just sitting there we smile at each other idiotically for some time until he surprises me by leaning in to kiss me. Our smiles press against each other before he pulls away. Our faces only inches apart.

"I really do love you Mon-El of Daxam." I remark shaking my head letting myself get lost in his eyes. When did I get so lucky?

"Mm, I'm more than aware of that." Mon-El hums grinning at his joke.

"You're such an ass." I chuckle, as I push him away and proceed to stand up but he stops me by grabbing onto my hand. Which grasp my attention.

"I really do love you too." He beams. Bowing my head I blush at his sudden comment but I proceed to roll my eyes when I lift my head back up.

Given that our hands are still connected I pull him up, beginning to drag him with me.

"May I ask where you're taking me?" Mon-El ask from behind me.

"Bathroom." I answer simply.

"Well alright than." Mon-El replys. And I can practically feel his grin radiating off my back.


"I said that?!"

"You did."

"I don't believe you."

"Well it's true! You called my mother a babe." I exclaim a light smile on my face, as Mon-El shakes his head in disbelief.

"I'm gonna need some rock hard evidence to believe that." Mon-El states emitting a wide toothy grin from me.

"Oh so I'm a liar now?" I joke, as I rest my head on my hand, he mimics my position.

"Oh definitely. I'll admit I've said some pretty stupid things, but I just can't possibly imagine me saying that." Mon-El answers

"Well you did so..." I retort shrugging.

"Mm, I still don't believe you." Mon-El hums.

"Mm, well when you finally get all your memories back you will." I grin, spontaneously reaching for his necklace. I can feel him watching me as I twist it in between my thumb and index finger.

"You miss her don't you?" Mon-El ask his voice soft, yet clear. I sad smile grows upon my face at his question. A question I bet he already knows the answer to.

"Every second of every day." I answer, before tucking it back into his shirt. Looking back up at him my eyes immediately connect with his sincere gray ones.

"She would've loved the women you turned out to be." Mon-El remarks with a genuine minuscule smile on his face.

"Thanks." I answer, offering a small smile before tucking my lips together as I feel hot fresh prickle against my eyelids.

Mon-Els quick to try and wrap his and around but I stop him by resting a hand on his chest.

"I'm alright, I just miss her that's all." Mon-El nods understanding that while his comfort is appreciated, it'd probably make me shed more tears. "You know a couple weeks before you came back it was her Earth birthday." I tell him, as I wipe a stray tear off my face.

"Oh yeah?" Mon-El ask, to which I nod.

"Yep, January 1st." I remark, smiling softly. "And you came back the 19th" I add, he hums in response a light smile also adorning his features.

He runs his finger tips against my scalp before asking "What did you usually for her birthday? Feel free to not answer that." I chuckle at his words. Loving how thoughtful his words are.

"Every year me and my father would prepare her favorite meals, and by me and my father I mean my father would do the cooking while I taste tested everything."

"Mm, that makes sense." Mon-El hums jokingly, his fingers now toying with my ends. I smack his chest lightly before continuing.

"And than after dinner we'd sing happy birthday, which always made her blush." My heart warmed at the memory of me and my father standing between my mother singing happy birthday to our hearts content. My mother would always dramatically wince at my fathers voice whenever he'd belt a note. "Than came my favorite part of the day...she'd make a wish." Mon-El fingers have stopped toying with my ends, but his eyes are glued to mine like magnets, curiosity shown in them. But he doesn't ask, it's almost as if he's being careful not to step over a possible emotional boundary. So I let him know that he wouldn't be. "Do you wanna know what she wished for?"

He responds hesitantly.

"Only if you're comfortable telling me."

"She wished for everything to stay the same." I remark, something between an emotionless grin and a sad smile invading my features. Mon-Els quick to notice.

"I'm so sorry Kara." At his words a more genuine smile comes over me.

"Don't be. If things actually did stay the same I wouldn't have ever met you, now would I?" I remind him, a warm smile resting on his lips at my words.

"I know that but losing your parents...losing your world. That's both gut-wrenching, and—and agonizing."

He's speaking from experience. The look in his eyes says it all, and he's right. Losing the place you used to call home does leave an ache in your heart. And we know that better than anyone.

"Yeah I know. But so was losing you." I note. Mon-El releases a light sigh, he's forming a response in his head, it shows in those clouded grey eyes of his. But before he can say anything I slide myself into his arms.

The agreement that I'd be the one holding him didn't last so long. I'd always give into his pleading eyes, and at some point I just gave up, allowing things to go back to the way they were. I honestly I could care less because at least he's happy.

Just as I close my eyes Mon-Els voice breaks the quiet atmosphere.

"You never lost me...never."

His words are sweet, and sincere. And everything I needed to hear. I wrap my arms around him tighter, and nuzzle my head deeper into his neck, the scent of him invades my nostrils as I do.

"I love you."

His chest rumbles as he emits a light chuckle.

"I love you more." I can't help but groan at his words.

Too tired to argue differently I simply utter a word that should tell him more than enough about I feel about his answer.



Waking up I take note that the comfort that Mon-El usually provides in the morning isn't there. At first I consider the fact that he's probably in the kitchen or maybe even the bathroom, but than I notice the dip in the mattress.

Turning my head to the side where he resides, my blurred eyes can make out the form of his hunched back. He's shaking slightly, the way he does when he's holding back a sob.

Pushing myself up, I move into a sitting position. I can do see that he's holding something but I can't quite make out what.

Not wanting to startle him I decide it's best if I get his attention with my voice rather than my touch.

"Mon-El?" He inhales sharply at the sound of my voice, and his body stiffens immediately. He's quick to tuck the object he was holding into the pocket of his sweat pants, not wanting to see what he had, but it's too late I saw it.

"Hey." His voice is dry, and barely audible. His back is still turned to me, and I have to snap myself out of my thoughts to move closer to him. Until I'm sitting beside him with my hip pressed against his. Making him even more aware of my presence since he seems to be lost in his mind, stumbling and tripping over his thoughts.

"Hi." I manage to keep my voice relatively calm, although my heart is racing at a dangerous pace. "Bad dream?" I ask wondering what woke him, but he just simply shakes his head no. Putting me in a temporary state of ease. They're tears clinging to his eyes, and some have already dried out against his cheeks. He's muttering something that I can't make out even with my super hearing, and that manages to concern me even more now. "Hey...what is it?" Reaching for his face I direct the tips of my fingers to his chin, turning his head towards me using only the slightest of pressure. He's facing me now but his eyes remain low, not daring to look into mine.

He remains silent for a long to so it surprises me nonetheless when he speaks up.

"I remember...I remember everything."

An unbelievably large grin implants itself on my lips, but it disappears just as quickly as I grew when a sniffle emits from him.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"...No." He answers simply.


"No." He answers again this time with a shake of the head.

"...Why not?" I ask. And that only earns a sickening shaky breath from him.

"I'm so sorry." He sobs. Closing his eyes as more tears pour down his cheeks.

I to pull him towards me, allowing him to cry into my shoulder while I rub his back in up and down movements. Trying to loosen the tension in his muscles, but it does little to nothing to help.

"What do you possibly have to be sorry for?" I ask him. Running the tips of my fingers along his scalp. After a long moment he mumbles something but it's muffle out since his mouth is still pressed against my shoulders.

Slowly moving my hands I grab at his upper arms, pushing him so that I can see him. Moving my hands again I place them on his cheeks to wipe his tears. His eyes are still withdrawn as I do.

"You want to say that again?" I suggest. He bites down on his lip, and closes his eyes, he sheds another tear before saying something that strucks my heart so unbelievably hard.

"...I need to go back."

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